ONLY TIME will TELL........ AFTER seeing you being persistent for weeks / months maybe years she will come around.... but THE thing is you are young.... and IT COULD BE A PHASE.... I know many girls who start hormones... and then stop... not to lessen the intensity but like taking piano lessons your all about it for like a month you buy the piano and then ignore it... you still have the desire to play... but.... :(
HOWEVER IF YOU REALLY FEEL you were born in the WRONG BODY and HATE your MANHOOD... you'll be one of the girls that takes up piano and never stops until she is doing recitals in concert halls....
HAVE FAITH your mother loves you and wants the best for you.. and she wants to make sure this is REALLY Something that you are ... and not just wanting this year
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
I'm 15 and i just came out to my mom as transgenderd. but my mom keeps saying its all in my head or a hormonal imbalance. how can i make her understand
What's your favorite food at a BBQ?
EGG SALAD - or Deviled Eggs - or Macaroni and cheese LOL I dont know I like a lot of the side dishes more than the main course LOL
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
dear misty; my x wont leave me alone now that ive moved on to somebody who actually loves me, hes become very abusive and i cant get him to leave me alone.. help :[ i just want to be happy with my new boyfriend.
LOOKING BACK its often FUNNY the people we fell for... or that we had at one time Dated... LIKE WHAT WAS I THINKING? Unfortunately people dont show their true colors right away.
Misty have you ever thought about moving to NYC?
I LOVE to visit NYC .. but MOVE THERE? NO... the only way I would move there is if I was CAST on broadway in like Hairspray or something like that LOL.... or a MAJOR job like that moved me there.. but just to move there NO im happy in south Florida ;)
Are you a morning person or evening person?
I am a NIGHT PERSON.... I usually try to be in bed by 7 am (and im RUNNING LATE TODAY) :( going now :)
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Dear Misty I can tell you are such a beautiful person but I'm confused why you would wear a TShirt so vulgar as I <3 blowjobs. I'm still a fan just confused.
HONEY.. as I say in this video... its all about ART.. and its all about causing a REACTION :)
Thursday, August 25, 2011
dear misty: im gay but no one knows about it and at school there is a boy i dont know about him any thing but i keep catch hi looking at me all the time i find him every where i go even when he walks near me he smiles .i like him! so what should i do?
I had the VERY SAME problem Growing up - here is my ADVICE for if I would go back and change this is what I would do. :) ENJOY XOOX
Dear Misty, I am on a fixed income (Disability), Is it possible to get into drag and still be able to make sure the bills are paid and can I use those wigs you buy for Halloween (Like from Walmart, etc)
OF COURSE... but I would not recommend it unless you use like 3 or 4 at a time. The reason is because they are a CHEAPER quality and usually very thin and you can see right through them.
Dear Misty, is there a reason your forehead looks a shade darker than the rest of your face? Is it good not to do your makeup as light on your forehead?
ITS called CONTOURING... and reshaping your face to be MORE FEM... a man has a BIG SQUARE Forehead and a womans is ROUND.... here is a LINK that shows it a bit better ... (part two of a 3 part series)
Do you believe in karma?
In Fact I think EVERY Religion has Something RIGHT and that is KARMA - The GOLDEN RULE. YOU PUT out GOOD and you will GET GOOD... you do EVIL and you will GET EVIL
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Hi Misty, my name is Nat (feel free to use my name in the Ask Misty vlog). My question is whether I should reconnect a friendship with someone who really hurt me by walking away when they found out that there was the POSSIBILITY that i may be HIV+??
Things this PERSONAL take a lot longer to heal.... but if your friend is capable of realizing that HE/SHE acted out of FEAR / IGNORANCE and is able to APOLOGIZE I dont see any reason you should not forgive them. See the VLOG for more details.
Misty, Is the saying true, "Once a cheater always a cheater"?
I THINK SO YES.... for he will always be capable of cheating.... (goes along with a cat cannot change its spots) and once an alcoholic always an alcoholic.... YOU MAY Stay CLEAN for a while... but the temptation, desire, is still there... and
How would you tell your crush that you like them?
OH GOSH... that is HARD... I probably wouldnt :( IM SHY
Friday, August 19, 2011
I 'm a big girl and I get the biggest hose I can find... but they rip when I try to put them on with my hip pads.... which brand do you use? and how many do you wear?
