Sunday, April 26, 2009


Tormented? Worried Sick?
Cant Sleep? Confused?
Relationship Issues?
Misty Eyez is here to Help!
All you have to do is ask

Hello readers, fans and the dearly confused or troubled friends.
In next little while.... I will be reviving the ASK MISTY Column here on I will be addressing all your problems, issues, dilemmas whatever they may be no matter how troubling or how frivolous. I'm open to any subject matter that we as GLBTQ men, women, and TGIRLS may face. If your straight and would like a unique perspective I'll take your questions as well. This includes sex related issues, relationship problems, everyday life conflicts, romance strategy, family drama, work struggles, drag related issues, trouble with the kids, or anything else that may have you conflicted.
I give you my upmost and solemn promise to give you the BEST advice that I possibly can, and if I am not familiar with your issue (Like what bait to use when fishing for trout) I will find it out. I'm here for you, as your own personal "Dear Gay Abby" in the form of Ask Misty.
I just put out a blast to all my friends on Facebook ( and on myspace ( and to the few I have following me on Twitter. ( asking for letters, but you can email me directly at and in the Subject put ASK MISTY
I look forward to hearting from you.

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