Saturday, December 11, 2010

Spare the rod spoil the child? My parents spanked me once and to this day they feel guilty. But I can remember laughing the whole time. I'm not scarred at all. What is your take on physical discipline?

WOW... I never thought I would be asked this question... but YEAH... My Parents Spanked all 7 of us.. and I AGREE... SPARE THE ROD... SPOIL The child.... KIDS NEED TO KNOW THEY ACT UP.. THEY WILL BE PUNISHED..... When my cousin's would do something wrong.. their mom, one of my mom's sisters (my Aunt obviously) would refuse to punish or spank her kids instead she would GO... "OK DONT MAKE ME COUNT TO THREEE..... ONE... TWO.... DONT MAKE ME DO IT.... ONE... TWO ... I SAID DONT MAKE ME DO IT ..." and Her kids and WE would all laugh... because A- SHE had already counted to 3 several times.... and B- she wouldnt do anything.. and THEREFORE her kids would end up doing ANYTHING THEY WANTED.... with LIMITED to NO REPERCUSSIONS.... and TO THIS DAY... my moms kids... are WELL BEHAVED.. (SOME ARE GAY) but welll manored and trained right..... BUT HER KIDS are in and out of jail???

PLEASE shorten your question 2the space allowed but Ask Anything from Mild 2 Wild (Table Talk or Deep Probing Questions)

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