Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Aloha Misty...I've gotten an offer to be a cast member of another show but I'm already part of another cast which happens to be the competition. I don't know if I should stay with my original cast or venture out and try another? Any advice?

If its not the same NIGHT - I say DO BOTH.. but if its the same night... I would stay with the FIRST SHOW... for many reasons... #1 THEY were there for your first... #2 obviously the Exposure you are getting is working... and there will be other shows on other nights that come up... #3 - IT PROVES that you are LOYAL... and that is JUST as important as being a TALENTED and GORGEOUS entertainer.

I have a show in FTL Called Trannie Palace... and Competition Stole one of my girls... Which was fine.. at FIRST IT HURT... but in the long run it just proved #1 that she could be bought... the funny thing is that the NEW SHOW Didnt even last a month... and then she begged for her job back... but I already filled her cast spot... and She regretted the decision she had made.

But as a Show Director I understand if a girl gets a BIG BOOKING and it pays more... I totally encourage her to take it... just to let me know so I can fill her spot etc... BUT I would BE DEVASTATED if one of my girls quit to go somewhere else. My Girls are like Family

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