Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Friday, March 23, 2012

how many queens from RPDR have you met?

ummmm....Well I have met in person.... Rebecca Glasscock, Jade, BeBe, PorkChop, Nina, Ongina, Shannel, Jessica Wild, JuJuBee, Pandora Box, Mystique, Sahara Davenport, Morgan McMichaels, Yara Sofia, Alexis Mateo, India Ferrah, Manila Luzon, MiMi Imfurst, Dida Ritz, Jiggly Caliente, Latrice royale, Lashawn Beyond, and Alissa Summers ...

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Hiya Misty! I would like to buy the entire set of your greeting cards but can't find them. Is there a site on internet that sells them? Thanks a million! Antonio

well I know they are stil out there.. :)

BUT with the INTERNET and text messaging not so many people send cards anymore ...

but the OWNER / CREATOR of CAMP101 Cards is


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Misty- You seem to have tons of clothes, mountains of outfits, haystacks of wigs, oodles of jewelry, boxcars of shoes and truckloads of makeup! How do you manage all of this paraphernalia and how often do you wear the same outfit? Even the Queen recycles!


Some outfits I only wear a few times a year... Like Christmas... or Mardi Gras etc...

BUT I try not to repeat the same songs in a show for six months .. and most clothes go with the song.. etc... but YES I definitely repeat :)

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do u own your own apartment or do u rent? If you rent do u ever want to buy your own place someday? and would you buy a house or are u an apartment kinda gal?

I RENT... but I would love to own my own place one day.. and I would love to own HIGH RIZE CONDO....

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I recently found two girls i use to hang out with in high school.thing is my cousin told them off couple years ago and they though it was me. we havent talked for two years after that summer.should i be the bigger person and apologize or what should i do?


if so YES be the bigger person and apologize... and put it in their hands... if they want to forgive you/her they will......

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my boyfriend and i both do drag.we recently got into a fight and broke it off.i bumped into him at an audition,i passed my audition and the manager liked me.and i know that he's already gossiped about me to the other queens.what do i do?


DO NOT stoop to his level... and prove your not whatever he says you are...

BUT BE CAREFUL if you start talking shit about him... your going to basically be proving all that he says about you ...

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dear misty do you find it hard to have a biyfriend in drag


Men are scared of powerful women...

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Dear Misty, I was woundering i just started practicing drag a year ago when a friend show'd me you videos. its help me in drag and home. i was wondering what it takes to be your drag daughter because i would love it if i was one of them. ^^ Yuki

WELL I have heard LOTS of people call me their DRAG MOTHER via the internet... but for me to really be a NURTURING Drag mother you must live in FTL

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What is your stance on straight men in drag and is there room for them in competition?

OF COURSE.... Drag like Football should not know any sexual preference if a Gay is Brave enough to play football .. I dont see any harm in a STR8 man being Brave enough to do drag

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Make up application: I've Seen videos where ppl apply Concealor after their foundation then their highlight; does it matter in which way you layer these products? Should one go before the other?

ummmm I personally would probably use the highlight last because if you put the concealer on the highlight it will change the color etc.. and it will be obvious.... the powder will blend the areas together nicely :)

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Dear Miss I'z ::: Do you like playing strip poker? Are you any good at it or are you the one whose always sitting there naked as a jay bird?

LOL.... I dont know how to play poker... so I wouldnt agree to play a NAKED game for I would be the one NUDE

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Dear Misty. I'm 32, turning 33 this year and my dream is to become a drag queen. Am I too old to start it?

NOT at ALL...



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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Misty my son a newbie, and has a full on team. What advice do you have for him and us to help him perfect his craft.

well PRACTICE is the BEST THING I can suggest... drag is something that you cannot do or improve on by thinking about it.. you actually have to do it :)

but why does he have a team? is he not able to do things himself

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im a self harmer please help me??



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How do you blend the foundation, highlighter, translucent powder and contouring palette that is used with the sponge applicator from the Ben Nye kit?

the sponge is only used for foundation... the powder is blended with brushes

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I'm a 24 yrs old black male and I dress up from time to time and I love it I feel like this is what I wanna do for the rest of my life is live life as a tgirl and I wanna know do u think it is a good idea to wait until I'm 27-28 to start hrt

They younger you are when you start to take your hormones the better your body will react to them.

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Dear misty frist of all I adore u like no lie .HElp I have feeling for my ex-Bestfriend that is str8 I'm Bi and had always had a crush on him But we don't talk no more cuss I decided not to talk to him cuss he tends always to keep a distance when he gets

WELL.... this is a BLURRY LINE... if he is REALLY STRAIGHT... it will never work and it will never happen... and if you do push the line and it does happen... and he freaks out he will probably never be friends with you again. be careful



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On your how to use a base wig video. Do you keep the base wig in the ponytail? Thanks keep the videos coming! You're amazing!

YES :)

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Hey Misty! :D In a previous video you as well as many other drag queens erase/hide your eyebrows using elmer's glue or spirit gum, can the same technique be used and applied to a person's mustache If they don't want to shave, or is shaving a must? Thanks

hmmmmm? in theory... but will you be lip syncing? if so your mouth will be moving a LOT right? and therefore the GLUE might CRACK and expose your hair...

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Hey misty. you must get asked this a lot, but i cant find a video for it... how the hell do you revive an old sinthetic wig? can they be saved once knotted and tatted? x



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Hey misty I just wanna know how you cover your eye brow? :)



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Dear Misty, I am having trouble with my family. they want me to follow in my mothers footsteps, and dont recognize the dream and passion i have for singing. should i give up my dream for something my family wants me to do?

I would never suggest you giving up a DREAM ... unless your dream is to sing and your HORRIBLE AT IT...

IF YOUR GOOD... keep it up.. :)
but the cool thing about singing is you can be a DENTIST and A SINGER ... meaning whatever your mother is you can probably still do it while pursuing the singing until you "MAKE IT BIG"

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Me(29)and my partner(27) have been together for over 3.5 years we live together. He is not out to his family at all and i have never met his family My question is do you think I should push the issue or just let him deal with it in his own time? Thanks:-)

ummm 3.5 is a long time...and I can only assume after that long your life partners and serous about your relationship. But your still young ish...but what is he waiting for to come out... Till he Graduates college? and how far does his family live ... if they are close? and he is hiding you.. then... ? I dont know? but if they live FAR AWAY... that could be a BIG reason you havent met them yet. I know I would only introduce my BF to my family if I KNEW THAT I KNEW he was the one!! LIKE FOREVER

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Hey gurl I was reading on a drag queen forum about a girl who got her ribs cracked...what is this done for? Also she mentioned she had done her breasts another time to... Do boys go out as a boy with boobs or do they flatten them somehow?

