Monday, August 3, 2009


Dear Misty,
There is this bitch. She is nice to my face but is going around talking all this stuff about me behind my back! Basically, she makes allegations about me and how I treat her and her mother. She knows I know and most people seem to think she is a liar so I am not freaking too much, but, damn stop running your mouth. I want to confront her but don't want to disrespect the people we are with or who's house we're in. How do I say, "Listen bitch, I know what you're saying and nobody believes you so, step off?!"

Dear Frustrated,
OK your right... its time to stand up for yourself, and your also right in not wanting to disrespect the house you are in or the company of others. You need to get her to a place where you are alone, Public helps if you are afraid she is going to cause a scene. I suggest a local coffee shop (If she refuses - then anyplace you can get her alone / parking lot etc) First you need to open with a non threatening statement like I really like you.... and I want to be friends.... but I don't understand why you hate me or what I did to cause you to talk so much shit about me behind my back. That way you can get to the bottom of it and fix what went wrong. Most people react, In Example: A few years ago I was really good friends with a Local Folk Singer and he fell in love with me, and even proposed to me in my parking lot. I politely declined, apologized and gave several reasons it would not work, like the fact that we had never been on a date etc. I thought we would remain friends however I then found out he was trash talking me to each and everyone one of my friends. I hadn't done anything to him except reject him. He felt rejected and was acting out.So if this girl is reacting to something the best way to stop it is to find out why etc. ~Kiss Kiss Misty Eyez

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