Saturday, January 28, 2012

Dear Misty. I had just started dating this guy who just recently came out of the closet. Then out of nowere he tells me he is confused and wants to take a break. I really like him but im considering to just move on. What should I do?

In every life there is a CYLCE a learning and progression... People that drink wine the start off liking it sweeter as they develop a more refined Palette they start to prefer a Dryer wine. When you first come out of the closet the world goes from being a scary place to be an overwhelming place with lots of new and exciting things... much like a kid in a candy store... how can you choose which of the chocolates is your favorite without trying more than one?


PLEASE shorten your question 2the space allowed but Ask Anything from Mild 2 Wild (Table Talk or Deep Probing Questions)

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