Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I have friend that only talk to me when I'm in drag. When i'm not they act like they don't even know me it really bothers me i rather not be there friend at all. Is it bad to think that way?

OMG --- LOL --- I definitely understand your pain LOL
and YES .... THIS HAPPENS MORE THAN YOU WILL KNOW.... and YES YOU ARE RIGHT... THEY are indeed NOT your friend...... MERELY a Bar acquaintance of convenience...(a selfish friend at best) and you should treat them as such.... someone you just say HI to when your in the club in drag.... BUT I wouldn't waste too much time doing so.... because there must be a reason they only talk to you in drag.... "Sometimes its cool to be friends with the DRAG QUEEN AT THE CLUB -- OK ITS ALWAYS COOL-- but when your an average JOE.... you are not a social asset to him and therefore he doesn't need everyone around to see that he is "on the IN CROWD"

PLEASE shorten your question 2the space allowed but Ask Anything from Mild 2 Wild (Table Talk or Deep Probing Questions)

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