Thursday, December 30, 2010

HAPPY NEW YEARS EVE from Misty Eyez, DJ PornStar and MainStage of Houston Texas.

Happy NEW YEARS 2011 -Come Celebrate with DJ PORNSTAR and I at MAINSTAGE in Houston Texas

2011 is the year of Change, new Beginnings, and the GAY... Stay tuned for a BRIGHT FUTURE



PLEASE shorten your question 2the space allowed but Ask Anything from Mild 2 Wild (Table Talk or Deep Probing Questions)

Will we see a video of you as Just A Male?, Im kinda curious how you look, hehehe! Luv Ya xoxoxo!

NOT IF I CAN HELP IT.. the closest thing you will get is my CHRISTMAS PRESENT where you see from start to finish :) Misty Eyez is the PUBLIC persona.... the man behind the Eyez is a BIT more shy and PRIVATE :)

PLEASE shorten your question 2the space allowed but Ask Anything from Mild 2 Wild (Table Talk or Deep Probing Questions)

Dear Misty, Im curious as to where you film most of your videos and WHY are there dollar bills lined up and posted on your wall??? Just curious!! :)

LOL.... I film in my DRAG Bathroom....The Lighting is GOOD LOL.... and Im sentimental... That strip of DOLLARS taped together is the FIRST one I ever received like that.... He handed me a Dollar... and I pulled it and it was 20 of them taped together.... I'll use it one day.. but for now it reminds me of Beautiful people :) I also have a Dollar that is FOLDED up like a oragami Sweater etc.. Im weird :)

PLEASE shorten your question 2the space allowed but Ask Anything from Mild 2 Wild (Table Talk or Deep Probing Questions)

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

I am in a dilemma-I met this guy on Manhunt, really cute & nice, says he's Bi. Come to find out that he's engaged to be married! The girl who he's engaged 2 I went 2high school with!! Do I say something 2her, or keep my mouth shut & mind my own business?

TOUGH QUESTION... but if they are just engaged I THINK SHE MUST KNOW... so she can adjust her life before she gets tied down


PLEASE shorten your question 2the space allowed but Ask Anything from Mild 2 Wild (Table Talk or Deep Probing Questions)

I recently started dating a guy and the only problem is he lives two hours away. It cost me alot in gas money to go visit him. I really Wanna see him more but i cant afford it .He doesn't have a car. What should i do about this situation?

UGH.. that is a LIFE LESSON MOST everyone has LIVED through and learned from.. and it becomes a Standard to protect us... ONLY DATE GUYS WITH CARS LOL.....

IF YOU REALLY LOVE HIM.. you deal with it... but once you break up ... he becomes the last BF you date without a car

PLEASE shorten your question 2the space allowed but Ask Anything from Mild 2 Wild (Table Talk or Deep Probing Questions)

im a strait girl but im attracted to drag queens, is this normal?

lol YES I think so? We are GORGEOUS MEN :)

PLEASE shorten your question 2the space allowed but Ask Anything from Mild 2 Wild (Table Talk or Deep Probing Questions)

Misty I need a drag sister! I am in Dallas,TX and the girls here give no time of day to raise a new girl. Will you be my out of state sister? I'm serious. Love you lots!Jamie Nickel$ !


PLEASE shorten your question 2the space allowed but Ask Anything from Mild 2 Wild (Table Talk or Deep Probing Questions)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Might be a DUMB QUESTION.... But my BF and I are both bottoms. Its Causing a Strain on our relationship because we are constantly arguing about who does what. Do you have any advice? Should we break up or is there hope for us.

LOL while editing this video I noticed that I danced around this question... I didnt realize I was uncomfortable... until just now LOL

Check it out :)


PLEASE shorten your question 2the space allowed but Ask Anything from Mild 2 Wild (Table Talk or Deep Probing Questions)

Why do you spell Tranny Palace as T-R-A-N-N-I-E? I notice you have many I-E's instead of Y's Mistie eyez

LOL I dont spell Misty with an IE LOL... but I DID change EYES to EYEZ... I know you wouldnt be able to tell from my suttle REAL GIRL MAKEUP.. but sometimes I like to STICK OUT and BE DIFFERENT :) XOXO

PLEASE shorten your question 2the space allowed but Ask Anything from Mild 2 Wild (Table Talk or Deep Probing Questions)

Is your brother REALLY Sister Penny?? that is so cool!

LOL... Yeah... He's a good guy... and as a charity nun he is obviously very giving :) and yes it is COOL he is the president and Mother superior... FOUNDING Sister of the Fort Lauderdale Chapter "South Florida Sisters of the Rising Sun" a missionary Order to the Sisters of perpetual Indulgence. :)

PLEASE shorten your question 2the space allowed but Ask Anything from Mild 2 Wild (Table Talk or Deep Probing Questions)

Monday, December 27, 2010

Dear Misty, I get made fun of every day by Christians. You know the People that say they are Christ-like. what are your thoughts on Christians and religion? What do you believe in?

This is kinda similar to the other video on what my thoughts are about Christianity... but its a bit different :) Check it out :)


PLEASE shorten your question 2the space allowed but Ask Anything from Mild 2 Wild (Table Talk or Deep Probing Questions)

Dear Misty, Do Lesbians all REALLY like Dolphins and Home Depot and do all Gays all like craft stores and interior design? If so, WHY? ( Not a joke, I'm REALLY asking)

DO all black guys play basketball? Are all Asians really good at Math?


but what you see is the OBVIOUS lesbians doing the home depot.. and you see the OBVIOUS gays going for michael's to spruce up the place....... But what you dont see is the NORMAL not so PUBLIC or OBIOUS people who have other intersts just as the black and asians....

STERIOTYPES do exist for a reason....

BUT if you wanna know why they like those things... its because Lesbians tend to Develop and nurture the Masculine side that likes Power tools and the out gay boys (like myself for example) when all the other boys were out in the field bailing hay... and chopping wood I was inside helping mom do dishes and straighten up the house... and therefore we develop those skills ont he importance of a flower arrangement or things from the craft store

PLEASE shorten your question 2the space allowed but Ask Anything from Mild 2 Wild (Table Talk or Deep Probing Questions)

Dear Misty, Does DRAG Makeup work on real girls? If not, why not?

have you ever seen a magazine cover... or a pop star in concert? or even a runway model working the runway? or have you ever gotten a Glamour shot? THEN YEAH you have seen real girls in drag makeup... and MOST all the makeup artists for these events are just that... Drag queens.

the same rules apply.. just a lot more blended and not so severe for stage

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Saturday, December 25, 2010


This is My GIFT to all of you :) and a THANK YOU AND I LOVE YOU GIFT.....

