Saturday, October 16, 2010

I saw your "It Gets Better Video" Unlike most of these Celebrity videos yours seemed truly from the heart, I'm not gay & it touched me. But I have a question. Everyone gets bullied, what is so Different about Gay Kids? Are they just weaker and need Help?

I must admit, this Question REALLY irritated me when I read it, but I gladly answered it for after thinking about it... it made sense as to why a "Normal" Person would NOT UNDERSTAND......

NO - Gays are NOT WEAKER - they just have it MUCH TOUGHER than "NORMAL" Kids.

If you have had thoughts of Suicide... PLEASE realize you are NOT alone and there is someone you can call....

IT Gets Better Campaign

866-4-U-TREVOR (866.488.7386)
or visit


Ask me anything - From Mild To Wild (table talk to Deep Probing Questions)

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