GIRL.. this is too big to address here... BUT you should live as a woman for a FULL YEAR before you go get your breasts done because once you do them you cant really live as a man anymore...

and I would NEVER Suggest this .. but I have heard of girls removing or breaking ribs to make thier chest area/waist smaller... and to be more feminine

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Do you always use powder contouring and highlighting or have you tried the creme kind.?

I have contured with foundation / cream.... but I prefer powder

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What should i be for Halloween?!?!?!? wanna make a costume

ummmm.....??? I think the best costumes are recreations of POP CULTURE.. .so what movie did you LOVE this year.. or show... etc......

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WELL.... are you using Panstick foundation... if that doesnt work try DERMA BLEND.... and if that doesnt work.. I have heard of people putting Lipstick on their beard before foundation.. for the RED cancels out the dark hair shining through

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dear misty i am coin my second performance and finally chose a name thanks for helping but how do i do a killer performance i mean i invited all my friends and family and i want to get noticed for my talent how do i do that? ps my name is Trinity Phair :D

WELL... first you must have TALENT..... :) BUT i guess get your shit together... GOOD HAIR... GOOD MAKEUP.... and KNOW YOUR WORDS.... if you know your words that will help your performance a GREAT DEAL... calm your nerves etc

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dear MISTY why do YOU someTIMES type with CERTAIN words CAPITALIZED? I never quite underSTOOD why...

LOL... it annoys me too LOL ... I think it comes from my OLD SCHOOL days when I was in the 90's chatting.. and using the Shift key for :) etc.. and I just got in the habit of holding it down for MAJOR words :) or words that if i were talking I would emphasis XOXO

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you can cover it with Fabric to match the Costume before you stone it .. or you can Spray Paint it before you stone it :)

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dear misty! I cannot believe that you have not been selected for RuPaul's Drag Race yet! If there ever was a Fierce Drag Queen, YOU ARE IT!!! Let's hope RuPaul gets her act together and realises that you are the one for the show! You Go Gurl ! ! !

thank you :) XOXO

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ok misty, rewind. my friend has an ex boyfriend that beats him whenever he has any contact with him. howeer, my friend still loves him. my friend's ex boyfriend is addicted to drugs and alchohol and wants to be a transexual, depressed and bipolar, help.

GIRL you friend needs REAL HELP .. from a Therapist... if his BF beats him and he still loves him and goes back... he has issues that cannot be help via a VLOG through a friend...

Abused wives syndrome is SERIOUS and affects many people... I guess the only thing you can do is let him know that he DESERVES REAL LOVE and RESPECT

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Hi Misty! I am a fairly new queen in my area. I am trans and I am having a difficult time finding a place for myself because a lot of people know and don't want a 'tranny' performing in their shows. How do I convince them that I'm not a dangerous animal?

WELL... Many people base their decisions on Past experiences... and SOME trannies are dangerous... maybe the girl before you STOLE... or was a hormonal WRECK causing fights every five seconds...slept with peoples boyfriends etc..

THE ONLY THING YOU CAN DO is PROVE by example that you are DIFFERENT...

and the only way someone will know your TRANS in the show is if you rely on that... what Im saying is PAINT like a DRAG and do your hair like a DRAG...

If you look like a REAL WOMAN shopping at walmart I wouldn't want you in my show either

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I'm new into drag, and I want to perform and be on cast. But I am petrified of actually getting in front of everyone. I also don't have many outfits or wigs. Should I go ahead and get my foot into the door?

IF you do not have many outfits / costumes you DO NOT WANT TO BE ON CAST...
Build up your wardrobe first... UNLESS you can afford to buy Two new outfits every week.... (assuming your show asks for two numbers -- if they ask for 3 you'll need 3 new outfits a week) and that gets expensive... so start building up now..

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Hey, Misty! What advice would you give a guy who's going to do his first drag show tomorrow? The LGBTQ group that I'm in is having a drag show. And, a bunch of my guy friends are going to be in it. :) Thank you!

GO and have a good time :) :) the more nervous you act the more you'll get picked on .. so just chill .. and Enjoy yourself

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I am new to drag but know the importance of using quality product so use Kryolan and Ben Nye. However I tend to get hot and sweat which causes my makeup to start separating and wear off quickly. Do you have any advice on how to prevent that? Thanks xo

THE REAL thing that I have found that works is BOTOX... anywhere you sweat... get it and it will stop....

I also heard ANTIPERSPIRANT/Deodorant .. but here is my VLOG for the rest


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What is your opinion about faux queens? I would really like to do drag but I am a girl. I already know how to pretty much do everything. (i.e. makeup, body, wigs, shoes, all the little tricks). I am just worried about rejection and beef from other queens.

LOVE THEM... as long as they BLUR the lines of gender... and confuse the audience so they dont know for sure ... if they or arent they ....



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Do you have any advice for queens learning how to move on stage, be aware of their body and its angles and develop signature moves and flourishes? What are some things people can try doing with their hands when just getting started?

Practice... Practice.... Practice....

your signature move will not be something you DECIDE to do .. its just something that you end up doing... and usually you wont realize it.. until people are like I LOVE HOW YOU ALWAYS DO.... whatever....

as for IDEAS... watch LOTS OF SHOWS... What do they do... Pay attention to what you LIKE and WHAT YOU DONT LIKE.... remember both when your on stage :)

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If you could change one thing about the world what would it be?


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Hey Misty , how do you make a mixtape? what application can you use to make one?

OH GOSH... You can use anything... I have used Garage band on my Laptop... but I havent really learned how to use it LOL

I have also used something I cannot remember the name... but MY FAVORITE is ACID PRO.. I went to BEST BUY and SPENT 45 minutes READING the boxes of all the ones that they have.. and then before I made my final decision... told the person there what I was looking for and asked their thoughts.. and I dont remember why I picked ACID pro but I LOVE IT :)

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hi misty im new to the drag lifestyle how do you find a drag mother ?

not sure which one I answer this in...



but there are TWO WAYS.... you can ask her.. or she can ask you :)



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Dear Misty, because of a rare skin desease I can't show any cleavage or chest while doing drag. I can sew my costumes myself so it's not hard for me to get costumes that cover these parts. But do you think that it is a big problem for shows? Please answer

NO NOT AT ALL... you do not have to show your cleavage all the time... but have you thought about www.Boobsforqueens.com Its like a Necklace that comes down your chest and your costumes can peek a boo the cleavage :)

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How do I stretch a 11 closed toe heel, into a 13? Lol where do I go to get size 13 heel! That are fiere

OH GOD... Im not sure you might rip it apart if you try to stretch it that much....

AND Payless carries up to a Size 13 heel.. but my NEW FAVORITE WEBSITE for shoes is www.beverlyheels.com and they cary larger sizes as well :)

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Misty, Thank you for your video's I'm always complaining about my small boobs in clothes and my boyfriend show'd me your tuck tape video and Ive been soo hooked! soo helpfull!! omg love you!!