I have been asked by MANY MANY PEOPLE ... if I can show my makeup from start to FINISH and it would just bee tooo long... and then I was asked by someone to Show it start to finish... and he suggested I fast forward it... SO... HERE YOU GO... there are NO explanations... for that will be done in the minutes / tutorials... :) BUT here you go (BTW I wish I could really do my makeup in 6 min :) LOL
(BTW THE YOU TUBE of this VIDEO will be made PRIVATE only those with the LINK will be able to view it :) SO if you want to come back to it... Save it :) (BUT IT wont be private on my facebook fan page

BUT here you go... my ALL OF MY MAKEUP - NO HOLDS BARRED no Secret steps blurred.... YOU GET EVERYTHING start to FINISH :) GOOD BAD or UGLY :) XOXOXO ENJOY and Merry Christmas LOVE MISTY EYEZ


PLEASE shorten your question 2the space allowed but Ask Anything from Mild 2 Wild (Table Talk or Deep Probing Questions)

Dear Misty, I am a real girl and I was wondering why you call us Fishes? As in "Fishy" look, etc.

This actually goes back a MILLION YEARS since before my time.... GAYS have been saying it FOR YEARS .. and if I am going to analyze it... I will tell you a joke I heard in Elementary school......
What does a Blind man Say when he walks past a Fish Market...
"Good Morning Ladies"
I remember it because it was said on TV or something and I was at my grandma's who ran a boarding house.. and EVERYONE OF the boarders LAUGHED and I didn't get it... and when I asked my grandma what it meant she wouldn't tell me..... SO I remembered and asked another adult who told me that Ladies smell like Fish... and I still didn't get it LOL.... and he wouldnt explain it to me...

and AFTER asking ALL The adults finally one of them told me... OK... come close so I can whisper... I was like OK.. and he said ... GIRLS PRIVATE PARTS smell like Fish.... and I was like THEY DO?????? He goes yeah.. and I love FISH... I was like whatever and i was PISSED I had wasted so much time to find out the pun to this DIRTY JOKE.... and I didn't understand it....

BUT the Gay Community uses it a LOT to describe women... and queens that LOOK REAL.. "Fishy"

I hope that answers it for you :) XOXO

PLEASE shorten your question 2the space allowed but Ask Anything from Mild 2 Wild (Table Talk or Deep Probing Questions)

My first show is next month, I am so nervous!!! Any stage fright tips or ticks?

THE more confident you are in your number... the more confident you will be performing it... MEANING LEARN and KNOW your words.... If your not comfortable in your lip syncing ability you wont be comfortable performing ... and if you have any choreography... MAKE sure you iknow it backwards and forwards etc....

when you KNOW YOUR NUMBER INSIDE AND OUT.. you will be fine :)

PLEASE shorten your question 2the space allowed but Ask Anything from Mild 2 Wild (Table Talk or Deep Probing Questions)

How did you choose your drag name as MISTY there a story behind it? I'm also curious what your boy name is...if you don't mind sharing =)

I knew I wanted EYEZ for a last name for I had gotten MANY complements on my blue eyez... and I wanted a REAL girl name for a first name.... and one day I was singing Sandi Patti's Love in in any Language with the Choir and there is a Line that says.... When Fathers give their daughter's hand in marriage they all get Misty Eyed.. and I was LIKE WHAT..... and it RESOUNDED IN MY BEING :)

My real name is the name of a State and a Truck

PLEASE shorten your question 2the space allowed but Ask Anything from Mild 2 Wild (Table Talk or Deep Probing Questions)

Friday, December 24, 2010

My question would be are the rewards of Drag worth all the extremly hard work it takes? personally i would struggle just doing the performer part let alone all the extra stuff a drag performer has to do.

I dont know who is going to see this... I have never answered someone else's Question before... LOL BUT I Would FIRST LOVE TO SAY... KENNY's Answer was GREAT ... YES If you are a Patient.... its true....

BUT SECOND I would like to say GREAT QUESTION.... WOW...

YEAH IT TAKES A LOT.... Physically and emotionally and spiritually.... and then of course Financially as you try to build up your closet, costumes and wigs etc.... BUT I AGREE

if you are patient... and after a few years of dedication... you will reap the benefits :) and the rewards :)

PLEASE shorten your question 2the space allowed but Ask Anything from Mild 2 Wild (Table Talk or Deep Probing Questions)

Every time I meet a beautiful, and passable "TGirl" shes a prostitute. Ive never met a gull time girl that wasnt. Are all of you prostitutes? and WHY?

Dear Misty, Every time I meet a beautiful, and passable "TGirl" shes a prostitute. Ive never met a gull time girl that wasnt. Are all of you prostitutes? and WHY?

This is a common question I have heard from several people.... ITS FUNNY... because so many Str8 guys think they entitled to have sex with a beautiful goddess at no cost... WHY? We are not dating you.... we owe you nothing.. and we are definitely not attracted to every man that desires us....

Nothing in life is Free.... Including the Goddess you desire. BUT I do have lots to say on the subject so watch my VLOG :) XOXOXO


PLEASE shorten your question 2the space allowed but Ask Anything from Mild 2 Wild (Table Talk or Deep Probing Questions)

If you could be a cartoon who would you be? And y?

I have often said that I was Clark Kent by day... and Wonder Woman at night... BUT I think My official answer would be Ariel the Little Mermaid... I have always Wished ever since I was a little girl that I was a mermaid :) and my favorite animal is a dolphin.... XOXOXO love the question thanks :) KEEP EM COMING :)

PLEASE shorten your question 2the space allowed but Ask Anything from Mild 2 Wild (Table Talk or Deep Probing Questions)

I usually HATE Drag Queens I think they are "Shady', but you have this way about you, such class, such dignity, and warmth that you can see in your videos. Kudos. ( Im a Real girl Here, big fan of yours) =Synthia from Houston, Texas

awww thank you darling.... IM actually goign to be in HOUSTON on NYE EVE... at MAIN STAGE... come by and say hello :) OXOXOX BIG KISS :) and thanks :)

PLEASE shorten your question 2the space allowed but Ask Anything from Mild 2 Wild (Table Talk or Deep Probing Questions)

My little cousins have saw me in drag, and they love playing with my hair and all that fun stuff. My older cousin is 13 and wanted me to do his makeup and dress him up. My aunt said to do whatever he wants. Should i? I dnt think my aunt really want s me 2

UMMMM? I say if the 13 year old boy is BEGGING to be dressed up do it..... BUT I wouldnt push the envelope, meaning its not something I would push on anyone. ESP if your auntie doesnt want you to. SO dont make it your decision, make it the boys - its natural to be curious... even real girls wonder what its like to be be all dolled up. ITS Like a game and can be fun.

