I would get a book like Making Faces by Kevin Acouin and just play :)
Thursday, March 31, 2011
OK I know a little personal but what has been one of your most embarrassing moments in and out of drag?
I dont have many.... check it out :)
Dear Misty, I noticed before that you said that females can do Bio Drag, will it be harder for a girl to gain recognition as an artist?
yes... she must be so good that one cannot tell if she is a Man or woman
if more and more people are gay, in time does that mean everyone will be gay?
That is a GOOD Question... but NO... People do not choose to be GAY... It is something we are or aren't.... and if all the gay people stopped pretending to be str8.... do you think str8 people would just switch teams?
NO.... I tried to be str8 for years ;( it doesnt work that way
Have you ever been on tv?
Yes... I have been on a local show called Deco Drive... I have been on the Travel Channel's BIzzare World with Andrew Zimmerman and I have been on Logo's Rupauls Drag Race...
do you book queens from other countries at your bar? like tranny palace or anywhere else? I want to start travelling and am dying to come to Florida...and to meet you in person :)
NO BABE ... there are SO MANY QUEENS here in FTL that my show Trannie Palace doesnt even book out of town girls let alone Out of Country girls :( SORRY
I was asked a VLOG Question by jamesmaples87: He wanted to know if anyone has ever ripped of a Signature Misty Eyez Look, or move or song etc... and how did I react. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lk-LZqvykBM
The world is FULL OF COPY CATS... I guess the big thing I am concerned with is the spirit behind it.. Meaning was it OH I LIKE THAT HAIR let me try to emulate it or... is it an ... OH I have no CREATIVE BONE IN MY BODY let me do whatever she is doing and BLATENTLY COPY HER... and that is the PROBLEM with RIPPING OF SOMEONE
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Dear Misty, What is your personal opinion on dread locks?
I think that if you really want them and that is your style .. then more power to you.. :) BUT I personally do NOT want them... and I dated a guy with them once and they STUNK really bad ... but??? who am I to judge
my Question is How do you Take Someones Man ? lol
Lets say you succeeded... you would always know in the back of your mind that HE LEFT his BF for you... and therefore you would always be suspicious of him leaving / cheating on you
What would be your theme song for your life?
Justin Tranter - I will Swim till I fall off the edge of the Earth For you....
and my second theme song would be She works hard for the money :)
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Dear Misty,I need some advice, I am a straight married woman with a loving husband and two beautiful teenage daughters. Last year I met two gay men and we became friends, my whole family just adores them!! WE love them like family.. I am a Christian (cont
Here is her Entire Question since only part was here -
Dear Misty, I need some advice, I am a straight married woman with a loving husband and two beautiful teenage daughters. Last year I met two gay men and we became friends, my whole family just adores them!! WE love them like family.. I am a Christian woman of faith and both my daughters go to a christian private school, one day I brought one of my friends with me to pick up my daughters and introduced him to a few of the mother's waiting for their children. The next day it seemed like I was shunned by these mother's!! I walked up to one of them asking her "Is their a problem that I am not aware of"? she pulled me over to the side of the building and told me "Some of the mother's here are outraged because you brought a gay man to the school"...I looked at her and said He is my friend and I don't care if he is gay!! I love him like a brother. she looked at me like I was on drugs or something!!! I was very hurt because of this.. she walked away.. Now none of these so called mother's will speak to me. I am not going to loose my friendship over something like this!! I never had to deal with something like this before.. How do I feel?? hurt and confused.. NOW the kicker is.. None of the children will speak to any of mine at school because "Their mother (ME) has gay friends... My youngest daughter is confused about this, and I wish I had answers for her.. because to tell you the truth.. I don't understand myself.. WHY??? why do peole have to judge someone just because their a little different... Any advice you can give me will be much appreciated! Thank you Willow
Dear Confused and Loving Mother - Welcome to our world. A world where anyone can suddenly turn against you because they find out your "GAY" or appear gay or in your case, are gay friendly. In our world, we turn to each other for comfort and solace. Now what to do with your current situation on hand, my first suggestion is to obviously pull your kids out of school, for the only choice you have is to homeschool. You also should move to the country where the people may be uneducated and uncultured but at least there are fewer of them to deal with. -- OK Im just kidding -- that would be beyond drastic, and that is clearly not the answer. Rejection of any kind is difficult, and when they are attacking your daughters, and it hurts you even that much more deeply. I would love to tell you to remind these "Christians" or should I say these "People who are Christ Like" that God is LOVE, and God created one race. The Human Race, and we are all equals. Some of us are tall, some of us are short, some are white, some are tan and some are black. Some are skinny and Some are Fat... and YES -- Some are GAY. Everyone Knows that God is perfect and that he doesnt make mistakes, and he created all of us in his image, even the black ones and even the gay ones, and yes GOD DOES LOVES THESE MEN... and I would LOVE to tell you to remind these mothers that the Bible says Judge not - Lest thy be judged. But the reality is Im afraid you can talk until you are blue in the face, and it will fall on deaf ears. Most people in the Church believe what they believe and there is no way you can convince them otherwise. They are Right and you are Wrong and that is that. However it may be a good time to have a Family Meeting. In this Family meeting I would discuss "LOVE" with your Family. Talk of how GOD is LOVE, and we are to LOVE one another. I would also go into say that God is perfect but People are NOT. And where as these mothers at your school may mean well but they are human and humans make mistakes. Especially when they do not understand or if they are afraid. Right now Christians are Afraid of Gay people, It would also be a good idea to go into a quick History Lesson about the Civil War that Divided our country Between North and South... and Between Black and White. Back then Whites and Blacks could not use the same bathrooms, Pools etc. Back then the Churches and Christians would use the BIBLE to defend their point of views.... for in Leviticus 25:44-46 it talks about how to treat, and purchase your slaves. Tell your daughters that if it was back then today that these mothers would be mad at Mommy for being friends with a black person. I would also share with your daughters that America also went through an Anti Japanese spell just after Pearl Harbor. And in Germany Hitler tried to kill Everyone that wasn't perfect in his eyes, that includes all jews, gays, blacks and handicapped people. Then Explain to your daughters that you are not prejudiced and you are not raising your children to be prejudiced either. As for the the other kids at School, they are being mean to them because they do not know any better, and right now they are scared and don't understand. Encourage your daughters to hold their heads up high, let them know that they have done nothing wrong, and their mother has done nothing wrong. It hurts now, but to be strong. Before you know it the other kids at school will probably forget all about this, and will soon be making fun of them because they don't have name brand shoes or their glasses are out of fashion. I hope this could help, xoxo Misty
I was raised in a strict Pentecostal household. I'm turning 30 next year and I am still a virgin. I love gay people but I feel very nervous around them and can't open myself up when someone hits on me. I feel like I am wasting my life. Please help Misty!
