Monday, February 28, 2011

OMG Last night, aftr I bttmd for this guy, he was pounding me hard, drillin for oil. I had major gas while we were cuddling after. Was tryn to hold it but started to get cramps and was so embarrased when I let one out. HELP, how do I keep from gettn gas

LOL...FIRST let me say that EVERYTHING WE DO... has an equal and opposite reaction..... and like Most things in life there are POSITIVES and NEGATIVES to EVERY SITUATION... this would be a negative - to a positive situation ;) and second... at least you got to cuddle, most of us don't have that luxury after sex.


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can there be inpersonators of drag queens? Like a misty eyez drag queen impersonator for example

I dont see why not... as long as and entertainer as long as your entertaining :) I dont see why not :)

I thought about Impersonating Lady Bunny or Jackie Beat just havent yet

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What celebrity would you most like to meet in person?

Rupaul Charles if I ever get cast on her Show RUPAULS DRAG RACE :) I would also love to hang with Drew Barrymore or Brenden Fraiser

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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Often times when doing my makeup, my eyes will water, or my nose... and it will leave water spots under my eyes and its really annoying. I don't know if you've had this problem or know tricks around it? I know you're not a DR but... still lol.



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what was your first time doing drag like?

It was SOOOO MUCH FUN :) (I thought I was so GORGEOUS... however pics will prove otherwise) but it was for Halloween... and I had enough fun I did it the next year as well ;)

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Dear Misty, When you shave for drag do you use Men's shaving cream or woman's shaving cream.

I use conditioner (its cheaper)

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hey Misty. So when a drag queen is in drag what wasroom do they use?

I guess that depends on what kind of drag queen you are... If your a Female Impersonator / transsexual / or goddes / glam girl etc... with breasts makeup and female hair and giving the illusion of woman.. THEN YES YOU WOULD USE THE WOMANS ROOM....

but if your a CLUB KID and a man with makeup on .. .NO SHIRT / no boobs / showing your boy nips etc... and a skirt I would say its ok to use the boys room for your allowing your public to know your indeed a man

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What film do you think should win Best Picture for the 2010 Oscars?

I say.... BLACK SWAN... :) AND I LOVE NATALIE PORTMAN so I say BLACK SWAN but I ALSO LOOOOVED Inception.. and I think Inception should win.... but I think black Swan will take it... if the Kings Speech doesn't take it... (cause they have been nominated for the most awards and the odds are apparently in their favor even though I HAVE NO INTEREST to see it

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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Hey Misty, I was wondering if all drag queens have to be campy? Like...can drag be all high class or does that make it not drag. I'm just a tad confused. Thanks a ton, M.R.

This question is SO FUNNY.... because I was just asked the OPPOSITE question... from some CLUB KID / Campy girls that have been pressured to stop and look more fierce / fishy.....

Here is my REPLY :) XOXO


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How did your parents react when you came out to them and told them you were doing drag? and how would you tell your parents you are doing drag?

I couldnt tell them... SO I wrote them a 15 page letter....

My mom called me crying... and then we didnt talk for almost 10 years

(BUT IT HELPS that I was in Oklahoma and they were in Kentucky so the whole no talk thing was easier than avoiding each other around town etc)

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Ive herd some of my gay friends talk about this, I was just wondering, What is poppers? is that used for like sexual pleasure? What does it do? Is it like a drug?

UMM... its VCR HEAD CLEANER... its a LIQUID that guys like to take a smell of before Sex / durring sex.... it makes you kinda dizzy and numb and come think that it makes bottoming easier

(It only lasts for a few seconds... -- much like sniffing a really strong marker-- I dont like it cause it gives me a BAD HEADACHE)

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If you had a time machine, what date would you travel to?

I would go back to 1994 so I can RE DO COLLEGE....

OMG IF I could know what I know NOW and GO TO ORU from 94-98 I might have Graduated...

