Sunday, April 26, 2009

Face Book Status

Dear Misty:
I have been dating the same guy for almost 7 months. We LOVE each other, and we trust each other. We are monogamous, or at least as far as I know we are. But I have a problem, he still has not changed his Facebook or Myspace status from Single. What the Hell? Do we need to date for a year first what is his problem.
What do I do.
-Wanting the world to know.

Dear Shouting it from the Roof Tops:
Unless you are one of those queens who brings a new husband to the bar every weekend. Changing your Public Online Social Status's is a BIG DEAL. In fact its a major step in the marriage direction (as if we had that privilege.) When a man changes his status he is officially announcing to the world... IM OFF THE MARKET! I know you said you have been dating, but lets face it there are LOTS of different kinds of relationships. Dating and Boyfriends are not the same thing. Dating is I have been on more than one date with you and plan to do more... but IM also seeing other people. He may have been flirting with several people online and he wants to keep them as an emergency backups in case things don't work out with you. Or maybe your a good lay and he really is keeping his eyez open for something bigger and better? How does he introduce you to his friends? As his boyfriend? Parnter? Lover? or nothing... that could be a sure sign before you ask where you stand.
As I have mentioned before, the key to a successful relationship is communication. Talk to him about this. Tell him you noticed he hasn't changed his status, and then ask if he was planning on changing it. Then tell him what you changed yours too and why. It is quite possible that once the two of you started dating he hasn't been online much and has let it slide by the way. But its also likely that he is still out there crusing for new possibilities. Once you find out his true intentions, it will be up to you how to react. Remember we as humans decide how to process situations and handle things. From here you will need to either decide to stay his Mister here and now, or to stop things with him and go look for Mr future. (I will also say that sometimes a man doesn't know what he had until its gone)

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