its not a RACE.... meaning you have PLENTY OF TIME... and your nervousness is probably the fear of the unexpected...
You might want to find someone to hang out and make out etc... and explore with each other... and test your boundaries... comfort levels etc... so your not so scared to be alone with a guy etc...
How does a girl do day drag without looking washed out or orange? I've tried many different foundations...
With Day drag ... its STILL VERY IMPORTANT to CONTOUR... but for daytime (unless your on stage then its the same) but for fishy daytime looks you will choose your contour / highlight much closer to the base color... and or heavily blend the colors you are using so its not a drastic change between them :)
what do you think about when two guys get together and have the same name? is it strange to sexually grunt out your own name in bed?
FUNNY.... I actually dated a guy in College with my name... and it wasnt weird to call each other our name.. because it was usually... Hey babe etc... but when others called our name... we both turned... so after Dating him I stopped abbreviating my name.. and went by the full name so it was a bit different :)
Wearing makeup doesnt make you a trannie... as wearing a football jersey doesnt make you a Linebacker.
Dear Misty, I was just curious as to how to handle getting carded while in drag. Seeing as how the man on my ID and the "woman" handing it to the bouncer/bartender don't match, how does getting carded work? Thanks, RamenBoi
I have gotten carded before... especially in bars Ive never been to... I think the bar would know that your a drag queen... and know that your a man on your ID... but Im sure they are just making sure of the date you were born ... not the way you look as a boy
Hi, I have been a drag entertainer since 2005, and one problem I am still having is on my lip syncing, and getting it to look fierce and amazing, any suggestions or help would be amazing XOXO J-Fierce
I think the best way is to OVER EXAGGERATE... and anticipate the words as they are happening....
Would you consider it an insult if a chick dressed in campy DRAG with the big hair and full makeup? Would it be considered mocking?
not at all if she was good we'd give props.... if bad we'd laugh but not be offended
Hi, I wanted to know if you can help me with this, i know i am gay, because i am atracted to men and i've been in love only with men, but i do not enjoy having sex with a guy, and i've been top and bottom, is there anything wrong with that?
NO.... we all go through phases... for example I USED TO HATE HATE HATE giving oral... and I have been TOP ONLY and I have been BOTTOM ONLY ...
I have ben through phases where I didnt want sex at al I jsut wanted to KISS / CUDDLE and then I ahve gone through phases were i was like if your coming over we are totally having sex...
I think its ok to experiment ... ITS NOT A RACE to the finish line of life.. its all about the journey... so take your time and dont beat yourself up :)
WITH EVERY GUY YOU DATE... you will ahve a different and unique experience...
Hi Misty!I wanna be a drag queen, but at the bar I usually go to, they wouldn't book me cuz I'm too young, but other bars,that are not so good would. Do you think it is better to start early or later in a better place?(reffering to dq-s at the bars)
OK.... HONESTLY... I think that the more you practice and the more you perform the BETTER YOU GET... and you must start somewhere....
SO IM GOING TO SAY... I think its ok to work at the lesser bar... (BUT DONT DRINK in the bar TILL YOUR 21 you will be putting yourself and the bars liquor license at risk) and GET SOME EXPERIENCE under your belt... BUT IN THE BACK OF YOUR MIND remember that your at the LESSER BAR and that you want to BECOME BETTER so strive to be BETTER than the BEST DRAG you work with :) and then when you are of age.. you can apply to a more prestigious job ;)
(BTW - I think in MOST STATES you can be 18 and work in a bar / resteraunt / club ... so maybe the bar that said you cannot work there under age... could have been saying that to be nice... but the real answer was you need more experience before you can work here)
Dear Misty, You hear a lot about people coming out earlier and earlier in life. Do you believe that some people come out too early in life?
WOW..... YES I think in the back of my mind I have OFTEN THOUGHT THAT... to a degree... BUT... I have known I was gay since I was 9.... and I was hooking up and playing boys in my neighborhood since I was 9. BUT due to religious guilt etc... I didnt come out till I was 21...