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Friday, February 25, 2011

my best friend is straight (so he says) and i know he's messed with a lot of girls. but im the only guy he's messed with and he tells me too. but does he like me or is it fun and games im confused plz help me try to understand plz thank you so much : /

I think the MAIN THING that sets men apart from women is the fact that MEN can have SEX without Emotion.... meaning we can have ANONOMOUS SEX WITH STRANGERS ETC.... we dont need to know thier names etc.... ITS JUST SEX...... in the Gay community we call it TRADE - We are just Trading Orgasm for Orgasm..... Nothing else is needed or expected. The fact of him being str8 has nothing to do with it.... Str8 guys work gay guys for BJs etc... all the time.... they want to get off and we are very sexual

THE THING HERE Is that you have developed emotions for him, and they are clouding your judgment and your starting to long for him, instead of just enjoying what you have when it happens.

As a STR8 Man he will never leave his GF/Wife for you... and the MORE CLINGY you get the more he pulls away.


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When was the last time you spoke to your drag daughter Rebecca Glasscock? Me and my friend were discussing RuPaul's Drag Race and it appears that iss Glasscock has fallen off the face of the Earth. Just wondering if you still keep contact with her.

yesterday we talked for 2 hours... no she's not off the face of the earth... she is THRIVING in NYC and studying theater.... :)

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Misty can you do a makeup tutorial for one of your fabulous looks? XO

My Misty Minutes are my tutorials, and it is not my desire or intention to show a complete look.... but my intention to give you pieces of the puzzle and let you put your own look together with my tips or your own.... You can use my lip liner or my contour or my glitter etc... not to mention I could not do a complete look in a minute...

HOWEVER... here is the closest thing you will have to a MISTY MINUTE / COMPLETE LOOK... :)

Enjoy :)


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If you had to legally change your name, what would you change it to?

GIRL: Wynter
Boy: Christian or Sebastian

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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Dear Misty, Do you have any tips on maintaining a good reputation? What are some general things NOT to do? Thank you^^bookontable

YOUR REPUTATION IS ALL YOU HAVE in this business..... and my answer is VERY SIMPLE.... check it out :)


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If you could get away with anything for one night and not have to worry about getting caught, what would it be?

GOSH... I DONT KNOW.... I believe in Karma too... SO.... Im not really interested in doing negative things or putting negative things out into the universe.
SORRY I cannot think of anything :(

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Would you consider going on RuPaul's Drag Race? What's your opinion on that show?

I have auditioned for the last three years... and yes I want to be on it :) In fact this year (season 3) they showed 4 little clips of my audition video in the casting call episode :)

Here are my thoughts from after watching the first episode

My thoughts are basically the same as I continue to watch this year :)


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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I have heard many people talk about Massage therapy. I have never had one, and Im afraid to do it... What are your thoughts on Full body massage... Have you had one and should I do it?

YES I LOOOOOOVE MASSAGE... and YES I do recommend them. and THERE IS NOTHING to be nervous about.... I used to think I was too heavy for massage... but its like going to a dentist... they see people all day long and many people have HORRIBLE TEETH. and massage therapists see ALL types of bodies... and there is nothing to be nervous or self conscious about...

THEY are in the business to HELP, and HEAL... and Massage is VERY IMPORTANT. DO IT....


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After my first performance they said I needed a better stage presence and personality, how can I connect with my audience better?

WELL my main suggestion for you as a performer.... DO WHAT YOU LOVE... DO WHAT BLESSES YOU... and makes you feel FIERCE and has a MESSAGE YOU WANT TO SHARE... the problem is if you pic a song to do that you "think they will like" but you dont live it breath it LOVE IT... it will come across as lost in translation......... have you ever seen a performer do a song you never heard before but you were captivated by them and after the show you had a new appreciation for both them and the song.. and every time they hear the song... they will think of you.... and that is a good performer.

(Basically if you ever are out somewhere and hear a song and it stops you and your like WAIT WHAT IS THIS>.. OMG I LOVE THIS SONG RUN TO THE DJ and FIND OUT WHO / WHAT it is.... and learn it....) if it moves you.. it will move the audience THROUGH YOU

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dear misty. HOW DO YOU MAKE HIP PADS!! any tips or suggestions????

I dont usually wear hip pads.... and I dont make them... but here is my VLOG on them :)


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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Theres a guy i met whos special needs(disabled)&hes gay&hung out w/him cuz no one would&he fell in love w/me Im not interested He comes on 2desparate &calls me babe/handsome/etc&blows up my phone w/msgs I dont wanna hurt him bt i cant stand this n e more.

