Saturday, October 9, 2010

Is drag your full time job? Do you have another job when not in drag. Only reason I ask is I have a friend that works a drag show at night once a week and then he has a regular unglamorous job as a boy. he says there is really no money in drag.

Unfortunately HE IS RIGHT!!!!!! UNIVERSALLY DRAG is under appreciated and UNDER PAID all over the US... Esp in NYC and KEY WEST, and South Beach... Either they dont pay you at all (Tips only) or they pay you bare bones like $25 or $50 a night... and that is NOTHING - thats not even a wig. And people wonder why queens are so CHEAP... Clothes, rhinestones, hair makeup it all costs MONEY and so frequently we are asked to perform for free or next to nothign... OH PLEASE HELP we are raising money for this... or we need an EMCEE ... etc.... and the queens are THE FIRST you call when you need to raise money.. they perform and emcee and give back.... BUT YEAH... its often times a thankless job... and its something that you need to LOVE If you want to do it. (Since 2005 I have been fortunate enough to be supported by my drag) however Im a capricorn and I like nice things... SO YES I too have a less glamourous Day Job. But its something I LOVE and the hours are VERY Flexable, so If I need to take off to do drag etc... its cool :)

Ask me anything - From Mild To Wild (table talk to Deep Probing Questions)

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