Your welcome :) XOXO

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Hey Misty, Im straight but so in love with the LGBT community. I have no gay friends or friends who are queens. You guys seem to be having all the fun and I want in on it!!! What should i do?

Go to a gay bar and start hanging out with the girls...

Drag is a STARVING ARTIST JOB... the most under appreciated and under paid job in the club industry.... (Many girls dont have cars so maybe offering rides would be a great way to make new friends... but just being there hanging is a good start)

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Misty, I watched your video on advise for new queens, THANKS! One thing that is never talkd about it how to get started, like do you usually start performign for free during like an "Ameture Night" or what? Probably a dumb question but Than You SO much!

I worked for free for 5 years before I got paid to perform....

you have to prove yourself.....

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Misty, I watched your video for new queens. THANKS! Onc question I never hear anyone talk about it getting started/getting a job. Like should I just go into a club super early one night in drag and ask to speak with the manager or what? Thank You!

as I said in my new girl VLOG nobody will hire you if they dont know you... so you have to make yourself known... SHOW UP and SHOW your FACE.. SHOW YOUR HAIR etc... come support the girls...work at the benifits etc... and if you got your shit together.. Im sure they will give you a chance... but usually its to work for tips only at first.

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I watched your videos and tried to work on my wigs. and i have a problem, I rat the wigs to get height and then when I pull up all extra hair and i either 1) cant hide the ratting it looks amess 2) cant smooth out the wig around it? how can i fix this?

2 ways... First rat from behind... not the front... and second.... use a FRIZZY BRUSH... or a BRISTLE brush to comb it out in the front and it should smooth it all out :)

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I'm a boy, 18, and I'm androgynous, i have long hair, a curvy body, and i've been told, a very pretty, girly face. I want to do drag, but everyone tells me i'd just be "thrown out" as a transsexual. Can I still BE a queen if I just turn up the volume?

HELL YES.... Some of the MOST FAMOUS Drag queens are TS.... and YEAH they TURN UP THE VOLUME... Paint for the stage etc...

ESPECIALLY if your in a GAY BAR... the gays can be SUPER judgmental and if you look like a REAL GIRL shopping at walmart with walmart makeup etc... they wont tip you....

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Do you ever feel awkward?

ALL THE TIME!!!!!!!!

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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

hey misty its me cody, should i do porn?

It takes ONE of three things to be a successful model....
A beautiful Face....... a Beautiful Body.... or a Beautiful cock

if you have one or more then YES!!!



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Thank you for making all of your videos, they are a great help! I was wondering in what order do you do your makeup (face-lips-eyes, face-eyes-lips) and if there are advantages to painting face in a certain order.

I would suggest starting with FOUNDATION.... but thats just me LOL :)



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Hi Misty, I love drag, I love the hair, the make up and outfits! What is your opinion on women doing something in the drag catagory?

If its done well I LOVE IT


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hi misty i was wondering at what age can you start doing drag and how do you get started thanks :)

some bars you cannot work in them till your 21 and some you can work when your 18

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what is your sexiest outfit you have and would you be willing to wear it and explain why you think it's your sexiest


the one in the first part.. .cause it shows CLEAVAGE and well it also shows ASS but in a classy way LOL :)


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Dear Misty: What are your thoughts/predictions on the girls of the new season of RuPauls Drag Race?

MY FAVS are Chad Michaels, Latrice Royale, and Sharon Needles but PHI PHI could sneak right up there

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Dear Misty Eyez. If you had to do it all over again, what changes would you make?

LOTS OF THINGS but If I had to only pick one... Id go back to 1994 and DO my COLLEGE OVER... Id pick ONE major and Id actually Graduate

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How do you decide which questions you will answer and which ones you won't and which ones you'll make a video response?

I answer them ALL....

but sometimes it depends on Formspring sometimes it wont let me go to the older questions (LIKE RIGHT NOW)

I text reply ones like that can be FAST TEXT replies.. and save the LONGER MORE COMPLEX answers fro the VLOGS

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Do you have a picture of yourself when not in drag? I bet your really cute:D

thanks but NO :(

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Where can I find the plus size flesh tone nylons everyone wears while performing?

www.roamans.com i wear BEIGE

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Misty!! You are a drag queens god! Love all the vids you help so many but I have a question! For the "jacking up" video and wigline video which type of wig is that ? I tried with a full cap wig but the bangs it comes with seem in the way and out of place

LOL I just answered your BANG WIG... and YES I dont like WIGS with Bangs.. but that wig is a FULL WIG CAP.. and the style is LINDA .. which is a style with long layers

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wat r ur thoughts on rupauls drag race season 4? and did u audition this year??

yes I did and I think they are TURNING IT!!!!!!

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What type of wig do I need for teasing the base line? Full cap bangs just seem to get in the way

I hate Banged wigs :( :( and yeah its hard to do a wigline in a Banged wig

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I need to do an updo (I watched your vid "Big Sexy Hair") but I dont have hair to pin anything to, im not bald, but I have short hair. HELP!! I have my fist pageant coming up!

you can either BOND It to yoru boy hair... or use a BASE WIG and pull it into a pony and use it like its your real hair

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hey misty i am wanting to be a drag queen but i can not find shoes to fit me do you know were i can find a heel that will fit a 16 wide foot

search online... amazon etc.

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Dear Misty, I'm trying to enter local shows but no one will respond to my messages i feel like im running into dead ends and talking to wall any advice?

in the entertainment business.... MOST PEOPLE need to talk to you in person... WE/THEY NEVER answer phones and rarely answer messages

but in person its like OH YES>>> LETS DO IT

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Misty! First off, I love you <3 lol I was wondering what your thoughts were on this seasons contestants of RPDR?

THEY ARE TURNING IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im very impressed with a lot of the girls but my FAVES are Latrice, Chad Michaels and Sharon Needles

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Dear misty, It's been 1 year and a half I'm in a gay relationship with another guy, and we are really infatuated with each other, and fusional, I wanted to ask, is it possible that he's my soulmate, when I'm only 17 years old ?

Possible.. YES

PROBABLE... Probably not...

BUT YES it is VERY EASY to get INFATUATED and CAUGHT UP to LIVE and BREATH eah other for a while.... but soon you are going to start to develop into your adult self... COLLEGE... etc.. and thats when the TRUE Test of IS HE YOUR SOUL MATE OR NOT.... will he let you go off to school... etc...

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Hey Misty! My friend is gay. However, he questions if he will still go to heaven? If maybe he should change because his church says its wrong. How can i encourage him in his faith w/o bashing it and encouraging him to love himself for who he is?

