Saturday, November 6, 2010

Have you any tips on how to attract a drag queen for a date? This is a serious question as i need a lot of help.

I guess that depends on if you want to Date her in or out of drag.... If you want to date her IN DRAG you need to talk to her at the club and ask her out etc..... and KNOW that MOST drag queens only dress for WORK so you'll only be Dating her after work... SO it would end up being late in the evening at a 24 hour diner etc.... Unless you Hire her for a private Booking....
NOW - If you want to date her as a boy... Get to know her and chat with her etc at the club and then be like HEY ID REALLY LIKE TO GET TO KNOW YOU... THE REAL YOU .... The man behind the makeup ... would you like to grab lunch or dinner sometime?
EITHER WAY... Just be honest and NICE... DOnt come across as CREEPY... or STALKER ISH... Otherwise she will put her guard up and she wont take you seriously... She just assume your one of the Collectors trying to have sex with all the girls in town.
BUT If you genuinely want to attract a Drag Queen you need to realize that YES WE live a PUBLIC LIFESTYLE.... BUT we are REAL PEOPLE TOO... and many times we are just as shy and vulnerable as teh next guy...

Ask me anything - From Mild To Wild (table talk to Deep Probing Questions)

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