Friday, February 24, 2012

i'm not a queen per say, but I do wear a lot of makeup. Thing is though, it's hard for me to be as openly gay, and care free as I am. In the past year I was a victim of 2 seperate hate crimes, and had my life threatened at gun point on ore than one occa

OH GOSH... for your safety.. you need to either MOVE to a more EDUCATED CULTURE, or you might consider blending in a bit more..... Its not worth loosing your life to prove a point etc...

BUT Check out this video... from a Girl that was told she couldnt be a TS at work...

and this one from a young TS in a Bad neighborhood



PLEASE shorten your question 2the space allowed but Ask Anything from Mild 2 Wild (Table Talk or Deep Probing Questions)

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