I grew up in the church as a son of a minister.. and I talk of GOD IN MANY MANY MANY of my videos......




and there are many more including one about the rapture :) xoxo

BUT NO I DO NOT THINK HE IS GOING TO HELL LOL Christiand DEED ON and BREEED FEAR to get others to submit and conform

but GOD made us all so DIFFERENT and UNIQUE I dont see why christians want conformity?




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What are your thoughts on Whitney's demise? How is it possible that despite all her family, friends, fans, fame, fortune, talent, endless resources, love of God, motherhood, nothing and NO ONE could help her overcome her addictions? How is this possible?

She was battling MANY DEOMONS... and some of these deamons have a TIGHT GRIP on you that you cannot break free from...

and I have dated and been in love with drug atticts before and when your LOST IN THAT PLACE you cannot hear anyone... you do what you want to do.... and thats it

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Hi Misty, love you!!! I'm over 250 pounds and have stretch marks all over. It's been killling my dreams of being a drag queen. What do I do? people would read me to death beacuse os my stretch marks? Love you.

UMMM I dont understand Im over 350 and I have stretch marks all over... LET SOMEONE try to read me LOL

If your looking for an excuse to give up before you get started.. then you have a reason.. but I think its a DUMB ONE

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Dear Misty Everyone has demons which they must fight on a daily basis. What are your demons? Drugs? Alcohol? Sex? Junk Food? Extravagant shopping? Fashion make-up? Designer Wigs? What is your biggest demon?

FOOD!!!!!!! Im an over eater and I battle FOOD

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dear misty can you give us some shady quotes you may have encountered during your rain as a drag QUEEN ;) haha

THE FUNNIEST SHADE is delt from an inside joke... so you wouldnt get it.. and it wouldnt be funny if said it here.....


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I just came across your youtube channel today and I just wanted to say; holy shit you're amazing!! <3


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Hey Misty I'm a new Queen, and I just moved to Ft. Lauderdale. I was wondering if you knew any good local store that carry theatrical makeup

I get my stuff at GBS (Gables Beauty Supply) on US 1 and Broward

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Hey Misty! I have a tattoo where my cleavage line would be, so when i tape it looks funny. Any tips or ideas to hide that tattoo, or make it not look so strange?

cover it with foundation / powder.....

all the girls cover their tattoos for pageants :)

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is it racist if you say you are not attracted to a certain ethnicity?

OK Lets change ethnicity to Hair color..... is it racist to say your not attracted to blondes? or Red heads??


BUT I am HONESTLY NOT not attracted to BLONDES... but I have dated SEVERAL and I probably will again.. but TALL BRUNETTES have my heart :) :) :)

however if I were to say I HATE BLONDES and I WOULD NEVER DATE ONE.. and THERE WAS NOTHING they could do to attract me and warm me over.. WELL that might be a bit racists...

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Dear Misty, what powders would you use for colored foundation like blue or black?


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Dear misty. Ive been doing cross dressing for two years now and I find it hard to find a boyfriend that is cool with a boy most of the time and a party the other times. I wonder will I ever meet the one or am I just kidding myself? Love u so much:)

this is a common question.... it takes an AMAZING MAN to date a FAMOUS WOMAN



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What do you require from your drag daughters? For example, do you require they use lashes, or duct tape, or glue their eyebrows, etc.

UMMMM I think I require a DRIVE... and an EAGERNESS to learn and improve... and YES... EYELASHES LOL

but in reality once I feel you know what ou know I dont baby sit soo much and read for not doing something... (unless its eyelashes)

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whenever i like guys, i tend to go for appearance..is that a bad habit?..

are you asking me if being shallow is bad???

NO but you may be lonely for a long time....

and when you do date a guy you might end up with a TOTAL LOOSER / asshole but at least he's cute right??

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Dear Misty,I wanna say thank you for your advice,ur YouTube videos,you being you,your very inspiring,and such a good person my question is,why arent you on rupauls drag race!i think you offer alot more!and your looks and personality!wins!

aww.. thanks babe... I auditioned... ??? Guess its just not my time???

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Dear Misty Eyes love the Dolly response was awesome, I did send off a letter and ask trying to get her # from a few family member's wish me luck! PS! Can you do a tip on drags that wear glasses & what they should do?

Your welcome :) :)

AND Glasses??? I dont need glasses so I don tknow...

if you were a club kid or fun drag like a Sister of perpetual indulgence I would take BIG FEATHERY LASHES and glue them to the glasses themselves....

but I know from wearing sunglasses the longer your lashes the harder it is to wear glasses so I guess I would double / tripple stack some THICK SHORT lashes if I had to wear glasses :)


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HI, misty i am a new drag im starting career all on my own like you did im new to the area i just wanna tell you have helped me so much your a wonderful person and if you havent been told that your beautiful today well hun your beautiful as always muah!

Thank you babe :) : ) Just keep persisting... Keep Volunteering... and keep improving...

This might help :) :)



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dear misty, i am sixteen and i would like to do drag for fun when i go out. where can i get a wig, makeup, and clothes when im on a (really) tight budget.

WELL the best thing for you is to get little by little... every week buy something.... One week get a lip stick.. the next week get a eye liner etc.... and before you know it youll have a LOT OF MAKEUP :)

BUT I reccomend http://www.fxwarehouse.info/ they have most of your makeup needs....

ALSO.... I use a LOT of LaFemme its amazing and CHEAP.... not sure if you can buy off website but I found this to show the product


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Dear Misty Do you know where those dancing divas learn their moves??

I would say a combination of practice... watching / observing.....

MOST girls just go on the stage and have fun :)

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Hey Misty, I've seen just about every video that you have made, and I've noticed that in alot of your videos that you mention club kid or fishy drag. My question is what exactly are club kid and fishy drag?

here are the types....


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i am in a rut with drag and can't find work in Tennessee what would you suggest and do you accept drag daughters that live far away

WELL... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcxMcCgWEuI

and Its really hard to have a drag daughter that is far away.. how can I guide you adn teach you except throuh my misty minutes etc... but I can be your internet mother if youw ant :) XOXO


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hey love - ive seen u in every kind of look- i gotta know what is your fav style of drag? And i also want to know - the foam looking hair you use(ive seen it in both pink and blue on you ) where do u get it or how do u make it? XOXO JCN

I personally enjoy the MORE DRAMATIC over the top looks.... Lots of color and Glitter etc.... and I make them with hot glue... but not going to tell you how :( SORRY keeping that secret to myself xoxoxo

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Dear Misty, so there are two guys that i really like, and they both like me back. there are pros and cons for both of them and they just even out, i obviously cant have them both, and i feel im going to lose both of them before i choose, what should i do?

WELL if its really that tough... just enjoy your time with both of them but dont commit to either one... and then you will know eventually which one is the better...

if not you will have to create a pro and con list for them and weigh it out...

OR.. you could break it off with both of them and which ever one Begs you back and proves he really wants you .. you can pick him??