GOING BACK... I dont think I would wait to come out... I would come out MUCH YOUNGER... THE WORST thing you can do is LIE TO YOURSELF and EVERYONE ELSE..a nd when you can come out you finally feel SO FREE.... and I went to HS and COLLEGE feeling so OPPRESSED
SO I GUESS my offical answer is NO.... if they are in a SAFE ENVIRONMENT where there family wont beat them or dissown them or make them homeless... then I dont see anything wrong with coming out
Monday, March 28, 2011
I go out in drag 1or 2x a month for fun, last nite everyone asked why i dnt perform. Well i would love to, one queen even asked me to come to her sho and stay and talk to her boss after, I'm going but scared to tell my bf he dn't like the drag scene.
This question has always been so FUNNY to me in that .. its SAD BUT TRUE however I do not understand it.
Are there different ways to tuck? I find it hard to walk with it
yeah... everyone does it a little differently.. and YES It is awkward... but your body will get used to it :)
Hello, im an African American living in Florida. I would like to know if you think that racist is a big problem in the gay community?
NO... not at all... I mean I have not noticed it at all... not even a little... I have always felt that the gays and mother minority's should pull together.
I am feeling quite depressed..... one day I feel straight.... but then I feel COMPLETELY GAY...If you know what I mean... please help!
YES... dont stress... you have PLENTY OF TIME to figure it all out... I too was VERY CONFLICTED... I have what my heart and desires wanted.. and then I had what my mind told me I wanted or should want...
the COOL THING as HUMANS, we evolve... and its ok to change your tastes and desires :)
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Here is a Misty Minute on How to Remove Glitter from your Lips Quickly
Many times we do costume changes during our shows and often times it includes makeup changes... and if you were to wear glitter for the first show... how would you take it off? Here is a Misty Minute to help.
I have hip pads but I want to wear some short and risky stuff. How do you blend your hip pads so they don't show through your pantyhose?
1. Wear extra pairs of panty hose....
2. Wear Fish Nets as the first pair
Would you find it offensive if a actual female dressed up as a Drag Queen? I don't mean for her to go as far as trying to be a paid entertainer, but dress up just to go out.
NO OF COURSE NOT... its fun to play dress up :)
What is too old to start drag. I'm in my late 30's, recently out of the closet and want do drag. Am I too old to do drag?
Drag is Wearing womens' clothing.... so NO There is no age to be too old... BUT Im sure as you get older.... the type of drag will get different...
Hey! me again haha, this time i have received a message saying because im a "hot tranny" hes willing to pay me 10,000 a week for a webcam site, so im guessing he wants me to show off what i got haha, but it seems abit too good to be true and not like me x
in my experience... if it sounds to good to be true it is....
. there is NO WAY.. if that were the case... EVERY TGIRL would be doing CAMS.... for one week you could get a boob job... and n another week you can get FULL BODY LYPO
But he is probably targeting you because your young and suseptable to scams.... IM SURE he wants to get you so EXCITED ..and then ACE THE AUDITION.... and then he already gets what he wanted and you get NOTHING.... leaving USED
Friday, March 25, 2011
Dear Misty. i started drag in a big city made a name for myself kinda made for friends, but i had to move back to my home town and its smaller 3gay bard and we have 4 main queens here. they all have seen me perform say im great that im nice and they wanna
It can be REALLY DIFFICULT to move to a new town.... maybe even more difficult than starting from scratch... (It should be easier because you have an established wardrobe and look etc) but its more difficult because you have to swallow your pride and basically start from scratch again. and that is a TOUGH PILL TO SWALLOW.
Does it take a lot of time to learn a song, and are you ever nervous that you'll forget the lyrics to the song?
it depends on the song... SOME YES.... some you can pick up in one day....usually the onces that have talking / rapping take longer to learn (AND YES I have often went on stage when I perform something for the first time and am like WAIT... I DONT KNOW IT - but that ESPECIALLY Happens when singing live and your like WAIT whats the first sentence)
Hey girl... My boyfriend (black) likes me (white) to call him the N-word and other racial slurs in bed.... I was uncomfortable with it at first... but he really seemed to want it, so I just continued to do it.. do you think this is healthy? Should I stop?
What happens behind Closed Doors is healthy between two consenting adults... IF HE WANTS IT... he wants it....
Some girls like to be called SLUT... DIRTY SLUTS etc.. or BITCHES and WHORES ....
I think its common for someone to desire to be humiliated durring sex - Dont know why????
MISTY :D Look at my pic! Do you think I do well enough makeup to be a Drag queen/tranny? ... minus me looking crappy. I'm Haveing one of those lazy days so i didn't wanna do my hair or get dressed xD
Loving the eye beat... but your still missing the contour... while your younger its not as vital casue you have a soft boy face which is fem... but you will grow into your MAN FACE and it will start to be more square etc... and you will need to reshape it and soften it :) check out my contour videos on youtube ;) XOXO
Hey Beautiful, i was just wondering do you know how to make dating more easy for a transgender? they want to get to know my cock not my personality. im beginning to hate trannychasers :( xoxo
GIRL I HEAR YOU... you will never escape the guys that want to see you for the "FETISH" and not the person...
I guess you would do what any REAL GIRL WOULD DO (that doesnt want to be a whore)... and Save yourself for marriage... or until serious relationship.. and with that stance you will weed out the guys that just want your sex :)
What category is Misty Eyez? (camp queen, fish queen, trans queen? pagaent queen? painted queen? musical queen? etc?)