PLEASE shorten your question 2the space allowed but Ask Anything from Mild 2 Wild (Table Talk or Deep Probing Questions)

Thursday, December 23, 2010

It can be frustrating when I really bust my ass, do my best and get no reaction from the public. I was performing and people stared.and its a small bar and all eyez were on me. After my performance ended, not one person clapped at all. Not even a boo.

THIS IS TOUGH....I often say that it takes BIG BALLS to get on the stage and then you have to hide them LOL but yeah... its HARD WORK and its EVEN MORE DIFFICULT if you feel it goes un appreciated....

I put in this VLOG every possible reason why I could thing of that EVERYONE in the room was like UMMMMM? NOTHING.... Im surprised they didnt even give you a polite barely clap or cheer.... HMM? anyhow here's my VLOG :) XOXO


PLEASE shorten your question 2the space allowed but Ask Anything from Mild 2 Wild (Table Talk or Deep Probing Questions)

Misty I was wondering if you had any pictures or videos from when you first started drag, as you experimented to learn the techniques you use today on your face. It would be interesting to see where Misty Eyez came from.

LOL - NO! thank you but NO LOL

actually back then they didnt have digital cameras... so I wouldnt even know where to look for some....
OH WAIT ... let me see something....

OMG YES ... LOL OK this is embarrassing and Im SHOCKED its still out there...


THESE are pics of when I first started and I had them scanned and uploaded LOL

I just looked at my profile and its sad :( I had LOTS OF FRIENDS but I guess people have deleted thier accounts cause they obviously don't delete them for you....

PLEASE shorten your question 2the space allowed but Ask Anything from Mild 2 Wild (Table Talk or Deep Probing Questions)

I just wanted to thank you...Most drag queens are stuck up and never talk to people in the bars, YOU are different! and It's the reason I like you so much! You aren't stuck up! LOVE YOU

AWW thank you :) and yeah I dont understand why people are stuck up... ACTING Like your better than everyone doesnt actually make you better LOL

XOXOX thanks again

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quit making questions up and answer the real questions people ask

LOL your FUNNY... I have NEVER made up a question... why would I- I have SO Many questions here who would need to or want to make up some to answer...

HOWEVER Thank you for your concern... :)
and what is funny is you just took up somone's real question with this needless one :) cause as you may have noticed... I usually TEXT answer a couple and then do ONE VLOG one a day....that way its not boring for anyone...

BTW Im going to TRY To keep doing this even while traveling for the holidays (I guess it matters if I get wifi etc)

(OH --- I will admit to making up the Misty Minutes... Some are based on questions.. but most are HMMM What can I teach or show... etc but the actual questions are not made up...

PLEASE shorten your question 2the space allowed but Ask Anything from Mild 2 Wild (Table Talk or Deep Probing Questions)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


I was asked a VLOG Question by my friend / (many of you have heard me talk about my Psychic Massage therapist) Michael Thompson aka Somatoil4u. (He actually asked two and this is the answer to the first one) I already Posted the second answer (it was easier to edit) We have been friends for 8 years and he moved away a few years ago :(
This is the First Question he asked. How do I as a stage person feel that an Audience can Shine or Sparkle.
and the second question was do you think that VLOGS actually help? I'll post a link to his video inside mine :) and to my first video and the second question as well


PLEASE shorten your question 2the space allowed but Ask Anything from Mild 2 Wild (Table Talk or Deep Probing Questions)

I caught my step dad jerking off to pics of me in drag, i'm so weired out by it! I'm not sure he knows its me tho should i tell him?


IF you dont think he knows its you... then YES I would tell him.. .BUT NOT in an obvious way... Id be like OH MOM/ DAD... did you see I toook some new pics in Drag... What do you think of my hair in this pic... etc... SO that way you can see his face... and see his reaction like OMG... or WHAT?

I dont see the need to let him know you caught him.

PLEASE shorten your question 2the space allowed but Ask Anything from Mild 2 Wild (Table Talk or Deep Probing Questions)

This is a dumb question....what kind of Camera do you use to film your VLOG posts? I want a Flip cam and wonder if what you are using is a flip cam?

I actually just use my camera.... its a FUJI and does video or Pictures :)

PLEASE shorten your question 2the space allowed but Ask Anything from Mild 2 Wild (Table Talk or Deep Probing Questions)

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Holiday Tag

I stumbled across a friends Holiday Tag Video and I thought it would be a great way to Let you know whats going on in my neck of the woods especially concerning things with the HOLIDAY :)
I start the video with my Travels... WED I'll be in FTL for Bitchy Bingo as Usual... and then Thursday Night Im in Tampa, Fri night XMAS EVE I'll be in JacksonVille, and Christmas Night I'll be back in Tampa, and then Home Sunday for my regular Sunday Night at the Trannie Palace ;) but you must watch to see who and where etc :)

and then it goes into the HOLIDAY TAG :)

1) Which holiday do you celebrate?
2) What are you doing for the holidays this year?
3) What's your favorite holiday drink?
4) Candy cane or Gingerbread men?
5) What's your favorite holiday/Christmas song?
6) What's the weirdest gift you've ever received?
7) Have you ever made a snowman?
8) What is your favorite winter fragrance?
9) What is at the top of your list this Christmas? (or whichever holiday you celebrate!)
10) What is most important to you about the holidays?

Thanks for watching! xoxox Misty


PLEASE shorten your question 2the space allowed but Ask Anything from Mild 2 Wild (Table Talk or Deep Probing Questions)

If you could go out in drag with out 1 thing what would it be and y?

Ladies and Gentlemen, and distinquished pannel of judges... I am misty Eyez and I am your contestant #26.... I would have to say the OBVIOUS answer to this question is... ID love to go out in Drag for at LEAST ONE NIGHT without Pain or Discomfort....
Everyone knows Beauty is pain, but there is NOTHING about our illusion that is comfortable. from the shoes to the ducktape to the heavy wigs (well mine are usually heavy) but yeah... Id love to go out without pain :)

PLEASE shorten your question 2the space allowed but Ask Anything from Mild 2 Wild (Table Talk or Deep Probing Questions)

When doing a pageant I know that your gown should reach the floor but does that mean that your feet are not supposed to show at all, as in I will be knocked down if I have a gown with a slit in the front center that my legs and feet are exposed as I walk.