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Hey Misty! I'm a big fan. I watch your YouTube videos religiously. I was wondering. Do you have any idea how to get dried spirit gum out of a synthetic wig? Is my wig possibly ruined? Thanks! :) Love ya!

I use Oxy Clean or Dish Soap..... and if its really bad try baby oil and a flea and tick comb

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dear misty, i really like this straight guy and but i said something to him he did not like recently and he confronted me about it.....i have a dirty mind and sometimes it can lead me to trouble and people have blocked me before....Please Help!! Rudy, TX

WELL... just make sure you have enough punch to back up your bark.

BUT if you tend to have a BAD PROBLEM... and people are blocking you then maybe you need to change something....

BUT...when he confronted you... did you explain yourself / apologize etc?

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16 TS BAD NEIGHBORHOOD - hey i am now 17 and because i moved area all my documents have to be transfered from my old doctor to new and it is taking months i am beginning to get depressed i just want to start my transition now but i cant get the pills.....

WELL I dont know what neighborhood your in... but there must be a DR there?

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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Okay So first I Love You and all Your videos.So my question for use is that..I have been fucked over by a couple of my ex's.And it is hard for me to let ppl in after that. Most recent break up was just in August.Do you know of any way to get through this?

If I were to say something that I didn't say on the VLOG would be to KEEP ON TRUCKING and DONT GIVE UP... the rest are in the video :) XOXOX



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Have you ever stayed awake all night?

OF COURSE... without sleeping pills thats how I LIVE LOL... my mind never stops thinking about WHAT I DID.. or what I DIDNT DO... what I should ahve done... what I need to do..... its hard for me to shut off.

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Hey Misty. I just wanted to ask if you could do a quick Misty Minute on covering eyebrows. I have pretty thick eyebrows and they're not exactly feminine. If not, thanks anyway babe. Hope you get on Drag Race. <3 ~Alexx~

This is one of the FIRST videos I did... ENJOY :) XOXO



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hey misty ! okay so last summer i hooked up with one of my friends who is straight and has a girlfriend. All his boys know becasue my ex friend told. now idk what to do becasue it would just bring drama if he finds out that they know . help ?

I have recently answered a VERY SIMILAR question...... but my biggest ADVICE is that if you want to hook up with STR8 guys you need to learn how to be discreet. If you get a reputation for kissing and telling or starting rumors of guys etc... then you will become a pariah. AND TRUST AND BELIEVE when someone is defending their honor whether its true or not... most people will not stop at any cost to disprove the story and that could include destroying you. so be careful when playing with FIRE... (and sleeping with someone's boyfriend is playing with fire... gay or str8 its still FIRE)



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Misty! So (out of face) I'm often mistaken as female (which is totally cool), but in your opinion, am I that easily mistaken as a female (my profile picture as reference)? Tranny-power, baby. <3

HEY MOMMA :) :) No shade just real T ....... I personally dont think you look female... but I can definitely see why people would quickly assume or think. The average person is SOO NIEVE or IGNORANT.... and they only see what they want. and seeing your gorgeous lips and long locks they can default to FISH!

OFTEN TIMES people who dont know me and especially people from other places OFTEN run up to me and think im someone else. HEIGHT/Weight / Build Etc.... and they are like OMG ...even thought I dont think we look anything alike. I have been mistaken for Connie Casserole, Chi Chi Larue, Lady Bunny, Alexandria Martin (from Atlanta) and Kristina Kelly (from DC) as well as Florida girls, TP Lords, Latrice Royale, Mizz Cori, KiKi Rodriguez, Roxxxy Andrews, Saundra Todd... and IM always SHOCKED!!!! REALLY .... ok cool and I take it as a compliment, and thank them but correct them about who I am etc.

NOW THE SHADE ---- REAL WOMEN are MOTHERS, House wives, Soccer moms, Secretaries etc... often times when people say you look REAL FISH yes it means you look fem but its usually not them saying you look like a GODDESS. Instead its you look plain/ walmart/ boring/ unattractive realness

AND once before when I asked about makeup and realness etc... LOOK at the GORGEOUS TS GODDESS's like Erika Norell, Mimi Marks, Erika Andrews etc... YES THEY ARE FIERCE and GORGEOUS and YES THEY look like real women but they are NOT AFRAID of the cosmetics an they are PAINTED for the stage... MUCH LIKE Christina, or Lady GagGa or JLO etc would be painted for the stage.... Stage makeup means more Makeup and there is a reason for that :)

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Monday, February 27, 2012

dear misty i was wondering, if u can do a misty min and ask misty at the same time, i know you are creative and i adore that about you plus your honesty but how did you make the blue foam hair you have in your pics? was it hard or was it easy?

THANK YOU BABE.... but im sorry there are a couple Drag Secrets that Im not willing to share.. but I will tell you that I personally use a HOT GLUE GUN :) :)

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Hi Misty, my name is Tori Nicole Winters. I have been doing female impersonation off and on now for about 14 years. I hold a few titles but nothing major. It seems like every time I enter a local pageant, I never win. Are pageants rigged??

YES OF COURSE!!!!!!!!!!!! some of them are OBVIOUSLY RIGGED and some of them not so Obvious. But just like EVERY Sterio type there are things that break the mold to remind you that There are NO ABSOLUTES........

SO YES there are SOME RIG-A-TONI Pageants..... but there are also pageants that are FAIR and JUST.

the thing is opinions are subjective. I recently did a pageant and I KNOW I did my best... and OF COURSE I felt I should have WON for I was the BEST ME that I COULD BE and of course I saw faults in the other girls backstage... Talent costume didnt fit was wrinkled evening gown too tight and bulging seems busting etc... but maybe thats not what the judges saw on stage. When you have 5+ different people watching maybe only one notices the gowns hem was frayed in the back etc.

and there are two different types of judges... Some are VERY TECHNICAL.... Too long too short... wrinkled .. didnt fit etc... and another is an EMOTIONAL Judge ... IT made me happy... It Felt Good etc... the trick here is to appeal to both of them for if you are CLEAN Technically and Emotionally stimulating.. they might over look your flaws.....

BUT YES.... I have been to pageants that were OBVIOUS RIGATONI DOWN!!! where the girl that won should not have placed top 10 by anyone's standards... and when a pageant gets a reputation for being fixed good luck getting contestants to invest their time, energy and money in something that they will never win.