You obviously have a GREAT HEART, and Im sure that your heart will guide you into the right decision, but maybe I can help you look at a few sides of this equation :) XOXO


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If i want a drag mother can I put an ad in craigslist. IF so where should I put it under and what should I put int he ad.

NO ... A Drag mother is PERSONAL.... you need to have a connection with her... you need more than a "NAME" you need someone to mentor you... and help yu.... so ask a gurl you respect / look up too.

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what are good rates to be paid as a drag performer?

that question is toooooooo random..... For your first several years I would expect to work for free (Tips Only) if you can even get those bookings, and then it will start at next to nothing $25. BUT IT really depends on the type of Venue, to where etc... but its safe to say anywhere from $25 - $1500 for big names like the Rupaul's Drag Race Girls / Jackie Beat etc...

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when contouring your face. you colour the hairline to blend well with the wig. WHat do you do for a wild colour like a green wig?

I contour my forhead to RE SHAPE and ROUNDEN the Forehead.... with a GREEN WIG you can soften the hairline with a WIGLINE (See misty Minute) or with Hairspray (black or Green also see misty minute on blending in hair)

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If you could have any car you wanted, what kind of car would you get?

I LOVE MY CAR NOW... (Honda Element) Id eventually like a NEWER VERSION... all decked out maybe but I just love it :)

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Sunday, February 20, 2011

i am seeing male couple. they say they want me to live with them when they can get a place for us to move in. They live with a mutual friend. One never says i love you to me and the other only during sex. should i give up or do i keep faith in it.

On this one I would say... FOLLOW YOUR HEART... I do not know.. and CANNOT KNOW how to answer you.... I dont know you and I dont know them.... however here is a GENERAL answer for "PEOPLE" in your "Situation" :) XOXO


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IM new to drag, Im just starting out. Hpw dp I go about finding music mixes? How do i find a dj? Monroe

YOU DONT NEED Mixes.... but if you want one I reccomend DJ Joellapuss he has tracks on youtube and his website... (BTW when you buy it he takes out the JOELAPUSS REMIX overlay for you - he just puts that so people dont lift his material and use it without permission)
his youtube channel

his facebook:


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im new to drag. how do i go about finding music to preform to and also where do I find a dj? Im not sure how to go about that Monroe

Hey Babe... the BEST MUSIC to perform is MUSIC YOU FEEL.. or BELIEVE IN... if your in a club and a song comes on and your like OMG I LOVE THIS SONG.... and you start dancing.... YOU NEED TO DO IT... because you LOVE IT.. and your love will come across on stage to the audience :)

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it;s like when i contact LF( the producer in charge) i never get a response at all if ever unless we run into each other on the street. i just don't think its fair, and i need some advice how todo deal with the jealousy and i don't want it to consume me

WOW..... I MUST TELL YOU that DRAG IS A VERY DIFFICULT BUSINESS TO BREAK INTO... much like any show business... some people get handed things and it doesnt seem fair for others / like me have to pay their dues and prove themselves over and over again... before they are given chances.... (BUT I will say that once you do PROVE yourself... the road does seem to be a little bit easier to pave from then on) BUT Just as it is in any SHOW BUSINESS Career you are constantly PROVING yourself and constantly RE INVENTING yourself......


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WHEN are you going to come down to sunny Hawaii and perform? :)

I would LOVE TO COME ... and I will as soon as I get Hired to come :) (I go where the money is...)

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What's your favorite quality about yourself?

My personality

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Friday, February 18, 2011

How does a drag queen use the washroom when she is tucked? Sorry if this is a silly question, I guess you just don't go while you're dressed up? Just curious! Love all your videos so much xoxo

I have been asked this question SEVERAL Times in the last week or so.... Either by the same person or by several people .. but here is my VLOG REPSONSE:

but my basic answer is THAT is why GIRLS drink STRONG DRINKS.... NOT BEER, and light mixers, so that they dont have to pee.... but bottom line is... you need to UN TUCK TO PEE.... and then RE TUCK if needed...

(I personally dont wear hose so that my bathroom breaks are much easier, and I wear loose fitting clothes so that I dont have to tuck)


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Misty what do you think of a drag queen not being able to do her own makeup? I have a makeup artist but do you think its better for me to do it on my own if they cant do it as often as i would like?