I am Amphibious... and I am whatever you need me to be... and whatever the situation I am hired for requires of me :)
AND GENERALLY I am a mixture of all the above :)
misty i have a drag mom already and i adore her as a person and a performer. shes older which i think drag moms should be but then i have a few other queens one in particular is at the top of her game right now and theyre fighting over me. what do i do?
Well the person that BIRTHED YOU.. and helped you in the developing stages of your growth is your mother....
However you should be grateful for THE NEW PERSON... and absorb all the knowledge you can from them. Hang out with them and befriend them and let them teach you everything they can. (BUT WHY FIGHT) She can be your foster mom if she needs... or aunti :)
How do you get a drag mother?
I dont have one so I dont know how others do it... But I saw something in them and asked them to be my daughters...
But if you need one you should go up to someone that you respect and would like to emulate and ask her. if she doesnt want to mentor you.. then ask her lots of questions and ask to hang out with her and help her with stuff :) and you will learn that way :)
Do you believe in ghosts? Why or why not?
YES!!!!!!!! I believe in the supernatural... and I think there is much more out there in the world and in this universe that we as humans will never truly understand.... and YES I DO, I believe in Psychics, and the supernatural
Here is a Misty Minute on the reality of WIGS
This is a Misty Minute on how to Take care of a wig
Dear Misty, i recently did a Benift show here in my town and with the tips i tipped the performers out of generousity then was told that i was not supposed to that i was supposed to DONATE my tips....is that conciderd stealing??....
Im not sure I understand....
What was the Benefit for?
Im confused in that did you THROW the event... and tip the girls that performed for you...
Or did you perform... and keep the tips?
THE BOTTOM LINE IS... the money raised should go to what the money is being raised for...
but if you performed and kept your tips ... YEAH that is wrong.... the audience tipped you thinking that the money was going to the cause.....
but if you threw the event and tipped out the girls that performed that could be normal. I have been paid to do several benefit... but usually they are events that charge a cover and they pay entertainment out of that. not from the tips....
If a woman becomes a man, can she do drag? Is that acceptable in the drag community?
If she wants to be a DRAG KING It makes perfect sense :)
but I have only heard of a F2M doing drag once.. .and it was through here LOL.... Here is my video from back then :)
I want a fairy drag mother but I'm straight and a girl...is that annoying/wrong?
its not wrong... but it might be weird :) LOL I mean if you dont do drag.
How much TV do you usually watch in a day?
about 2-3 Hours before bed when Im catching up on Facebook / Formspring / youtube etc ... like now ;)
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Misty, I am a 21 yr old ts and a server at a popular Italian resturant. and Like 3 Months ago I let my managment know that I planned on Living Full time as a woman @ the 1st of the year. Now they are trating me differently, I dont know how to bring it up
Life is FULL of unexpected turns and hurdles that we must over come in life, and its difficult enough to be "NORMAL" but then to deal with your sexuality, and then who and what you are its a battle that will require you to be more tough than you ever thought you were capable of being. I think most people would think that I am going to tell you to "RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE" and/or to take Corporate American DOWN, or Die Trying... BUT I AM NOT. The reality is your job is your bread and butter and you need to be able to eat and afford nice things like plastic surgeries and hormones etc. This path you are about to take is a VERY SCARY ONE and the last thing you need is all of your co workers looking at you in SHOCK or even FEAR. I have waited tables since I was 18, and have worked for such corporations as Chili's, Macaroni Grill and most People remember I worked at the Cheesecake Aventura from 2001-2006. So this is what I would suggest for you to do. In your private life, keep taking your pills, shots etc to undergo your transition. Start getting your Laser Hair removal sessions etc. Start getting your Silicone injections, Hips/ Lips etc.... BUT while you are at work, I wouldn't suggest all of a sudden coming to work in drag and forcing the TGIRL down their throat. Instead I would suggest the opposite, fade into the background. Slick your growing hair back into a neat, tight ponytail, and come to work with no makeup. Start to wear looser shirts so that your growing boobs will not be to obvious, and I think you will be surprised at how long you are able to sneak by under the radar, and unnoticed. Yes people will start to notice your skin looks more smooth and you will begin to look younger but they wont know whats going on, and I wouldn't tell them, blame it on vitamins. The main reason I am suggesting this is primarily for your safety, when people dont understand they often react in fear. But most importantly as a tipped employee, I would be more concerned with pulling the wool over your customer's eyez so that you can maximize your tips. And then once you leave work you can sit in your car, put on your earrings, eyeliner, makeup etc... and drive home as a "Girl." Over time as your skin gets softer and your voice gets higher, there will be a point (probably right before you get your implants) that you have crossed the line of no return where you are starting to look like a Girl even without makeup on and in reality that is ideally what you want anyway. Once this happens if your job is giving you shit, I would then find another job as a "girl" and quit this one, get your breasts before you start the new job and once you start the new one... nobody will think of you as a man or as a trans for you will already be a "GIRL" in their eyez and it will make it much easier for you. That way you don't have to train your co-workers, can you imagine you as a girl and the hostess who has known you for years telling your table that "HE" will be right with them, and then once your tea is spilt, unless its a gay restaurant there goes half your tips. I hope I could Help xoxo Misty
Misty, does Lady GaGa mean anything by dont be a drag just be a queen? i was just wondering because shes a known subliminal message sender.
UMMM... WELL Drag = BORING / DULL and QUEEN = Beautiful, Glamorous...
SO that is the obvious translation... DONT BE BORING... BE FIERCE....
but if you want to read into it... Maybe she is comign for a queen that is Hateful or rude or something and is like GIRL you dont have to be a drag... just be a queen.