BUT all that being said and DONE... DONT GIVE UP ON PAGEANTS... especially being EVERY TIME YOU DO ONE you get BETTER.... and if you do a bit of research before you enter you may find if its worth your effort or not - BUT BEWARE Of Promoters that promise their pageants to EVERYONE just to get contestants. That is EQUALLY BAD :( but if you do a pageant like this just DO YOUR BEST and hope the judges agree with you :)

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Hello i just had a quick question for you, i want to compete in the AAG at large system, and i want ti compete at Sunshine State AAG at large and was wondering what kind of advice would you have for

WELL my advice for when you are about to embark on ANY SYSTEM is to STUDY that system... order the DVD's of the years previous and see how the girls before you have interpreted their categories... and pay attention to who places... and who wins. Before long you will start to notice a pattern. This will help you in creating your package. :)

BUT NO MATTER What system you enter remember to BE CLEAN / POLISHED / Have fun and DO YOUR BEST! XOXOX

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hi misty, my question is i am attracted to a male body and face but i like females with clothes on. when i see like straight-porn i find the girls mistreated and im not attracted to that. is there a chace that im actually straight?

WELL First of all.. I dont know if you are a male or female.. BUT the line between gay and Straight is an EVER FLUCTUATING ONE - and like Dr Kinsey of the Kinsey Scale I do not believe anyone is 100% anything and we are all different degrees of each. I think its VERY natural for you to think about what your not attracted to. WHAT IF? WHAT WOULD? etc.... Do not stress on your questioning thoughts.

But if you really want to know what you are... think like this.... I LOVE Jennifer Coolidge, Drew Barrymore and Angelina Jolie.... LIKE I REALLY LOVE THEM.... BUT My love for them is more like respect... admiration... maybe even a I WISH I WAS THEM.... because my thoughts of them are NOT how great it would be to eat their pussy ... or to suck a nipple etc... in fact even typing it grosses me out... Id rather lay next to them laughing and watching a movie

I have also been a BIG BROTHER my whole life and Protecting my 4 little sisters from boys etc... I too have a soft spot for miss treated girls etc....

I guess what Im saying is there is no BLACK OR WHITE.... right or wrong.... and what you might be experiencing could be a multiple of things.

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I am an Independant Beauty Consultant, Makeup Artist and also a Female Illusionist. When I go to do someones makeup for a makeup party do you think it would hurt my work by dressing up or do you think it would make people want to hire me more.

I never think its a BAD Idea to exhibit your skills / talent when your working. When I was a makeup artist I wasnt a drag queen yet.. but I always wore makeup... just a very subtle shadow/ base/ contour mascara etc... nude lip LOL I was a VERY PAINTED BOY :)

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Aloha Misty! So I just started doing drag and noticed everyone here in Hawai'i strives to be PHISHY! I don't, I kinda wanna be more of a mix between Club Kid and Glam. BUT I don't know how...Got any tips?

WELL I personally STRIVE to be a bit of BOTH... and differing degrees of both... I dont like my audience to get too used to seeing me a certain way. I like to keep them guessing. BUT if you want to be HARD CORE CLUB KID... then you need to look towards the founders of the movement. Leigh Bowery for example is AMAZING!!!!! but get movies like Party Monster. But the BEST Club kids think outside of the norm - think like a BROKE kid struggling to survive practically living on the street etc.... What will you use for a costume/hair when you cannot afford it. FOR EXAMPLE! Use a lamp shade for hair.. and glue taco bell wrapping paper to a bra and make a dress etc. maybe glue your broken pearl necklace all over your face etc.... get inspiration from the uninspirational. I THINK ITS MUCH HARDER to be a club kid. but it can be fun blurring the lines between Male and Female etc.

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Sunday, February 26, 2012

I live in okc & am a wht male that is more attracted to black men. I have been experiencing hate from some of the black guys that only date there own race. They just dont understand why other black guys are into me. Whats the best way to deal with this.

YEAH.... this is a TOUGH ONE!!! You cannot force people to change their beliefs. What isnt an issue to you or me is may be a major issue to someone else. Enjoy the VLOG as I try to address this issue for you. XOXO



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hi misty eyez, recently i met this straight guy who lives in my apt. complex he is married and has kids but i am REALLY attracted to him...i added him on FB and seen him a couple times but don't know if i should tell him that i'm sexuall attracted to him

UMMM... if your total strangers... SURE WHY NOT... but if your friends etc... you risk the chance of loosing that friendship because you might make him weird or uncomfortable and want to run when he sees you ...

BUT if your not friends... you never know... you could find a new DL FB??

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hey im new to the drag thing and i wanting to perform glamazon and i have seen that u have done the song do u have any tips or advice you can give a young queen?

WELL... like with any song... LEARN THE WORDS.. and have fun with it :) :)

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where do you get the spray colors for your hair? And what if you have some what of big tits,how would u tape them down,cause mine are bigger then urs!! lol p.s. i seen ur video on taping tits,but its hard cause there bigger!! lol


Here is a link to my Favorite brand Top Coverage

are you taping them down... or together for cleavage.

Even real girls with HUGE breasts tape... but the BIGGER they are you might want to put a STRIP Under the breast and UP the sides like a smile.... the object it to get them to stay together for cleavage...

if you wan thtem down so you dont have them in the daytime etc.. your going to want to do what the kings do.. and tape your nipples under your armpits or in that direction

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Dear Misty, I met a str8 guy at the basketball court and we had sex, afterwards he wants to act like he doesn't know me, everytime i see him I want to curse him out and expose him...should i approach him or expose him?

I think this might be a REPEAT???? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTybQNEa0fc


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Why hello there madam Misty! Ok, so I want to be a queen, but I am currently in college... I want to become an Emcee, like that is my dream career, and eventually have my own talk show... Can I still become a popular Emcee through drag?

YES!!! I mean I dont see why not .... YES I think you can :) XOXOX

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Friday, February 24, 2012

MISTY! Im not yet a drag queen, but I dream of being one. However, I do drag around my university and I get a LOT of criticism that my transformation is bad because I already look very fem. What should I do to make a fiercer transformation?

Depends on who you talk too..... but LOOKING FISHY could be a BAD thing because your only wearing eyeliner and look like a man in a dress....

but if you look FISHY / TRANNY like real girl there is nothing wrong with that... but YES you would lwant to add more color to have a bit more dramatic look for stage :)

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Dear Misty, I am 24 & I have wanted to do drag for years & Im in a place where I can pursue it, I went & got some makeup, not top of the line but good none the less, but I am having some allergic reaction to it, what should I do? Is stage makeup bettet?

Try different brands... and YES... I use theatre makeup for it shows up much better from a distance etc. :)

check out http://www.fxwarehouse.net/

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Girrrl, you did Ursula? That's so fierce! Ursula is probably my favorite Disney character ever. She's all sex, she may be overweight, but who cares? She knows how to work it. Was it recorded? I'd love to see. But yeah, my Rapture was a let down too ;) lol

NO It wasnt recorded :( :(

AND LOL RAPTURE LOL.... it was HILARIOUS how many people were SERIOUSLY FREAKED OUT about it :(

Christians feed on FEAR :(

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My roommate is straight her BF is pretty hot and he flirts alot. He even comes to WM...After the GF fell alseep. i see him up in the kitchen getting a drink.. He sees my door open and taps and comes in. we go at it. I know what he wants. is he using me?