YEAH... I have heard of GIRLS using makeup artists for pageants etc... but I cannot imagine paying someone to do my face EVERY time I need to do drag... WHAT If you got booked somewhere... and then there wasn't an artist available... would you have to cancel your booking? you should definitely LEARN ...and then use an artist for special occasions if your not secure in yourself.. but you'll only get better with more practice

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Hi Misty. I am a str8 female that is attracted to male transsexuals per-operation. I am very confused as to am I gay, str8, or bisexual because I love the breast (who doesn't) and penis. Can you give me some advice?

YEAH IM very confused as well.... you are a str8 woman attracted to F2M trans MEN? That makes sense to me... for as a str8 woman your attracted to MASCULINITY ETC... but if your saying you like the Breasts and Penis does that mean your attracted to M2F Trans.....? WOMEN?

I dont know ... I have been hit on by MANY Lesbians... but never a STR8 Woman???

I know that your MIND KNOWS The sex.. Male / penis etc... but your eye see's the lady.. .and feminine characteristics... so maybe you are a lesbian?

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What's the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning?

OK.... Do I have to get up right now.... or can I lay here for a bit?

I then look at my phone to see who texted / called while it was silent... and then I think of all the things I have to do today.. etc

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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Hi Misty. I was searching for wigs the other day and noticed there are so many kinds...full cap, half cap, 3/4, falls. Are there rules for wearing wigs or can you do whatever? For example could you use two 3/4 wigs and stack them on each other?

In EVERYTHING Drag Related.... you use whatever your mind can CONCEIVE or BELIEVE and make it a reality......

Use Lipstick as a blush... use a dryer vent as a bra, etc.. and YES... that also means wear any kind of wig any kind of way... Sideways / backwards etc... They may suggest that you wear it as a fall but if it makes GOOD BANGS then whats stopping you ... :) Its up to you to TURN IT OUT :)


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people were saying that rupaul is racist against the Caucasian queens because he's picked African american queens over the white queens two years in a row. i think its ridiculous

I do not agree..... Yeah two blacks Won in a row... SO WHAT...
I did Like NINA for the win in the first season.. but BEBE Turned it on the Absolute Challenge / Pageant... and I liked Raven for the WIN Season TWO... but TYRA turned each and every Runway challenge.... not to mention they saw a LOT of things we didnt.... BUT NO I do not think Rupaul is Racist... if she was why would she even have white girls on her show LOL I think that people are just trying to stir drama....

AND BTW MY WIN FOR THIS YEAR is RAJA. I do believe she is going to win this year :) and I have thought that since episode one.... and she is dark??? BUT NOT BLACK... and NO If she does WIN I do not think rupaul is picking her because she's dark LOL

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Dear Misty, I am a new queen and my partner is not supportive. He doesn't like it and almost left me once because I wanted to try it. It hurts that he isn't supportive what should I do because this is something I want to try. _Benita Bloom_

I can only say... FOLLOW YOUR HEART..... and the desires and dreams in your heart.....

I dont know about your relationship... but I will say that you will find a MAN to love and respect you....

but the FUNNY THING IS.... if your dating an accountant... it doesnt mean you have to start crunching numbers... and doign math.. and the same for him....

SURE... he may want to take you to the company party... but you are not expected to go to his office etc....

SO I think that the same goes for him... just because he is dating a drag queen doesnt mean he needs to live in the gay bars.... and once he realizes this he may be ok...

(BUT what will affect him no matter what is that people LOVE to talk about people in the public eye.. and that would include him and you....)

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If you could eat at any restaurant in the world tonight, which one would you choose?

Taco Cabanna..... We dont have one in South Florida... but I used to LOVE IT when I lived in Tulsa Oklahoma... and I MISS IT

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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Misty, I'm lost, I feel like in the world of gay (the gay community rather) there are all these insane, colorful, flamboyant people and I'm just plain me. I don't know what to do anymore, should i try to change myself? what do you think? Please help. XOXO

Im not sure what I said here in my VLOG reply... but I will say that the hardest part of becoming an adult is becoming comfortable in our own skin... (WHATEVER size / shape or color that skin may be)


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Hey Misty! What do you think of Lady Gaga's new single 'Born This Way'? In terms of the actual song(beat, melody, etc) & on terms of it's lyrics & message.