Dear Misty, im just starting drag and i was wondering if you have any tips to perform in heels! I love love love my stiletto's but im afraid to perform with them! HELP <3
it took me a long time to learn to perform in them...
BUT for practice - I suggest vacuuming your house in them... that way you are moving up down back forth - picking up stuff....
Dear Misty, I am in a 10 month relationship with a wonderful man, I love him dearly but have trust issues due to past cheating ex's. My issue is, my boyfriend remains friends with all of his ex's, Is it OK if i ask him to not remain friends with his ex's
TRUST Is a difficult thing to EARN..But not every guy is a cheater. There are indeed guys out there that are trustworthy.
I a new drag queen i love to perform and have fun everybody tells me im beautiful and im great on stage..how do I feel as confident as everybody expects me to be. and should I tell them yes i love drag but my dream is to be on broadway??
That is a STRUGGLE WE ALL HAVE... or at least I DO... the better I get the more I realize I have to learn. OFTEN TIMES I wake up, and say a little prayer... Lord help me be as FIERCE as these people think I am.
As for Broadway.... I think that is a GREAT ASPIRATION :) However no I don't think you need to tell anyone, unless they are a talent scout or unless you are just making conversation.
Hi I've been wanting to play on the lines of boy girl drag. I want to go wigless especially for my toni braxton sonique erykah badu looks but is it a good idea to male songs?
unless you were doing an illusion of like Ricky Martin or Elton John etc... NO I would definitely wear a wig when doing a boy song... to balance out the androgyny. THE WILDER the BETTER :) XOXO
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
What's your favorite pasta dish?
Farfalle Al Sugo Bianco... (Macaroni Grill)
or Chicken Tequila Fettuccine from California Pizza Kitchen
Monday, March 21, 2011
Which drag queens earn better tips? the kind that walk the room lip syncing taking tips or the kind that dance their ass off? :)
HONESTLY.... it depends on who is doing the number.... YOU and I can do the same exact number but we'll do it so differently ... and the audience will react differently.... BUT here is my reply :)
I need to learn a updo style for pageants....i like the hair in your tipping video question about bartenders....could you please do an video on a pageant updo...like the basics etc....i am a independant bitch lol i do not like to depend on any one
These might help :)
Here is the basics on how I put it up....
and if you learn backwards.... Here is a video of me taking down my hair :)
hey gurl, still as beautiful as ever. i recently started doing drag myself and was interested on where to go other than the famous trannie palace which i adore, that you would recommend to go see drag shows in the fort lauderdale and miami areas.
GOSH... there are SO Many places...in fort lauderdale alone VUDOO, LIPS, Monkey Business, Sidelines, Scandles,
Hello Misty I am a big queen i have the makeup, jewelry, and making my own costumes/gowns doqwn honey down but i cant do hair for crap.....i like the huge wigs that people sew/pin together i call it the hair to god lol can you do a vid on that
I did this video a while back :) Im sure it will help :)
Friday, March 18, 2011
Misty, I have a "crush" on a guy who tends to be 4 years older than me and another who's 10 years older. I wanted to know what your thoughts are on big or small age differences and how much of an age difference would be acceptable in a relationship?
OH THIS IS HARD.... I have always had CRUSHES on OLDER GUYS and some of them when I was VERY YOUNG like in High School....
MY REPLY Is going to be complex - Check it out :)
Heey Misty! Why do you paint your temple contour at such a high angle?
To make my face to look TALLER / SKINNIER... if you take it str8 out from your eyez it makes your face look wider
Misty, I hope this doesn't come off as offensive please don't take it that way. If a drag queen does drag as their career, what happens once they hit an age where they feel they can't work anymore -- what is there really to fall back on?
WHY Would I be offended?
YEAH a Smart Drag needs to start to save money or develop a fall back plan when their star begins to plateau.....
But that is why many drags start to DJ or Bartend etc...
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Heyy Misty! I`m newer to the drag world. I did full drag this Halloween and got great feedback. I`m actually going to start performing but everyone said that I looked fishy... Is that okay? Or should I step it up on the cosmetics?Thank you! xo James
FISHY Is never a BAD THING... Unless your an ON STAGE PERFORMER and then you want to look Over The Top.... Larger Than Life.... Amazing.... FIERCE... FABULOUS.... GLAMOROUS....
Fishy = Real Girl = Something you would wear to a Mall...
Maybe I can Explain it better in the video :) XOXO
dear misty, i saw a tutorial on how to do BIG SEXY HAIR using 2 wigs....if budget is tight and you can only afford one is it possible to do BIG hair with just one wig?...help please....thanks!
YEAH... that is how I used to always do my wigs... just via teasing :) (back combing)
Dear Misty, how do you remove make up stains from your costumes without going to the cleaners?? xoxoxoxo Madison
OH GOSH.... Makeup is the WORST.......
But I personally use Oxy Clean.... for washing... but Baby Wipes if its a surface stain or dribble....
Many of my friends want me to be a drag queen and so do many queens i just want to know if i should on the basis of if its hard to be in a relationship and do drag at the same time
Many of my friends want me to be a drag queen and so do many queens i just want to know if i should on the basis of if its hard to be in a relationship and do drag at the same time asked by DavidZStout
I would never decide to do or not to do somethign on the basis of its easy or hard to have a relationship with someone for this role or not. BUT I WILL SAY that if all the people in your life say something is good for you they might be right???
hi misty, ive meet some guy on grindr lol anyways we where talking and he wants to have a foursome...... at my house, but the thing is my parents will be home asleep, do you think i should do it?
how can you keep 3 adults quiet in your parents house... they will wake up and you'll get fiercely punished.....