HELL YES he is using you....

and dont you feel that you are betraying your Roommates trust?

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Dear Misty, I'm a bio-girl and my city is having it's FIRST official PRIDE week this year. They're looking for fresh drag acts for the show, and I'm a burlesque dancer. Is it ok for a bio-girl to do a drag queen act?

I think BIO Drag is GREAT as long as your OVER THE TOP!!!!!!

when I personally was on the board of PRIDE and in charge of entertainment I always had every type of act perform. REAL GIRLS... Real Boys.... Drag Kings, Drag Queens... a bourlesque group.. church choirs etc...

im sure they will be GLAD to have you perform :)

BTW here is my video on FAUX DRAG / BIO DRAG



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Can you do a video about your body modifications?

I have TWO tattoos... Tramp Stamp and on my Right Calf. In college I had my navel Pierced. I have 1/2" Gages in both lobes, and a second and third hole in each lobe. I have my left treagus pierced and two cartilage on my left and one on my right :)

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Hey Misty! Im a Bisexual Guy In Love With One Of My Straight Best Friends! And I Feel So Awkward Around Him! My Heart Aches For Him, Truely! What Do I Do?

you can tell yourself that your barking up the wrong tree and stop torturing yourself.



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Hey Misty, I have question about hair. I want to do a crazy, colorful mohawk for a drag look, and I wanted to know what would be the best way to go about building the mohawk out of wigs and how to attach it to my head. Thank you! XOXO

Here you go darlin :)



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Here you goabe :) I hope these help :)





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I'm doing my first pageant next weekend. But am completely lost as to what song to do for my talent. I ain't a gown queen, nor am I big on musicals. I like more...eccentric songs. (I was think Crooker's Royal T) Any Ideas?

I have never heard that song before but yeah... if you can think of a Production to go with it sure....

THE BIG THING FOR PAGEANTS Is it MUST BE CLEAN!!!!! (the opposite of Messy or Sloppy or Thrown together) YEAH its easier to emulate Broadway productions etc... but if you are creative and CLEAN anything can work :) just be POLISHED, know your words etc.

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Dear Misty, I've heard you mention in some of your other videos that you cut your brushes. I've tried this method but I always end up ruining my brushes. :( Any advice on cutting them?

This is only mastered through trial and error :( and to what personal taste you want them cut....

BUT I personally Pinch the center before cutting and then turn and pinch again and turn and pinch etc...

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I'm a fledgling drag queen and I have #2Gage's in my ears and I am more the morticia type of Goth, will the drag community take me seriously, and what can I do about earrings, keep in mind I like your self a bigger girl?

WELL Bigger Girls should wear BIGGER EARRINGS :) :)



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dear misty i have always wanted to be a singer it was a long wish of mine to sing i have a good voice and all but my probleme is that i am very shy , and i have stage fright,i dont want to waste my talent nor my time i want to do it this year ,plz help

WELL if you have a TALENT you have a Talent. MOST artists suffer stage fright. For example look at ADELE .. she has crippling stage freight :( but is amazing :)

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What are your thoughts on the transgendered woman who was assaulted in a Baltimore McDonald's? Here's a link to her story http://www.mediaite.com/online/transgendered-woman-attacked-at-mcdonalds-speaks-out-in-first-interview/

I think that it is HORRIBLE....

(im glad that she was harassed for supposedly saying hi to a girls bf and not because she was a TS using the women's bathroom which is what I initially thought when I saw the video)

BUT either way I was appalled at the fact that the McDonalds employees stood by and watched / recorded the video. NONE Of them had any intention of stopping the fight. and that is RIDICULOUS!!!!

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Engaged 2 a guy in transition counseling, but he only considers himself a woman when he dresses up & thats only when he wants 2 fellate a guy. Hes pressing me 2 have sex w/ girls 2 “lessen the guilt” he has 4 wanting 2 fellate. Is it fetish or true Tr

well I know lots of "GIRLS" that are transitioning but dont get all dolled up 24/7 especially in the early stages of hormones etc... but YEAH would definitely dress up to go and get laid. As for her trying to get you to cheat so she doesnt feel guilty??? That is obviously her way of saying she wants to be with you.. but she wants an open relationship

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i did the duct tape thing and i got blood blisters in my boobs, why ?

GOSH I dont know... maybe you have sensitive skin? Maybe your allergic to Glue? Maybe you left it on too long?

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You are so awesome, one of my favorite drag queens. im doing a charity for cancer called Pinups for cancer. do you think you could give me a shout out on your youtube video? Give a good cause a chance :D http://jasonrobichaud.tumblr.com/ Jason

aww IM MONTHS and Months Behind :( :( and sometimes Formspring doesnt let me go back to the oldest questions SO Im afraid its a bit too late for me to help :(

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Hey Misty! I just started following you and I LOVE you and all your videos! Any chance you'll travel out of FL (like to NYC) soon? And what is Rebecca Glasscock up to nowadays?

OMG I LOVE TRAVELING :) like its my Fave thing to do :) :)

and I am due for a NYC VISIT :) Becky's been on me about it :) and yes she still lives in NYC :) :) and she is good :)

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i'm not a queen per say, but I do wear a lot of makeup. Thing is though, it's hard for me to be as openly gay, and care free as I am. In the past year I was a victim of 2 seperate hate crimes, and had my life threatened at gun point on ore than one occa

OH GOSH... for your safety.. you need to either MOVE to a more EDUCATED CULTURE, or you might consider blending in a bit more..... Its not worth loosing your life to prove a point etc...

BUT Check out this video... from a Girl that was told she couldnt be a TS at work...

and this one from a young TS in a Bad neighborhood



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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Hey Misty, So I've always been insecure about my weight (I'm a little on the heavier side) I've always found it hard to feel comfortable being intimate with my significant other. I feel like my insecurities are ruining my sex life! Help! :(

You need to know that NO MATTER what size you are, you are BEAUTIFUL. That and there are men that are attracted to skinny boney girls and there are men that are attracted to Heavy girls... thats the cool thing there are many different types of people and each person has different tastes.

HOWEVER... More importantly you cannot base your self worth on whether someone else finds you attractive....

BUT no matter what Size you are, take care of yourself, take pride in your appearance - Hair Makeup etc. If you carry yourself as a depressed miserable person nobody will be attracted to you, no matter what size you are.



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Potato chips or french fries?

Garden Salsa Sun Chips or Sweet Potato Fries....