THIS Is a FUNNNNNNNY question for me... MY FIRST pageant EVER.... I just went to Dillards and bought an evening gown. LOL

IM A TALL MAN 6'1 flat footed. They dont make REAL girl dresses for my height... not to mention I think most real girls dont want their dresses DRAGGING on the ground..... SO my dress showed my ankles... and with the STAGE being so HIGH... and the judges looking up at me it looked as though my dress showed my mid calf LOL... IT WAS A MESS but I didnt know the rules back then.....
BUT.... Every Pageantry System is Different ... so if you want to really go for a specific system you should read up on that one's rules... HOWEVER as a GENERAL RULE... EVERY SYSTEM they are judging your gown on if it FITS YOU.... as in LIKE A GLOVE... was this dress made for you.... are you wearing the dress or is the dress wearing you..... If it FITS YOU.... its not going to PUCKER and PULL.... and the dress will reach the floor.... Generally KEEP the dress either touching the floor or one inch off it. If it reached the mid foot you should be ok.... but you should not show your ankle.. (and these are for a full skirt standing still) If you have a slit etc.... then OF COURSE they are going to see your shoes. BUT your Shoes are NOT to be the STAR of the show and niether should your jewelry... they shouldnt take away from the dress.... BUT THEY should compliment and enhance... EVEN if your gown touches the floor... Make sure your shoes match... IVE heard of judges asking to see the shoes... and if there are steps etc... you you lift your dress and expose un matched shoes... :( ICK....

SO BE SAFE.... and always match your shoes.

PLEASE shorten your question 2the space allowed but Ask Anything from Mild 2 Wild (Table Talk or Deep Probing Questions)

I want to ask a personal question....Do you only do drag? Or do you work a full or part time job as a boy? Do you make a good living as a drag queen?

In 2005 Drag Became my FULL TIME JOB....
and back then I did Drag 7 nights a week....
CURRENTLY I work for SURE EVERY WED and EVERY SUNDAY nights... and then I do random gigs / parties etc....

YES Drag can be a GREAT LIVING... but it depends on WHERE you work etc... the pay for drag has went down a great deal... and then you have to factor in the cost of drag... Makeup etc... and the upkeep of costumes / hair / nails etc... razors LOL

SO YES... to answer your personal question I DO have a Part time BOY JOB.... and its an AMAZING JOB... They Realize that Drag is my CAREER (in fact everyone there calls me Misty even as a boy) and Some weeks I might work 8 hours and some weeks I might work 25.... just depends on whats goin on etc... :)

PLEASE shorten your question 2the space allowed but Ask Anything from Mild 2 Wild (Table Talk or Deep Probing Questions)

Monday, December 20, 2010

You have talked before about your past with the church and how hard that was. Do you still believe in God? How did you reconcile your faith with the way religion has treated you?

MY Relationship with GOD and religion and the CHURCH has been a ROCKY up and down Roller Coaster.... Check out my VLOG Now to see if I can explain what I feel now.


PLEASE shorten your question 2the space allowed but Ask Anything from Mild 2 Wild (Table Talk or Deep Probing Questions)

If your not attracted to black/latino/asian men etc, does that make you a racist? This is a common accusation from black men who only date white guys. Isn't that hypocrisy?

NO this doesnt make you racist... It just means you know what you like ... and what you want... HOWEVER I prefer TALL DARK HAIRED MEN.. and Ive dated short blondes...not usually attracted to them.. BUT am open minded enough to fall in love with the guy :)

AND YEAH... its easy for them to call you a Racist cause you wont date them... but its easier to point fingers than look int he MIRROR... :) xoxo

PLEASE shorten your question 2the space allowed but Ask Anything from Mild 2 Wild (Table Talk or Deep Probing Questions)

i heard that using like aussie instant freeze hairspray helps to keep your make up on if you spray your face after your done applying your make up have you ever tried hairspray to help keep your make up from commin off

ANY BRAND of Hairspray ... YES :) Many people do this :)

PLEASE shorten your question 2the space allowed but Ask Anything from Mild 2 Wild (Table Talk or Deep Probing Questions)

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Does Misty Eyez get way more play(get hit on,action then you do out of drag?

Bet you thought I would never answer this LOL - Its one of my oldest unanswered questions.... (5 months - Sorry)

BUT as I have said before If I have not answered it... ITS STILL COMING... :) xoxo Here is my VLOG REPLY :)


PLEASE shorten your question 2the space allowed but Ask Anything from Mild 2 Wild (Table Talk or Deep Probing Questions)

What are the features of the real man from your point of view?

A REAL MAN is STRONG (emotionally) LOYAL, HONEST, A MAN OF HIS WORD, LOVING, Compassionate, Dedicated, supportive, and ... YEAH I think that is my definition of a REAL MAN :)

PLEASE shorten your question 2the space allowed but Ask Anything from Mild 2 Wild (Table Talk or Deep Probing Questions)

Hi Misty! Can you give me some advice on how to apply my eyeshadow so it has a smooth finish to it? My eyeshadow usually flakes or fades a lot faster than I think it should..


It makes your COLOR POP and it makes the shadow Stick :)
I did a video for this a while ago... check it out :)


PLEASE shorten your question 2the space allowed but Ask Anything from Mild 2 Wild (Table Talk or Deep Probing Questions)

Dear Misty: I recently met a really great guy on a Greek dating site. He's from Ohio & I'm from Michigan (3 driving hours apart). He's Greek & I'm Chaldean. Our cultures are very similar to each other. The Greek Convention was held in Detroit this ye

WOW.... Matters of the Heart are always tough.... Especially when you have mixed emotions from your family. Here is my VLOG Reply.

(Please note this is an OLD Video.... I was later emailed by the girl, after I recorded it and after talking with her I forgot to edit it or post it...)
Trying to get out all the videos in the can before the new year :)


PLEASE shorten your question 2the space allowed but Ask Anything from Mild 2 Wild (Table Talk or Deep Probing Questions)

Is it possible to turn a straight man gay???

NO WAY.....
WE are WHAT WE ARE... thats like saying can you turn a WHITE MAN BLACK... NO....
He might be comfortable in the Black neighborhoods and talk black for a while but that doesnt make him Black. It just makes him open minded and accepting.