DO the foursome at one of their places
Hey gorgeous, I have 2 quick questions. I like to wear off the shoulder outfits, but I have tan lines. What can I do? My second question is,I use pantyhose to secure my wig, but it tends to slip off as the night goes on. How can I better secure it?
1 - tanning bed...
2 - when attaching the panty hose over top of the bobby pins pull really tight..http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2mK8Bse6_s
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
I'm a big girl and like you said I got pads... but every time I try to put them under my pantyhose it is extremely difficult and at least one of my pantyhose rips. What should I do?
you need to get BIGGER HOSE.... the reason they are ripping is because they are too small.....
ALSO the more pairs you wear... the smaller they get (or squashed) they get on your body... and the smoother they appear....
I've heard of different kinds of drag. I know the difference between fishy and club kid but what is the difference between old school and new drag?
To be honest... I DONT GET IT... I mean I understand why they say it but it doesnt make sense.... I mean its like saying Rose isnt Red... etc.... its just another wedge that the GIRLS use to separate themselves from the other girls.... as if whatever their way is BETTER LOL
(BUT So you know what the mean is the type of paint.... NEW DRAG is More FISHY or Trans.... and OLD SCHOOL Is VERY PAINTED.... I feel that the line between them is a BIT BLURRY as in I feel that Im a combination of both... but the girls that use that terminology are usually the "NEW DRAG Girls" and what they don't realize is unless they are TRANS on Hormones etc... the less makeup they wear the more they look like a man in a dress.
have you ever performed at a club that wasnt a gay bar?
YES MANY TIMES..... I have done everything from Birthday Parties, to Bachelor Parties, to Anniversary Parties, Surprise Parties etc.... BUT YES... I have.... I LOVE IT... sometimes Im a bit nervous.. but I have always had great time....
I usually Stay over at my Boyfriends, but his mother is visiting for a week or so??? So she is taking his bed, and he'll be staying over at my place. But I have roommates. How do I tell him I dont want to have sex with him while they are here Im afraid t
This is a Common problem or situation that Sexually Active Consenting adults have on their minds... check out a quick and easy solution to help :)
Monday, March 14, 2011
Watching RDR Alexis says ur creating a mask if u blend foundation all thru face up and forehead. Its how i was told you , but alexis says that area doesnt need that much? i been doing it like that . what is a good procedure to do it. apply foundation?
YOU Dont need it SUPER THICK because your not covering your beard etc.. but YES You do need foundation on your forehead
I'm a girl.. but I feel like a gay boy who just happens to be trapped in a female body. I'm in love with drag style, would I be able to do drag or would it just be wrong? I'd really like to, but am I 'not allowed to' since I'm a female?
This Question has been brought up a SURPRISING Amount of times.. and after text answering it many times... I decided to VLOG IT :) XOXO
Do you think its ok for cisgendered females to perform as female impersonators? If so why, and do you know of any who are? What is the general consensus in your areas community on the thought, if ever brought up?
This Question has been brought up a SURPRISING Amount of times.. and after text answering it many times... I decided to VLOG IT :) XOXO
Sunday, March 13, 2011
I'm a female that loves watching you! I especially loved the duct tape breasts information!!! When you get some time could you go more indept with the shapewear/padding that you use to give yourself more pronounced female curves? Thanks!
I haven't done a Misty Minute / VLog about stuffing bra's because EVERYONE uses something else..... MOST use silicone enhancements, like chicken cutlets, or bird seed etc.... but this is what I use... and its becoming harder for me to find them :( but here is my secret
Friday, March 11, 2011
I want2 know how2 accept tips¬ look desparate When I get tips I hug em&say ThankU or I travel to the money. I feel if I travel I look desparate&if I don't travel I feel I may lose out cuz fans hold the $ from their seats. Was da best way to look prof?
I understand your fear.... but that is one that I would not put too much thought into... :)
Misty how does a drag queen make her lips bigger with lipstick and make it look good like you?
Drawing your lips:
putting on lipstick:
to make your lips pout....
putting on glitter:
im 22, my boyfriend died along with his mother. there is no way to contact his father to help me with closure and there is no such thing as a gay bereavement group around. what to do?
Contact your local GLCC ... THERE MUST Be local GAY Bereavement groups....
Are there women Tranny Chasers? I ask because when I'm in drag I get hit on by women a lot.
YES... but I just think of them as Lesbians... not trannie Chasers
Do you have a nickname is so what do your people call you? People know me by Royal Bisexual Prince.
Most people Call me Misty Eyez... or Misty... ALL DAY even out of drag... but Nick Names... "The Most Beautiful Girl in the World" also The Eyez of FL...... aka... Bitch Kunt etc....
Dear Misty, I had a fling with this guy in 2004,since then, we have become really good friends, ex-roomates and like brother & sister. He has a new live in gf who I have become friends with as well. She has NO idea that he and I hooked up years ago, howev
People hook up all the time... Sometimes they are GOOD and Sometimes they are BAD... and SOMETIMES they lead to being just Friends and sometimes they lead to being Boyfriends....
