Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Hi Misty, I'm supposed to be organising a Disney themed show, however the bar doesn't want us using any actual Disney songs. I've only got 2 ideas (not enough room here), & the bar wants us doing 6 acts. Do you have any ideas for song choices/characters?

WELL.... THINK Of the PLOTS or Ideas....Im sure they dont mind you REPLICATING the look or costumes as much as posible... they probably just want you to avoid the DISNEY SONGS..... like you can dress as a PRINCESS... and then do a song like UMM... RESCUE ME... or Save me.... or I want to be Loved by you... many of these could be Beauty and the Beast or Sleeping Beauty etc... OR do a Mermaid costume... and do a song like I NEED A HERO to protect you from Usula LOL or a song about how your world is CRAZY or insane.... or weird....

and DO THE WICKED WITCH... and do IM BEAUTIFUL DAMNIT... (mirror Mirror on the wall esque) or Ursula and do "I put a SPELL ON YOU>.. and now your mine)

ME... im a sick BITCH so I would do SNOW WHITE and do ... "DONT WANT NO SHORT DICK MAN" ( about the 7 dwarfs)

PLEASE shorten your question 2the space allowed but Ask Anything from Mild 2 Wild (Table Talk or Deep Probing Questions)

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