Wednesday, December 8, 2010

seems like you would date anyone. requirements soul/personality and male? am i rite?

YOUR a QUICK STUDY.... LOL I need an amazing guy who LOVES ME UNCONDITIONALLY.... and Is supportive of my drag career, and yeah I guess I have been a bit Jaded... and Protective of my heart from past PAIN etc... but I STILL Believe in TRUE LOVE..... do you know the song GRENADE?

IT touches me SO... and when I first saw the video... about a man taking his piano across town to serenade his girlfriend.... and then he catches her cheating on him and then transitions into the chorus.... "your a Liar... but I'd Still Catch a Grenade for you"

UGH..... I want someone to LOVE ME that PASSIONATELY... and INTENSLY...


PLEASE shorten your question 2the space allowed but Ask Anything from Mild 2 Wild (Table Talk or Deep Probing Questions)

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