Watch the VLOG to hear more... :) XOXO~Misty
Is Misty just a side gig, or is it your full time job? By the way, I think you are FABULOUS and so strong. Love your videos <3
Misty Eyez is my Career / Full time Job / My Passion, my heart and my craft
Hey misty! what kind of foundation do u use because ive watched almost all of your vids, and ive looked on ben nye, and la femmes web sites but i didnt see it there. i wanted to add it to my look to see if it worked for me. love and lashes! <3
The Foundation I use is called GBS - Gables Beauty Supply
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Dear Misty, i'm from a small town and i do drag but i've burned alot of bridges with everyone in the community...is there a chance that i can still make it right if so how...please help!
This may be one of the Hardest things you have ever done... It wont be easy... and it will take MUCH LONGER than you expect... but if you KEEP AT IT... it just may work
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
When tucking, you tape back into your booty crack right? So, while tucked, what happends if you have to take a number two in public? What are the ways you can tuck just in case you dont have tape with you? P.s. ILY and ur IGB vid made me cry. xoxo
YEAH it is Uncomfortable.. .and YES you can use either duct tape... or really tight panties / girls swim suit.. or a Gaft....
as for going to the bathroom #1 or #2 its difficult when taped... for sometimes its REALLY hard to re tape after your done esp if your a bit sweaty
how can i know if a boy likes me cuz somebody is acting weird these days??
UGH.... I wish I could tell you.... I can usually tell when someone likes someone in the room... but NOT when they like me....
I guess the only way is to observe their behavior around you... SOME get meaner to the guys they like... some get super sweet?
Another relationship question for ask Misty, I live in a small town where its hard enough to find decent guys. On top of that I'm HIV +. It seems like the only guys I seem to attract are sex obsessed or I'm just not into them. I'm okay being single but a
answering Several questions at Once:
Dear Misty, thanks for the advice on rehearsing. I'm getting better at the lip syncing, but i'm still having trouble with choreography. As a newer entertainer, how can i learn to choreograph my performances? Should i sample from others, or make my own?
answering Several questions at Once:
why am i such a whore.? i have every intention on meeting a nice guy, and falling in love...but when i try time and time again, i just end up sleeping with them and then never talking to them again, unless it's for a hook up and i might truly want them!
answering Several questions at Once:
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Would you rather be a woman or are you happy in drag?
I LOVE Being a Man... and I love to do drag :) BUT I do not want to be a WOMAN :)
After so many questions on pageant hair... I decided to do another Misty Minute
After several requests here is another Misty Minute about big Pageant hair / Updo's. My goal here in this quick tutorial is to show you how... By taking it apart. :) enjoy :)
Ok miss eyez....ive seen u in the classic drag queen blue contacts...where did u get them...ive been searchin for green ones....any help wuld be great
I got them in SOBE... the brand is called Gothica and the color I had was angelic blue so that might help on your googling :)
how do you use furniture polish on a wig?
Spray it just like you would an Oil Sheen.... (lemon Pledge for example)
Monday, March 7, 2011
Revealing the SECRET to Dryer Sheets.
Dryer sheets are not just for your dryers... in fact here is a Misty Minute on how to keep your drag costumes smelling on the fresher side of things :)
(yes this video come on the SKIRT TAILS.... of the Perfume Misty Minute.... in response to a question mentioning he hugged a nasty Smelling drag queen and I thought.. DON'T ALL GIRLS WEAR PERFUME... and then i thought OH but what about their clothes .....)
Hey misty i was wondering how you wash wigs? Do you use regular conditioner or like baby shampoo? is there a special kind of shampoo for just wigs?
It depends on your wig I guess.... If its human hair sure... you should wash it with Shampoo... but if your like me and prefer synthetic hair.... you need to remember your hair is NOT HUMAN In fact its PLASTIC and you need to treat it as such. :)
THEREFORE ... NO DO NOT USE SHAMPOO ON IT.... would you wash your laundry basket or Tupperware containers or anything else made of plastic with shampoo???
NO... What I have grown to LOVE IS (OXY CLEAN -- if you use a lot of hairsprays etc -- or just tide / Woolite and dont be afraid of Fabric softner / downy etc... :)
and also REMEMBER Your hair is not porous.... so dont use oil sheen.. it will fry it... INSTEAD Use furniture polish...
(BTW... I JUST REALIZED I shouldn't answer this now I should just do a Misty Minute ... BUT I already typed this all out LOL and I'll do a min one day LOL)
Would you ever show what you look like when your not in drag?
I would love to show what I look like out of drag On Rupaul's Drag Race.... (If I ever Get cast LOL) but until then ... I would prefer to keep the Clark Kent to my Wonder Woman a Secret Identity....
but emagine Brenden Fraiser with John Goodman's Body LOL
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Just wondering if you have any drag girls you love watching on youtube! I love your channel and want to find more inspiration in the youtube world. Thanks <3
What a GREAT Question.. and you would think I knew tons... BUT I DONT :( however I did list a couple that I think you will enjoy :) XOXOXO
I just saw your Ask Misty: Posing for Pics video and saw you have really nice armpits. How do you keep them smooth looking and light?
WHAT? Is this for real? I have never heard this before LOL... UMMM? and I dont know how to answer.. I shave my armpits so I guess I keep them smooth and the sun doesn't shine up into my pits so NO My armpits are NOT TAN LOL???
Is that a new fetish Ive never heard of?
Did you ever to something rotten to a drag queen to ruin their show? even if you regreted it?
Great Question, and FORTUNATELY... and Karmatically I can SAY NO... I have NEVER EVER Sabotaged another performer EVER.... I have heard of girls sabotaging each other especailly in pageants.... but I dont get it... that shit will come back and haunt you... NO ... LOL I regret saying this but My Momma RAISED ME RIGHT...