Here is the best answer I can come up with, and this is actually something I needed for myself when I do Pageants I also need hose :) SO thanks for making me think :)
If you were going to perform in the circus, what would you do?
RING MASTER -- Master of Ceremonies - or... Bearded Lady LOL
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Oh my god, do you believe in Baba Vanga's predictions? She said 20 years ago that the 44th president will be black and he'll be the last president of the US. It's so scary and I don't know what's happening... Do you believe in that?
UMMM I never heard of her... but after googling her I found that baba vanga predicted WWIII will happen in November 2010 so she was for sure wrong about that ....
Her prophecies about the future: and some are WELL quite insane.. SO NO I DONT BELIEVE HER... but people becoming robots is kinda cool - and animals becoming human well... ??
2011 - Due to the radioactive showers in Northern Hemisphere - no animals or plants will be left. Muslims will begin chemical war against Europeans who are still alive.
2014 - Most of the people in this world will have skin cancer and skin related diseases. (as a result of chemical wars).
2016 - Europe is almost empty
2088 - New disease. - People are getting old in few seconds.
2097 - This disease is cured.
2100 - Man made Sun is lighting up the dark side of the planet Earth.
2111 - People become robots.
2123 - Wars between small countries. Big countries don’t get evolved.
2130 - Colonies under water (advices from aliens)
2154 - Animals become half-humans.
Do you have a nickname?
The Eyez of FL, South Florida Sweetheart, The most Beautiful Girl in the World.
Are you on , similar to facebook but for alternative people ?
umm NO... I barely have time for my Facebook or Google plus... but here are the links for you if you would like to be freinds there ;)
Im getting married! However, my partner and I have yet to have sexual relations. I know its scary for us. Part of it is we are bffs as well. Maybe it's hard for him to find the attraction again? What shld I do or say?
WHAT is this REAL? Your going to marry your BEST FRIEND but you havent had sex? because WHY? and what are you saying about attraction? IM confused.. and WHY?
If you were a str8 couple and a christian I would understand.. but as a gay man why are you waiting for marriage.... and your young so its not like you are afraid to die alone... and looking for companionship?? and the part about the attraction confuses me.... Why are you getting married?
Dear Misty, im a gay teen and i was talking to this str8 guy from my highschool and he seemed interested in me or interested in doing things with me. Then people found out about it, so he stopped talking to me, i can't get over him, what should i do?
You will QUICKLY LEARN that Secrecy is VERY IMPORTANT especially when someone's reputation is at risk
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Misty, and need your help. Please message me back or however this works. I'm 16, and gay. I don't know what I am, I know I like boys, and like being a boy, but I love heels, and handbags and makeup, what does this make me? My family doesn't understand me.
Darling, I think that most of your life you will be spent RUNNING FROM LABELS... there is no need to LABLE yourself now.... Embrace your diversity and explore your freedome to express yourself... HOWEVER I did list some thoughts in my VLOG FOR YOU
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Hi Misty, I'm a 15 year old girl, I've sent you my story when you made the "It gets better" video, you replied and it meant a lot to me! I just wanted to ask, where you get plus size "dressy"shoes cause I'm a size 12 in womens shoes, cause im tall lol x
Hey Sarah, this is a common problem that Men have, I hope Im able to shed some light for you :) XOXO
What's your most-hated chore?
ALL OF THEM LOL (Especially cleaning / washing / Styling wigs or cleaning cleaning the drag bathroom LOL)
Monday, August 15, 2011
Hey girl It's me Camilla La Rue I have this guy who is really into trannys and wants to do me like hard body but he only wants to do me in Drag and I find this a little wired what should I do.... Kisses
Hey Girl, I would say this is a hard question for me to answer for its all about your comfort levels... Some girls refuse to meet guys all dressed up and others prefer it... its all about what you want. but here is my reply :)
I hve a bf n we've been goin out 4 close 2 3 yrs now. I cheated in the beginnin of the relationship n he 4gave me. I haven't cheated since. I got info from some1 that hooked up w/ them 3 times within the past 3 months. He denies it. Should I 4give him?
He forgave you didnt he? I would be more mad about they lying to you... but if he is honest about it.. YES I would forgive him... we are HUMAN nobody is perfect.. but its the LYING and SNEAKING that would really piss me off
Dear Misty, I've watched some videos from you on differences between transsexuals, drag queens, and crossdressers, But is there a specific difference between a transvestite and a drag queen?