I LIKE IT... I like the message and I like her...

I dont think over all its anything NEW Or OUTRAGEOUS but I STILL LOVE IT :)

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hey misty how do you tease a wig if they are two wigs stuck togehter? like saftey pinned? x

WELL the TOP wig you can either TEASE it alone or after its pinned... but the BOTTOM WIG I would tease it after its together to blend them into each other :)

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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Dear Misty, I am constantly told by the T-Girls that I should stop doing club kid drag and do regular drag. Why do they all want me to look like a regular girl?

As Gay Men and Women we have LEARNED how NOT TO Conform, which makes a LOT OF PEOPLE uncomfortable.... (especially organized religion) BUT its ok to be UNIQUE and not just like those around you..... SO here is my VLOG response :)


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what do you think of accusations against rupaul for his alleged racism on his show?

Im sorry... I dont know of this alleged racism? Who or what is she Racist against?

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whats your thoughts on the girls of drag race this season using breast plates so often? i dislike it so much! i tweeted and fb'd about it - i find it like an easy illusion - now and then its cool - but its almost lazy illusion. agree or disagree?

I agree in that - There is a Time and Place for EVERYTHING.... and If you OVER DO IT... or RELY to HEAVILY ON IT... then instead of an advantage it becomes your crutch.....

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What's the first thing that you usually notice about someone you meet?

I Notice Teeth / Smile......

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Monday, February 14, 2011

Tonight I experienced my first gay on gay bullying, it hurt my feelings a lot, have you experienced it? The gay guys made fun of my voice.

Unfortunately... that is the WORST thing about our community..... We strive for UNITY and acceptance from the world, and yet we segregate within ourselves :(


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Misty, is there anyway a girl could ever work around drag queens?Is there an area in that industry that they could be involved in??

If I am to understand the question as you are someone that wants to see or be around drags? I think first is to be a Bartender, door guy, barback etc for the bars that have shows... or do hair and sell wigs, or work for the stores that sell makeup to the girls.... Im not sure what else? unless your a costume designer?

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I saw the fabscout site you listed n your previous question. I noticed certain gay sites based A LOT in FTL or Miami. Would it be fair to say FL is the gay porn capital of the world?

There are Studios here in FL yes... but I wouldnt call Florida the Capital... for US Porn I would say CALI is the Capital and for WORLDWIDE porn I think Prauge is

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How to Color your Jewelry

Here is a Quick Misty Minute to all the Girls out there that Need Costume Jewelry to Match specific Costumes. :)


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i'm getting married in 2 weeks!im scared,why?cuz we are both virgins!obviously we both know everythin about sex and i went to the dr. and he gave me pills its just that im aftaid that the first time for me would be painful(being a girl)i'm 20 he is 28 XXX

WELL I dont know anything about the Vagina... BUT I have heard that first time is NOT Very comfortable... just as with Gay Sex... it takes some skill before it become enjoyable and fun :)

I merely suggest that you Inebriate and Lubricate and Take your Time get to know each other.. and enjoy yourself... dont rush into it...

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I know you did an Ask Misty on Youtube about Gay Boys wanting Drag Queen Makeover's. What about Straight boys? Do they ever ask?

OF COURSE... and Str8 Women, and Gay Women... Its natural for People to wonder what its like to painted up as drag queen. :)

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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Hello I love your youtube channel. I would like to know, where can I get some good, inexpensive drag outfits?

Here is TWO ASK MISTY's IN ONE......
I have been asked by more people than I can say asking where to buy Cheap or GOOD hair.... here is my VLOG RESPONSE


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If ur performin. And ur tuck comes undone what's a good way to play it off?

Depends on how OBVIOUS it is to everyone Else?

IF ITS OBVIOUS.... LAUGH IT OFF... and KEEP Performing with your hand over your crotch....

IF YOU FEEL IT .. but nobody knows... act like it never happend adn keep goin but keep your legs closed if possible ( AND OR do a turn if you can and try to quickly tuck it back but if your not able to do that... just smile and keep going what is Obvious to you is not obviious to everyone) Sunday Night I had pigtails.. and I thought my right pony was falling off.. and I kept lookin in the mirror while performing... and I even asked someone while performing.... IS MY RIGHT PONY FALLILN OFF? he said NO.. and I should have trusted him... I stopped flippin my hair.. and when I got in the dressing room.. MY Pony was Goin NO WHERE.. it felt loose but was NOT CUMMIN OFF no matter how hard I pulled etc....