NOW - I Have had sex with Str8 men.... BUT A Str8 man experimenting with his sexuality... to see what its like.... Doesnt make him gay... JUST as If I were to SEE what its like to sleep with a woman... would make me str8..... I AM GAY... but I have wondered what its like to be with a girl before... and after guys play with thier dicks all day of course they wonder what its like to be with someone else's.

PLEASE shorten your question 2the space allowed but Ask Anything from Mild 2 Wild (Table Talk or Deep Probing Questions)

My mother is coming to town for Holiday shopping and she wants to do out with me in drag. It's kinda weird to me and I dnt know how shes going to react. Shes been to the bar b4 just not with me in drag. I'm scared please what do you think about this?

DO IT..... The only way she will understand or fully accept is to witness or partake.... If your mother is willing to embrace you... ID TOTALLY DO IT...

One of my sisters came down and she watched me get ready and went to a drag show... and she and her husband even tipped me on stage.... IT DID A LOT FOR ME... and my HEART... (I cannot Imagine much of the rest of my family coming to a show but IT WAS AWESOME) She was full of questions and had a great appreciation for what I do.


PLEASE shorten your question 2the space allowed but Ask Anything from Mild 2 Wild (Table Talk or Deep Probing Questions)

Friday, December 17, 2010

Im a 20 year old, newly out gay. I joined an online dating site/social network and this older guy keeps saying "I wanna Breed You Boy!" What does that mean? Should I do it?

HOLY CRAP.... NO NO NO.... NEVER.... ESPECIALLY with someone from an online dating site who you do NOT KNOW and are not in a MONOGAMOUS Relationship with....

As you can see from the Date on this Video... I recorded this a LONG TIME AGO... but the boy that asked this anonymously messaged me on facebook shortly after I recorded it... and we talked in detail for a long time... so I never actually edited or posted this video.... :( but after I was asked If I would Ever date someone with HIV I realized I never did this video.... for we had talked and I gave him my answer directly... but this is IMPORTANT and as you can tell from my video IM passionate about this... and well.. here it is :)


PLEASE shorten your question 2the space allowed but Ask Anything from Mild 2 Wild (Table Talk or Deep Probing Questions)

Do you think the type of make you do works only on beautiful plus size girls like yourself or do you think it works on any size queen?

NO NOT AT ALL..... Look at GODDESS's MIMI MARKS or ERIKA NORELL, MONICA MONROE, or CATIA LEE LOVE.... Drag queens have been PAINTING THE HOUSE DOWN... BIG OR LITTLE .... but if your GIGGER you need to take your contour UP.... more cause if you take it STR8 OUT... it will make you appear wider :)

PLEASE shorten your question 2the space allowed but Ask Anything from Mild 2 Wild (Table Talk or Deep Probing Questions)

favorite feature about yourself? inside or out, either one.

GOSH JUST ONE... Inside my HEART... IM very loving.. and sensitive... but it can be a negative as well...

and OUTSIDE... My EYEZ :)

PLEASE shorten your question 2the space allowed but Ask Anything from Mild 2 Wild (Table Talk or Deep Probing Questions)

Hi Misty! Been a fan since your "It Gets Better" video on Youtube. I'm writing a poem collection about gay men. I'm writing one about drag queens and was curious how you got started. I want it to be a mixture of my favorite queens, including you! Thanx!

Thank you :)

I never wanted to do drag.... BUT I was dared to do it for Halloween... and With my Theater, hair and makeup background I realized I was good at it... and WELL I guess I was addicted. Esp being it was difficult to get cast in the LEAD MASCULINE ROLE as a softer / more effeminate man :)

SO after doing it for Halloween a few years I ventured out to do it for fun and then eventually professionally :)

PLEASE shorten your question 2the space allowed but Ask Anything from Mild 2 Wild (Table Talk or Deep Probing Questions)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

I think you are GREAT!!!!!! Just watching some of your past vidieos has helped me so much. Heres the question. I am a 24 yeard old married man who is Bi and looking into doing drag. Any tips on how to confront my wife with this?

There is a HUGE miss conception that Every Cross Dresser is GAY... where as its NOT TRUE... 90% of Cross Dressers are STR8. Cross Dressing is a FORM of FETISH... where Men / Usually Str8 put on womens garments mainly undergarments for erotic stimulation.
Drag Queens are Performers and they are most often Gay... and being we are Stage performers we have taken the Spotlight from the STR8 Cross Dressers.
BUT you can be BI and cross dress and you can even be bi and Perform.... yoru sexuality has nothing to do with you wanting to do drag...

HOWEVER the main issue is how to tell your wife.... Here is my VLOG


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How is a polite way to tell a straight man or a lesbian your a man? I alway get hit on and i always just say im a dude and walk away because im scared. I'm sure there is a better way to go about it.

WELL... I think you would be surprised at how many STR8 men KNOW.... the guys that WANT THAT... know what to LOOK FOR and FIND IT .... I guess I would just say something like..... "your really cute.... Have you ever dated a T-GURL?" that way your not TELLING them you are one per say... but your taking the temperature... and if they get RUDE and SAY NO! then you can say then WHY are you talking to me.. and walk away....

for the Lesbians.. you can just say thank you.. IM flattered but im not a lesbian.... and if you are a lesbian... you can do the same thing for the guy.... Have you ever dated a TGIRL?

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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

What is your definition of DRAG?

Doing Role As Girl...... Thats my Truest Definition... but I also think it means ANY COSTUME... Rupaul once said we are all born naked and the rest is Drag.... There is BUTCH DRAG or MAN DRAG and Leather Drag..... and there is of course Cross Dresser DRAG etc....

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i have a real problem... i'm a new queen and got lucky at my last competition and now i have to go up against 3 really good queens with alot of experience, and i really dont have a whole lot of show stopping ideas.... i really want to do well, but i cant

Girl... Dont go into the situation saying you CANNOT DO IT, because LUCK OR NOT... YOU CAN INDEED DO IT. Check out my vlog response, but DO IT.. and DO IT TO THE BEST OF YOUR ABILITY, you will probably surprise yourself at how good you actually do.