Drag Queens Entertain on Stage or they are at least PUBLIC about their dressing going to parties to clubs and just GOING OUT.... Transvestites are usually private about their dressing and do it in thier own homes etc.
Friday, August 12, 2011
sounds silly but its a real question. What do you mean that porn stars "perform" at the Boardwalk? Do they lip synch male songs like drag queens or do they have sex on stage?
they are Strippers.... (they dont lip sync and they dont have sex)
Do you regret thing you have chosen to do or say if so what would one biggest regret you wish you could turn back time and change?
I wish I could go back and actually Graduate College
I would Focus on ONE Major instead of switching every year... and I would concentrate on STUDYING instead of taking the min corse load so I could be social... I was in 3 choirs... 4 drama ministries etc...
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Im a full time drag queen in my city and got a facebook msg from a no name "queen" challenging me to a drag off...Am i a bitch or look chicken to say no? would you say yes? This queen doesnt wear make up, looks like a boy in a dress...what would you do?
Tell her to BUZZ OFF... I dont know what she is trying to prove... but I wouldnt do it. There is nothing you will gain "street Cred wise" from taking out an amature girl....
its fun to pass the time... but not worth making a genuine effort or commitment until you meet in person. People can tell you whatever they want online... may not be the age or gender they say online etc.... ITS SKETCHY... but guard your heart till it becomes reality.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
This TRULY Bothers me... and I think you wills ee from my VLOG WHY...
Misty, my bf and I have been together 2yrs. In beginning, I would catch him in pointless lies. Today, I caught him smoking (somethin I've never known him to do), and he told me it was his 1st 1...another lie. - need help him but not lies
Babe I dont think you need my help..... you told me your dating a LIAR... and my question for you is... WHY ARE YOU DATING A LIAR....
is it ok to treat you that way... is it ok to LIE TO YOU?
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
dear misty, i just recently broke up with my boyfriend...he wanted to be "friends" because he wants to focus on getting a job and i want to be promiscuous again and start going to the porn shops to fell that Void but at the same time i fell guilty...
I wouldnt know why? If you were goign to the bookstore while you ere Dating I might feel guilty ... but your broke up?
What's the most embarrassing thing that's happened to you?
EVER???? I was a Makeup Artist for VERSACE and was at an EVENT in the Waterside Shops in Naples Florida. and WASNT FEELING WELL... and in the middle of the makeover... I started to FEEL the RUSH of haing to RUN to the bathroom..with the RUNS..... and was trying to FINISH the makeover before ... for I dont know how long I WOULD BE THERE.... and just before I finished.... was about to do her lips... I leaned over and Whispered to my counter person and said YOU HAVE TO FINISH HER LIPS ... EMERGENCY... and I ran to the RESTROOM... WHICH was as you know in department stores there is like ONE per FLOOR and it was NO WHERE NEAR ME.. and well... I DIDNT MAKE IT... and it was all over the bathroom ... my pants .... IT WAS HORRIBLE... Needless to say I called the counter and asked someone to bring me my bag/keys etc..told management I would be back tomarrow. and then I called housekeeping and apologized... threw away my underwear washed my pants... and HIT IT.... trying to find the path of least resistance out of the Mall ... I WAS MORTIFIED...
Monday, August 8, 2011
i have a friend who's been in a 6 year sexless relationship with an alcoholic. My friend has expressed to me that he is very unhappy, wants to leave but doesn't feel he can cuz his boyfriend is so dependant on him. How do I help my friend??
-- Surprisingly SOME PEOPLE are not happy unless they are MISERABLE... BUT if he REALLY does want out... I would say GET OUT.... I let my ex stay in my place for Four Months after we broke up... but once the lease was up.. it was time for him to get out...and I had to help him... for some people are just not capable of caring for themselves and need help. but you need to realize you are his Boyfriend not his mother..... but you might need to help him get on his own but once he is... then you need to stay firm in that your alone, and so is he.
ALSO What about REHAB.. and while he is in rehab move his stuff out to his own place?
Friday, August 5, 2011
Hey girl, I just want to say you are an Inspiration. I wish I could one day meet you but you live in FL and I'm in Canada. I'm new to the drag scene and i feel lost already, how would I ask a queen about becoming my drag mother?
Here you go girl :) GOOD LUCK :) I also Included 2 links on the video to other Drag Mother videos :)
I'm a bio girl, who does a lot of sex shows in the Alberta Society of Kink.. I find myself with a lot of stage fright, no matter what I do I always get nervous. I'm wondering do you get stage fright? How do you deal with it? Stay Fabulous.
