Saturday, December 4, 2010

How does someone become a drag mother...I am hearing different theories..

I have been asked a few different questions on Drag Mothers:
Dear Misty: How does someone become a drag mother...I am hearing different theories..

Dear Misty: would yu be my drag mother? :] asked by Juniexoxo

Dear Misty: 911 hey misty ammm just saw ur youtube vid and i do consider u my drag mother so would you be okay if add the vapor eyez to my drag clubkid name ?? im Disturbia so it will end in Disturbia Vapore Eyez, it will be a true honor !!!! asked by dragdisturbia

Here are a couple of my thoughts on Drag Mothers..... Please Enjoy :)

XOXOX Misty Eyez


PLEASE shorten your question 2the space allowed but Ask Anything from Mild 2 Wild (Table Talk or Deep Probing Questions)

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