I was dressing a girl once for her first pageant, and she was freaking out cause the girls competing against her were national level girls... and after a while I had to LITERALLY SLAP HER OUT OF IT... I said "GIRL.. YOU are NOT goign to win tongiht.. there is NO WAY... BUT if you dont relax your goign to be the worst... you need this exposure and as its your first pageant you need the practice... SO KNOW that you are not goign to win but if you calm down and relax and be the best you that you can be... HOLD YOUR HEAD HIGH and be proud of the package you brought... MAYBE you can win a category? and even better you might get some bookings out of it from the audience :)


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Misty I finally got boobs queens and sometimes they have a mind of their own. when you have a janet jackson happen like that do you just let them out or try to keep covering them? the vid is of me.

that was cute :) Your boobs didnt have a mind of their own it was your dress... It might have been too big? you know the ribbon you tied over your shoulders to hide the sides of the boobs? try attaching it to the dress to hold it up.....

BUT I think you played it off well... (the only other thing you could have done would be to rip it off.. BUT what panties are you wearing did you shave your legs etc? SO I think it was GREAT :) GOOD JOB and like a REAL GIRL.. when your boobs get bigger your dresses should get smaller :)

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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Misty, I was wondering how your family feels about you being gay? My Mother's side of the family are extremely loving but my Dad's side have basically excommunicated me.

MOST of my family has DISOWNED ME.... Very few of them talk to me :( its sad but it is what it is.

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As a drag mother of many, When and how do you know a girl is ready to take the stage?

I guess there is NO REAL WAY OF KNOWING.... a lot of it is TRIAL and ERROR... you can only learn and grow by DOING....

Get her to enter amature shows or talent contests... TAPE IT.. go home and watch it and be like OK>.. this is what you did wrong... this is what you did right... I LOVE THIS ... and she can be like OMG I look so cute doing this but ICK I'll never do taht again....

LEARNING IS BY DOING.... and once she has mastered the talent nights... the worry about helpingher get bookings :)

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Everyone is supportive of me doing drag,even my mother. But my boyfriend hates it. He told me it was him or drag... I told him Drag! Because he is not my daddy. And now he wants be back.... Help!

LOL...... I cannot tell you what to do or say to him... but I think you made the RIGHT CHOICE... DRAG! Try finding something that he really loves that gets him attention and respect and tell him he cannot do it. See what he says..... The funny thing is I once quit drag for a guy... I quit for two years.... but the thing I learned is if a man is trying to change you ... he is NOT In love with you.... he is trying to make you into someone he can love... and that will never work :(

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PS what are your personal feeling's on dating someone who is hiv +? Also I would like to stay anonymous(I dunno if my name showed up or not) sorry so long) Thanks!

I have recently been asked lots of silly questions like would you date and Arabic man... would you date a black man.... and now a similar yet very different question, but one with much more weight and not so silly.

MUCH like the other answers I have given... YES... I WOULD.....
What I measure a man by, for dating is NOT what he looks like or if he is HIV+ or not...

This is a GREAT QUESTION, and one that I think many people are wondering. Yes AIDS / HIV Is a terminal Disease but its no longer a death sentence.

The Funny thing is Someone that knows they are HIV POZ and on their meds etc can have minimal traces and may be even undetectable... someone who doesnt know they are HIV is Much more dangerous of a sex partner.... (SO ALWAYS PLAY SAFE)

and ALSO KNOW that YOUR BOYFRIEND / PARTNER / LOVER Should not only respect himself but he should love, respect you, AND PROTECT YOU


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Monday, December 13, 2010

Hi Misty Eyez! First of all would like to say that I LOVE all that you stand for & you are fiiiiierce! Anyways, my question is, do you ever break out due to all the stage makeup you wear? Thanks!

NO.... I think you break out from not properly washing your face after..... but simply wearing make up ... NO... sleeping with it on - YES

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Deary Misty; I was wondering ;what kinda gifts would be acceptable to get for my drag mom.

anything from the heart... but here is a LIST i did for Black Friday... but in general the perfect gift is something that they really want... but dont want to buy themselves... then another gift is something they NEED / WANT..... :)

I hope this helps :)


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I LOVE your Advice, and I LOVE your HEART! Can I see more performance Videos PLEASE!!!!

I usually forget to ask someone to record it for me... but I DID have a friend record both shows from last nights "SPOILED BRATS / RICH GIRLS SHOW" So these are VERY RECENT - Dec 12th 2010, at the Trannie Palace (Bill's Filling Station, Fort Lauderdale FL)
Enjoy :)



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Saturday, December 11, 2010

I've followed you for a while on FB (Kelly Setliff). What is it that motivates you to continue to entertain after so many years? Why did you choose drag over other mediums like acting? Was there a defining moment in your career?

This is a GREAT Question.... and one I had to think about for a second... Drag IS NOT EASY... Drag is not Comfortable.. and DRAG Can be VERY COMPETITIVE.... but with all the hard work... what drives you to continue... HMMM... :) Here is my VLOG Response :)

I dont think I answered the why did I choose Drag over other acting roles.. and HONESTLY I was an ACTOR.. and WHEN I would go out for ROLES that were the LEAD or STUD they would be like OH>>>.. your a bit too gay.. you should be in the CHOIR and I wanted to be the star and DRAG ALLOWED ME TO BE THE LEAD :)


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is it ok for a drag queen to go to a club that either has drag shows or not. is that ok to be there in drag. new to it and was curious didnt want to step on anyones stilettos

OK... SLOW DOWN and ask this question again....

ARE YOU ALLOWED TO GO TO A BAR...... is what I heard...

AND YES YOU ARE... If you want to GO IN DRAG.. YES YOU CAN...What if you were a Trannie.. would you be banned if you were NOT working???? NO.... and what if you were new in town and wanted to get your name out and meet management etc...

but PLEASE KNOW that when you are in DRAG other's are paying attention.. and watching.... therefore LEAD by example... TIP ETC.....

(BTW I think you can GO wherever you are comfortable...... BUT always BE AWARE of your surroundings.... if your in a str8 environment... make sure your not alone... some people are ignorant etc....)

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Spare the rod spoil the child? My parents spanked me once and to this day they feel guilty. But I can remember laughing the whole time. I'm not scarred at all. What is your take on physical discipline?

WOW... I never thought I would be asked this question... but YEAH... My Parents Spanked all 7 of us.. and I AGREE... SPARE THE ROD... SPOIL The child.... KIDS NEED TO KNOW THEY ACT UP.. THEY WILL BE PUNISHED..... When my cousin's would do something wrong.. their mom, one of my mom's sisters (my Aunt obviously) would refuse to punish or spank her kids instead she would GO... "OK DONT MAKE ME COUNT TO THREEE..... ONE... TWO.... DONT MAKE ME DO IT.... ONE... TWO ... I SAID DONT MAKE ME DO IT ..." and Her kids and WE would all laugh... because A- SHE had already counted to 3 several times.... and B- she wouldnt do anything.. and THEREFORE her kids would end up doing ANYTHING THEY WANTED.... with LIMITED to NO REPERCUSSIONS.... and TO THIS DAY... my moms kids... are WELL BEHAVED.. (SOME ARE GAY) but welll manored and trained right..... BUT HER KIDS are in and out of jail???