OH GOSH YES... all the time... especially for a new crowd or venue... WIll they like it... will they tip me... etc.... BUT I think Stage fright helps enhance your performance....
Question about my [drag] name. A year or so back I came up with the name "Ravenna Grimoire", but I was talking to someone and he randomly called me "Marzella Tiburon", and I thought that was fabulous. In *your* opinion, which is better?
A LOT goes into a NAME..... Definition... Meaning... SOUND... Is it EASY to say.. Remember... coudl you make a trademark with it... and if you develop fans can it be easily GOOGLED Etc.....
Ravenna Grimoire: when googled together all i found were you rpages... Google Plus and Formspring etc.... but seperate
Ravenna is an italian City.....
A grimoire is a textbook of magic. Such books typically include instructions on how to create magical objects like talismans and amulets
Marzella is an Italian Resteraunt and a common Italian Last name.... it sounds like a play on Mozzerella... Bella which is beautiful
Tiburon is a City in California....
HOPE that could help you decide :)
If you could play a character on any TV show, which show would it be, and whom would you play?
I LOVE Criminal Minds.. and I would either like to be an AGENT on there... but ID LOVE to play a PENELOPE GARCIA Character... (I LOVE HER)
Thursday, August 4, 2011
im fat. im gay and scared to let a man touch me, no hug, nothing on my body. it frustrates me. i have turnd down sex. im ashamed of my body and i have never had anyone tell me othrwise. is it bc i am a man? women seem to get all th encouragemnt they need.
Honey... I am worried about you.... and I explain it all in the VLOG
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Dear Misty I want my drag character to wear glasses, as do I. Considering the amount of makeup it takes to be seen from the back seats, is there any way wearing glasses is okay for a Drag Queen? look up Bayonetta for reference, Thanks for reading. X]
UMMMMM? I think Glasses would be a GOOD PROP.. but IM not sure if you want to wear them ALL THE TIME....?
but if you do... I would take the Lenses out so that there is no glare so you can see your eyez etc... and I have even seen a girl who put eyelashes on here classes instead of her eyez... it was kinda cool :)
It's summer and I've been wearing a lot of dresses and skirts. Do you have tips on preventing chafing?? (thighs rubbing together)
I keep Silicone Lube in my purse (Wet Platinum or Swiss Navy Silicone)
Misty in your Ask Misty Video entitled: Ask Misty: Whats the Big Deal with GOOGLE PLUS, you said something that was kind of disturbing to me. You said something along the lines of I only let a select few of people see your boy face. Why is that?
PRIVACY - Misty Eyez is such a PUBLIC persona.... and If Im out hanging out with friends or someone special or even alone getting gas etc... I prefer to do it in peace.....
(I still get clocked - Especially with my voice... but I like to limit it as much as I can)
Dear Misty, is it wrong to think you can start a relationship with a porn star?
WELL - I think Everyone Needs love... Even Porn Stars Click to watch the Rest :)
Dear Misty, What's your favourite movie? x
Ever After.... I think? OR Sleeping with the enemy... or Gone with the Wind???
If you could have your own tv show what would be the Name, Concept, and what would you like to accomplish with doing this tv show?
I have so many IDEAS... or interests.... Id like to do a show much like OPRAH or TYRA where I could interview guests..... but Id also like to do something like a Martha Stewart or even like an E ENtertainment Tonight :) like a Joan Rivers etc...???
Do you like horror movies?
YES - but my FAVE is Mystery / Suspense and they often go Hand in Hand with Horror / Scary movies ;)
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
I lost my virginity to a straight guy, who has a girlfriend with a father who is helping him join the military. He tells me he wants a relationship, but it'll have to be a secret between close friends and ourselves. He's leaving in 6 months, help?
YEAH... anytime your Virginity is involved you will have much more emotion involved and conflicted feelings... BUT you will have to wach my VLOG for my thoughts.
Hey Misty I'm a girl and I have brown eyes and brown hair and I was wondering what color eyeshadow/glitter should I get? Thanks!
Brunettes with Brown Eyez have all the fun.... for they can WEAR anything.... BUT I think metalics look the best. Pinks, Golds, Bronze, and EVEN Browns help make the brown eyes pop.
Which really came first, the chicken or the egg?
CHICKEN...... (as in which Came first the Man or the Sperm)