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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Dear Misty I recently quit my job and realized since I have no money my friends barely talk to me I miss them so much and everytime I call them they either don't pick up or makeup an excuse what should I do? Please make a video on this LOVE YOU <3

Life is FULL of UPS and DOWNS... and without the highs there would not be any lows... and its what we learn in these down times that make us who we are where it counts. The rest I say on the VLOG :) :) Enjoy :)
xoxox Misty



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Hey, gorgeous! I just wanted to stop by and give you some love. It is so great for newbies, especially me, to have someone so sweet and fierce to look up to. You help to give me drive to be the best queen I can be. Thank you for being you! Love ya!

aww... your welcome Lovie :) XOXO

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Misty, have you ever been attacked physically by someone, at a show, or after a show or anything? Like in terms of gay bashing. Do you carry around a stun gun, and have you had to use it? hahaha. but seriously, have you had anyone try to hurt you?

I have pepper spray on my key chain... as a safety precaution... but FORTUNATELY I have never had to use it.. and no thankfully I have never been physically harmed in that way... but I have had people try to beat me up in HS etc

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So I'm a beginning queen and i was friends with a few experienced queens at the only local club. Once they found out i was interested in being a queen they seemed to just not talk to me anymore.And i just don't know what to do. Any advice?

HONESTLY....... if I can share from experience....

A lot of times Fans... kids etc come up to us.. and they are living but sometimes we confuse it with attraction.... and once they realize you dont have a crush on them and you just want to be a drag queen.. well then they move on... like UMM NEVERMIND.

for they must have been attracted to you and now realize they dont have a chance.. and your just another cute boy that wants to be a girl

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Dear Misty, I'm sure you've been asked before but... I am a BIG drag queen and have been asked to perform at a local bar. I just don't have the wardrobe and I don't want to perform in my fashion bug clothes because they don't match any songs. Any advice?

Start buying from other drag queens like on Facebook Drag Swap... or Ebay or get someone to sew for you ;) :)

but I often perform in store bought clothes...

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Dear Misty, I am trying to cut down the amount of time it takes to get into full drag. On Ru's Drag Race they usually have a short amount of time, my goal is to get into drag without it being a 3 hour production process. Any tips for us new queens?

Practice.. Practice... Practice.. when I first strated I had to allow just over 2 hours to get ready.. now I can slop on a face in 25 min.....

but every time you do it.. you'll get better and you'll discover short cuts etc... if I do this first... I wont need to do that etc.

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Dear Misty, I have an olive (medium) skin tone. I was setting my makeup with translucent powder, which made me look like I was a ghost. Is there a way to darken the powder to better match my skin tone? Also how to I determine a shade for contouring?

I also darken my translucent powder...



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Dear Misty, I have always been curious to the process of applying makeup properly. Do I do primer, foundation, setting powder, then contour and highlight? What about when using liquid contour and highlight?

the difficult thing with makeup is there is really NO RIGHT OR WRONG WAY... you can do whatever you want as long as it gives you the result you desire...

NOW for Liquid contour make sure you SET IT with powder like you would yoru foundation.

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hi misty , i work in Blackpool U.K at a place called Funny Girls , its a Drag show bar , im the straight drag queen that asked you what you think about straight drag queens , i was Anon but decided to reveal myself to get an answer . xxxx

Here you go lovie ;) :)



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Dear Misty, I am an aspiring artiste, and I'm learning the tricks of the trade. But I find that I tend to do what I call Andro-Drag, similar to the aesthetic of Justin Tranter of SemiPreciousWeapons, but I'm not sure if my fellow dragsters will accept me.

you dont need your Fellow Drags to ACCEPT YOU .. you need the audience to accept you.. and if the audience loves you .. you'll get work :) :) SO no matter what your STYLE of drag is... WORK ON IT..Perfect it... and become GREAT :)

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Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Life is all about adapting and adjusting.. Enjoy the VLOG :)

XOXO Misty



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Dear Misty. A friend and I have decided to start performing. However, he wants to us to do our first show...together. Neither of us have performed before, and I want to do my first show by myself, but I'd be VERY nervous alone. What should I do?

Sometimes when we are afraid we beg others to help us or go with us... much like a girl going to the bathroom alone... SCARY RIGHT ? LOL....

but the reality is... YEAH... doing it for the first time might ease the blow... but it also provides a crutch... if you think you can do it alone I suggest doing it alone... Duets are rarely show stoppers so you will have to work harder as a duet to get the audience to live

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hey i have been seen drag queen using hair spray color, but is not matte like the parties ones that is matte... and i wold like to know you if you know any brand or where can i find those spray? Thanks.. xoxoxo


I get mine on amazon


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Dear misty I am a fledgling drag queen and a big girl to boot, I am also Gothic I have plugs in my ears and can't as of now wear regular earrings. Should I get second holes I don't mind but it might look funny. Also do Goth queens get taken searously.

Are you watching Rupauls Drag race... SHARON NEEDLES IS TURNING IT!!!!!

and yes ANYTYPE of Drag queen can turn it.... you just need Stage Presence etc...



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misty , i am 16 going on 17 and im in love with drag i have all the essentials needed i just dont have no one to help me . can i still be considered a drag queen even if underage ? or perform anywhere ? even with a fake id ?

anyone that does drag is a drag queen... it doesn't matter the age... so yes 17 years old you will be a drag queen... But I dont know anywhere you can perform without being 18 :( :( BUT IF YOU DO Perform in a bar at 18.. DONT DRINK if they catch you drinking you'll be Banned for hte bar can loose their liquor liscense

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Misty i am just getting into the drag scene, i have tons of make up like foundations eyeshadows baby powders lipsticks and glosses. i just cant do make up of my life depended on it. what would be the best advice on how to paint your face better?

PRACTICE.... experiment.... Try new things... one day put your eyeliner on heavy then light.. sometimes only do the top ... then do half the bottom etc... do this with everything... lips, brows etc.... and take lots of pics so you know what to improve...

also remember your not painting for the mirror... Meaning the people that will be seeing you.... will be MUCH Farther than the mirror... :) so you dont need to paint super close

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Oh, and girl, I have so many questions, so I'll be careful not to blow up your page. Another question, I have rather long hair, I don't know much about wigs, what's a good way to wear them as well as concealing my length. I also have a rather large head.

I usually wear my hair in a pony tail but that will not work if your are trying to wear a skin tight wig to pass it off as your real hair... in that case the only thing that will work is if you put your real hair into Pin Rolls. so it lays flat.


this will also style your hair curly for when you take the wig off :)

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Dear Misty. I have a problem. Im just starting drag and all of my dresses are sleeveless and I have a bit of a farmers tan and it is not cute! IDK what to do. Pleace help me! :(

Spray on Panty Hose. http://sallyhansen.com/products/skin-body/leg-care/airbrush-legs

the problem with this for panty hose is its not shiny which would work best for shoulders... its basically like spray tan but it washes off without staining your skin

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