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Friday, December 10, 2010

Dear Misty, I am a senior in high school. Over the summer I met this boy. We got very close. We both ended up liking each other. Unfortunatley he had to leave for college. Now that is he gone, he barely talks to me. Should I wait around for him?

At that age... EVERY YEAR IS A HUGE MILESTONE.... and there is a BIG Difference between fresh / soph / jr and sr years let alone College....

MOST PEOPLE when they go off to college the become Completely different people... (ESP if they leave their home town)
I'm sure he doesn't mean any harm... but once in college there's MANY NEW THINGS.... NEW PEOPLE NEW EXPERIENCES.... I'm sure he doesn't want to hurt you.... but he cannot help but get distracted. If I were you.... Id let him drift off.. and I too would drift off... and be thankful for the time you do get to talk to him... and hopefully he will come home for spring break etc..

and maybe you can hang out then...

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Dear Misty, What is your opinion on a Caucasian performer doing a song by a singer of color?

As an entertainer I think you have the liberty to perform any song you want.... you can do a boy song... a girl song... a famous song.... a barely heard of song.... or a song by a person not of your race.....

I have seen many white girls do Whitney or Janet and I have seen many Black girls do Christina Aguilera etc......

THE ONLY thing I might could maybe see a problem with is doing an Character Illusion, I cannot imagine It would be believable... But if your are a master makeup artist or illusionist... and if you can pull it off I dont see anything wrong with it either....

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HE / SHE.... HIM / HER........I just uploaded a Misty Minute to maybe help you know what to call us :)

Here is a COMMON Question that I often get asked both in person and on formspring :) maybe this will help you with your HE / SHE HIM / Her Etiquette


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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Misty what do you think of online relationships? can they work? am I wasting my time? He's sweet and all..but we live apart..and we go on skype and talk all of the time..I'm positive he doesn't cheat or anything..its the distance...what do I do?

I actually have a LOT TO SAY... so all Im going to say, is that you should watch my VLOG Response.


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You once said that doing someone elses drag routine or song is a blatant rip off.But you do Jackie Beats songs all the time. And she's another queen.When queens lip sync to Cher everyone knows it's Cher.Aren't you taking the credit for someone elses work?

Not at all...LOL YOU act as thought I HOLD a microphone and pretend to sing Live....

EVERYONE KNOWS I am LIp Syncing.... Celine Dion or Kevin Aviance or Divine, Adam Sandler, Wendy Ho..... or even Jackie.

Whenever I post a performance I always put Misty Eyez Performing Jackie Beat's .... "Whatever".... When someone asks me ... Who sang the song I just performed I always say who it is - if its GLEE or XTINA or JACKIE... I am a firm believer in giving credit where credit is due..... and it is an HONOR to perform her... for she is amazing, and SHE IS MY PERSONAL FAVE.

And when she contacted me and asked if I could get her booked in FTL... It was easier, for when I went to the clubs, I was able to say.... OK You know the song that I do... "Whatever, and this and that.... " she sings those songs... and she's AMAZING.... and WE FINALLY GOT HER HERE to FTL :)

(Side note... I have also Purchased every song I have performed of hers... from her either downloaded from or from buying her CD)

BUT thank you for looking out :) your a good fan :)

(PS - I went back to read your question to make sure I didnt leave anything off... and I forgot to address the "Doing someone else's drag routine - Blatant Rip Off"

You are mistaken.... THOSE are not my words..... but you might be referring to when I was talking about queens in the same clubs, in the same town, doing the same songs... that someone else before them already does and how its boring for the audience... and when the audience is bored... they aren't going to tip you.

I never talked about doing other drag queen's routines... but if your going to get Ideas from other queen's things.... It would be smart to A- get ideas from a queen not in your state...... and B- to modify it and make it your own. Girls are always doing talents they have seen in other pageants etc....

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Your makeup style is also a rip off of Jackie Beat who ripped off Divine Trash. The difference is they could pull it off where as you just look like a clown. They also had talent.

For Several years I kept hearing I reminded people of Jackie Beat and I didn't know who that was...and then I was watching a TV Game SHOW (one vs a Thousand??? and she was one of the Thousand... and I decided to search her and IM SO GLAD I DID... ONCE I found her I BECAME A HUGE FAN... she is ICONIC... I even got to meet her :) BUT my makeup is my own creation... not a rip off of Divine or Jackie... HOWEVER I have done an Illusion of Divine... and you are correct... they are BOTH VERY TALENTED.... I could only dream to be that fierce one day :) Thanks for writing in :)

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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Im a Frustrated Bartender in a Gay Bar, and the Drag Queens Dont Tip???? WHY?

I am so GLAD you asked this question, and Its something I have often asked the other girls.... ESP in bars Im a special guest etc....

Here is my VLOG REPLY


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seems like you would date anyone. requirements soul/personality and male? am i rite?

YOUR a QUICK STUDY.... LOL I need an amazing guy who LOVES ME UNCONDITIONALLY.... and Is supportive of my drag career, and yeah I guess I have been a bit Jaded... and Protective of my heart from past PAIN etc... but I STILL Believe in TRUE LOVE..... do you know the song GRENADE?

IT touches me SO... and when I first saw the video... about a man taking his piano across town to serenade his girlfriend.... and then he catches her cheating on him and then transitions into the chorus.... "your a Liar... but I'd Still Catch a Grenade for you"

UGH..... I want someone to LOVE ME that PASSIONATELY... and INTENSLY...


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What do you think? You should be Misty Eyez in Drag. and Mr. Eyez out of drag. therefore keeping people guessing. lol..


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Saturday, December 4, 2010

How can I explain to my guy that I am no longer sexually attracted to him?We've been together four years and our sex life has basically gone.He trys to get me hard but I keep making the excuse that I have an early start in the morning.Please Help Misty.x

This is a Very Tricky Relationship Question!
ICK.... a delicate, or tricky situation that has happened to all of us, and may take some Unique juggling or balancing to work it out.

Here is my VLOG response. xoxo Misty Eyez


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How does someone become a drag mother...I am hearing different theories..

