Wednesday, January 25, 2012

hello what age would be appropriete for a lesbian girl to start dating?and also if a teenager is around the wrong crowd in a certain school to the point of affecting there grades ect would it b wize for the parent to change their school to1closer2 home?

OH GOSH... I wouldnt know... I started experimenting and playing with other boys in my neighborhood at nine years old.... but I grew up closeted... and didnt actually date until after college... SOOO?? I dont know what age does a normal girl start going on dates?

as for the wrong crowd.... and moving.... GOSH... I remember wishing I was home schooled... and I also remember WISHING I could switch schools.. but I was just made fun off... I was a PK and grew up in the church so I never really got in the bad crowd... BUT yeah... moving might be an option...

BUT you cannot force your child to change.... if they really want the bad crown a new school isnt going to fix that. they can still find the bad crowd there.

PLEASE shorten your question 2the space allowed but Ask Anything from Mild 2 Wild (Table Talk or Deep Probing Questions)

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