Friday, February 25, 2011

my best friend is straight (so he says) and i know he's messed with a lot of girls. but im the only guy he's messed with and he tells me too. but does he like me or is it fun and games im confused plz help me try to understand plz thank you so much : /

I think the MAIN THING that sets men apart from women is the fact that MEN can have SEX without Emotion.... meaning we can have ANONOMOUS SEX WITH STRANGERS ETC.... we dont need to know thier names etc.... ITS JUST SEX...... in the Gay community we call it TRADE - We are just Trading Orgasm for Orgasm..... Nothing else is needed or expected. The fact of him being str8 has nothing to do with it.... Str8 guys work gay guys for BJs etc... all the time.... they want to get off and we are very sexual

THE THING HERE Is that you have developed emotions for him, and they are clouding your judgment and your starting to long for him, instead of just enjoying what you have when it happens.

As a STR8 Man he will never leave his GF/Wife for you... and the MORE CLINGY you get the more he pulls away.


PLEASE shorten your question 2the space allowed but Ask Anything from Mild 2 Wild (Table Talk or Deep Probing Questions)

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