I have been asked a few different questions on Drag Mothers:
Dear Misty: How does someone become a drag mother...I am hearing different theories..

Dear Misty: would yu be my drag mother? :] asked by Juniexoxo

Dear Misty: 911 hey misty ammm just saw ur youtube vid and i do consider u my drag mother so would you be okay if add the vapor eyez to my drag clubkid name ?? im Disturbia so it will end in Disturbia Vapore Eyez, it will be a true honor !!!! asked by dragdisturbia

Here are a couple of my thoughts on Drag Mothers..... Please Enjoy :)

XOXOX Misty Eyez


PLEASE shorten your question 2the space allowed but Ask Anything from Mild 2 Wild (Table Talk or Deep Probing Questions)

does Make up ruin your screen? are they rumors or facts? I've heard it ruins the pigment of the skin..what make up do you recommend?

NO .... I have never heard of makeup ruining the color or pigment of your skin... EVER... but if you sleep in your makeup you might break out... but no the funny thing is ... MAKEUP IS SKIN FRIENDLY :)

and Suggestions I LOVE THEATER MAKEUP :) most of my makeup is Ben Nye :)

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What famous person is your biggest idol? What do you like to do when you are not working? Hobbies?

GOSH.... RUPAUL.... JACKIE BEAT..... Lady Bunny..... Jennifer Coolidge.....
I LOVE WATER!!!!! Hot Tubs, Pools, Oceans etc...I LOVE swimming / playing in the water... I also love theater both stage plays and movies. I love art shows Galleries, hosestly on my nights off you probably will not see me at a club.

PLEASE shorten your question 2the space allowed but Ask Anything from Mild 2 Wild (Table Talk or Deep Probing Questions)

911 hey misty ammm just saw ur youtube vid and i do consider u my drag mother so would you be okay if add the vapor eyez to my drag clubkid name ?? im Disturbia so it will end in Disturbia Vapore Eyez, it will be a true honor !!!!

I have been asked a few different questions on Drag Mothers:
Dear Misty: How does someone become a drag mother...I am hearing different theories..

Dear Misty: would yu be my drag mother? :] asked by Juniexoxo

Dear Misty: 911 hey misty ammm just saw ur youtube vid and i do consider u my drag mother so would you be okay if add the vapor eyez to my drag clubkid name ?? im Disturbia so it will end in Disturbia Vapore Eyez, it will be a true honor !!!! asked by dragdisturbia

Here are a couple of my thoughts on Drag Mothers..... Please Enjoy :)

XOXOX Misty Eyez


PLEASE shorten your question 2the space allowed but Ask Anything from Mild 2 Wild (Table Talk or Deep Probing Questions)

would yu be my drag mother? :]

I have been asked a few different questions on Drag Mothers:
Dear Misty: How does someone become a drag mother...I am hearing different theories..

Dear Misty: would yu be my drag mother? :] asked by Juniexoxo

Dear Misty: 911 hey misty ammm just saw ur youtube vid and i do consider u my drag mother so would you be okay if add the vapor eyez to my drag clubkid name ?? im Disturbia so it will end in Disturbia Vapore Eyez, it will be a true honor !!!! asked by dragdisturbia

Here are a couple of my thoughts on Drag Mothers..... Please Enjoy :)

XOXOX Misty Eyez


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Friday, December 3, 2010

Can you show us how you do your whole makeup routine? Or at least your eyez?

OK... Here are three videos on my eyez....

First is Shadow base... this is Important... for it is the best way to make your shadow POP.
after your shadow... I would apply the Glitter
and then the FINISHING TOUCH would be the Dramatic Eye Crease... (I would do this last to have the most contrast)




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I have never even visited CALI ... :( but I GO WHERE THE MONEY IS :) I would love to one day get cast in a show like Queer as Folk etc... and if that meant move to CALI I would :) but I dont know? as for now Im really happy here in FL ;)

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hey misty have you ever considered doing makeup part-time, as in a being a makeup artist ?

That is how I got Started.... I did makeup in High School and College Theater, and then after college I got a job as a makeup artist at Glamour Shots, and then I got a job at Origins, and then at Versace (I started to do Drag During my work at Versace but after 9-11-2001 the makeup jobs were cut) and yeah... I have only done free lance since then but I used to do a LOT of makeup back then

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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Hey Misty Please Help!!!!!! I have no idea how to contour, I don't know what to do, or where to start. HELP!

Sorry it Took me a while to Answer you... but I wasnt even sure how to do a contour video.... Especially while doing it in about a minute LOL.... SO I finally did, and I just posted a 3 part Misty Minute Consisting of Highlight / Shadow / and Blending (all a little bit over a min long each LOL BUT I think you will enjoy them - and I hope they can help)

I understand your asking because Contouring your face is the MOST Important things on a Drag queen face.
Its funny because I get a lot of "Gurls" emailing me their pics and asking my thoughts... and my usual #1 thing is OK... you forgot to contour.... (or sometimes I laugh and ask if a real girl painted them.... A real girl only needs eyeliner / mascara and lipstick etc... BUT NOT US... We need an overhaul.

I CANNOT STRESS HOW IMPORTANT CONTOURING IS... We have to remember we are MEN... and we have different shaped faces than women.... and contour is the re shaping of your face... while also correcting your imperfections. Making your cheekbones bigger or higher, nose skinner, getting rid of double chin, rounding your forehead etc. YOU MUST CONTOUR Even or especially if you are going for a soft real girl look -- you'll just blend more for softer looks)

Contouring is all about re-shaping your face... Making a masculine face feminine... The Highlight Brings your eye to the area that is lighter... and the shadow darkens and recedes the area that is shadowed. Blending meshes these together and makes your face look more natural.

It truly sets you apart from a Cross Dresser to a Female Impersonator.




Love / Kiss xoxo Misty Eyez




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Here is the Third Part of my 3 part CONTOUR Videos.....

This is Blending
(This is probably the most argued about step of Contouring - I think some people want to blend almost everything away... and then others dont want to blend anything... As everything in your makeup routine, its up to you and your own taste)

Contouring your face (Highlight and Shadow) is the MOST Important things on a Drag queen face..(Even or especially if you are going for a soft real girl look -- you'll just blend more for softer looks) Contouring is all about re-shaping your face... Making a masculine face feminine... The Highlight Brings your eye to the area that is lighter... and the shadow darkens and recedes the area that is shadowed. Blending meshes these together and makes your face look more natural.

Sets you apart from a Cross Dresser to a Female Impersonator.


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