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Im dating a nationally renowned entertainer..a current "title holder"...how can i "fit" into his world. I like it, and Im proud of him, but im not into the whole drag thing as it relates to him. Id much rather spen time with the guy underneath the crown ?
Have you ever heard that Opposites attract? Well on some level I agree with that. MEANING... You dont see two drag queens dating very often... and I do believe that your boyfriend / husband needs to be supportive or proud of your work... but you dont have to be involved in it... Meaning in conversation you can say OH YEAH... My boyfriend is a Scientist for ????? and you can be proud of him... but you dont have to know the periodical charts.... Granted you might have to deal with random test tubes laying around the house... or lots of notes sketched onto paper, and you definitely don't have to spend most of your spare time in a lab.
But here is my Vlog Reply...
Friday, March 4, 2011
misty i got really hooded eyes. http://tinypic.com/r/r87z8l/7 any advice on how to paint them or make them stand out.
TURN your Flaw into a POSITIVE... I looked at your pic... and I think that would ROCK....
OK so your real LID make it ALL BLACK so that when your eyez are opened it will look like a bit thick eyeliner... and then use your hood as your eye bed with makeup it will disguise your hood but still bring the lighter color down on the lid so that it will open your eyez.
how do you make a music mix for shows? i love the mixes i hear but not sure how o do them with different songs
Im still learning myself so I usually Hire Joellapussy Remix if its something important... (that and when IM working Im so busy socializing... I dont have time to listen to the hot music that is out etc.
Dear Misty, Do DRAG QUEENS use perfume? I expect that Queens smell good, thats sexy for me.I ask this because one time I hug one QUEEN and she smells very bad... Silef Padua
YES it is VERY important for a LADY to SMELL LOVELY :)
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Dear Misty: i need an advice! i'm a new drag queen in my City, and people apparently likes my show, and i use to do privet parties like birthday, Quiceañeras etc, and now i'm working in a club, why i get SOO Nervous on stage?? what can i do? thanks xoxox
here's an old vlog that might help
I'm new to drag and I get a lot of people coming up to me and complaining about how stale the local drag acts are. How do I deal with this, other then focus my drag act in a different direction then everyone else?
some people just like talking for the sake of hearing their own voice.... and EVERYONE Likes DRAMA, even when there isnt any... SO when you hear people talking ... take whatever they say with a grain of salt.... For they could be trying to help or secretly trying to hurt you....
NOT TO MENTION what other girls are doing has NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU.. so they have no reason to be BITCHING about them to you....
BUT I DO AGREE that you should just focus onyourself and developing your own unique characteristics :)
dear misty Im a man repellent. NO matter what I do when I go to the clubs or anywhere i cant seem to getanyman interested in me. I try to flirt I try to look good but those snooty bitches wont take a look at me. what are your suggestions to get a gayman
I suggest you try a new venue.... There are Snooty bars here as well... but you need to go somewhere where people are more real.... and not so shallow....
Maybe this VLOG will help :) OXOXO
What quality do you value most in your friends?
Sometimes the Truth Hurst yes... but in the long run lies hurt much more
Here is my idea of the Perfect Gift
This Misty Minute is about the Perfect gift for yourself or for someone special in your life.
The Divas in this Video that Yoko Hodge painted: Misty Eyez, Marti Gras, Latrice Royale, Taina Norell, Alexis De La Mer, Chris Pepitone, Tyese Rainz
(she did not paint the Noel Leon, Elaine Lancaster or Beyonce Knowles they were just examples of Divas with portraits)
Dear Misty, I wanted to know about underwear. Do most drag queens wear panties? Since they're female illusionists, do they go as far as wearing women's panties under their dresses and such. If not, what should one wear? xoxo RammyHamster
MOST GIRLS dont wear panties... NO... BUT I THINK MOST SHOULD LOL... I always laugh when I see a girl in hose with no panties... and call them the barbie crotch. But what they do wear is TUCKING GARMENTS.... some wear Duct Tape, or a Gaft. BUT if your dress is short enough you should have decorative panties on
Iwas starting arelationship w| someone it went south bc of his ego[usc football player] monthes after him i had anew bf but kept seeing my ex, IM HAPPY BUT its been monthes and i think of my ex &while being intimate w|my current guy.he has my heart.HELP!
You will always... FOREVER... and EVERY think of your FIRST LOVE.... in fact EVERY person you Fall in love with you will think of... even if you learn to hate them you will think of them.. BUT YOUR FIRST LOVE IS WITH YOU FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE....
This old ASK MISTY Might help....
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Dear Misty, just watched your video in reply to lowering standards and overwieght people. I would like to say it is a wonderful video with lots or amazing advice. My questions are one is gay life all about labels? I am a very inexperienced gay guy whose i
HERE is a VLOG I did for your question as well as a FEW OTHERS :)
How do you deal with rudeness? I was doing my number and then some guy in the middle of my performance gets all loud cuz the football team on TV scored. and i kept on going but the annoyance on my face was obvious.
HERE is a VLOG I did for your question as well as a FEW OTHERS :)
hi misty... so im kind of stuck when it comes to drag. I am super muscular. I have been doing drag since i was 13 im 16 now and i stil love doing drag but even when i pad it dosent help the illusion, i wind up looking like a dike. Please hekp
HERE is a VLOG I did for your question as well as a FEW OTHERS :)