Monday, January 23, 2012

Was your Gramma important 2 u? Mine was such an influence on my life, she was the most wonderful Lady that I've ever known. How is it that some people can ignore their grandparents when they are so special in every way?

I loved all of my grandparents.... but unfortunately were NOT SUPER CLOSE to any of them, I grew up in different states etc.... and they all passed while I was young.

HOWEVER YES I agree you should love and respect your elders.... and it would be UNWISE to not tap into that resource but thats where the saying comes from .... You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make them drink.

and like most things we dont realize we had a missed opportunity until its missed :(

PLEASE shorten your question 2the space allowed but Ask Anything from Mild 2 Wild (Table Talk or Deep Probing Questions)

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