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Misty, I got a pair of really cute shoes and when i wear tights with them i slip and slid in them. Do you know of any way to prevent the slip and slid?

I shave so I dont have that Problem... but when Dressing a girl for a pageant and you MUST WEAR HOSE.... I glue her foot to the shoe with Nail Glue or Super Glue.....

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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Please help and try not to judge. I cheated on my BF and I feel so guilty. I mean I didn't do it maliciously, it just happened. I know I fucked up but i know i gotta tell my boyfriend and I feel I need to clear my conscience. how to break the news?

Im here to help if I can, offer insight you might not have thought about... and NO GUILT, NO SHAME, and AND NO JUDGMENT..... Now lets address the situation at hand ...


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how do fide a good boyfirend?

If I know ... I would have found him a LONG TIME AGO :(

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Misty, is there such a thing as a straight Drag Queen? meaning a man who is straight but who is a female impersonator/ gender illusionist and performs as a woman?

Yes there is a such thing... I only know one personally.... but he is a STR8 man and a Highschool teacher and football coach.... AND I know a pre op trannie who is a Lesbian..... doing drag or dressing up as a woman doesnt make you gay... just as much as wearing an expensive sweater doesnt make you rich

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im 100%lesbian but you baby looking at your pic turned me on lol


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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Do you think that Drag Queens help or hurt the gay rights movement?

I do not believe there would be a Gay Community, or even gay rights without Drag Queens....


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i'm gagging! what do you think about Mimi Imfirsts elimination from RuPaul... and her "contact sport" lipsync? LOL

As I mentioned in my VLOG about the show I think she is GREAT TV.. .and SHE IS SUPER DETERMINED and IM SO GLAD she made it to the show.... but I also FELT that she had a LOT OF BARK but no bite or PUNCH to back it up.....

AS for her CONTACT SPORT.... I think that was just an act of DESPERATION.... and a last attempt to "SHOW OUT" for the judges.... and it back fired

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NIGGAS I kant say diz enough, respekt our females! 2k emotional, physical, o even degrade dem. Member females raised u so without dem, der wouldnt be us. Imagine if a guy treated ur ma, sis, kuzin & wahev like shit. Im sure u wouldnt like dat so treat dem

Was this Directed to me??? I dont understand?

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who is your favorite writer?

Mary Higgins Clark - was my ORIGINAL and STILL FAVE.... BUT I have GROWN TO LOOOOOOVE Stephen King especially after he started to get so psychological... and into the human mind and how / why people act the way we do.... (The Green Mile) etc......

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Hay misty, do you ever seem to have a problem with falling for str8 guys? Cause that seems to be my biggest problem lol it sucks too...

YEAH.... this is an ISSUE that has PLAGUED the gay community for YEARS and will continue to do so ... Im not sure that there is actually a solution?

TO TORTURE yourself or NOT TO TORTURE YOURSELF.... that is the question....

I guess tell yourself that you need to keep him as a friend for if you end up seducing him he may hate you and or resent you....


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Why is it that some Drag Queens ALWAYS think that they have to compete against someone? Is it because of jealousy?

I wold say YES -
I have said MANY TIMES... I feel there are two types of queens.... ONE Wants to ENTERTAIN... and the OTHER wants to be the star no matter what they must be worshiped and therefore they are threatened by everyone else in the room.... ESP THE GIRLS....

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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Hi Misty, What does the term "booger" mean, Ive heard you say it, and on RDR alot, now the queens in my circle are using it. Im kinda shy about asking things that seem like they have an obvious answer, asking you so the queens here dont think im lame :(

ugly... busted....a brick....... horrible..... like from inside your nose - booger

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Dear Misty, im 16 and im gay. My friends joke around with me and say gay people are stupid, retarded...etc. I take this all to heart and i want to tell them i am gay but i dont know if the outcome will be positive or negative, please help? :( thanks

YEAH.... being made fun of for any reason is BAD... and HARD... and WHEN you are witness to SOMEONE being made fun of for something you are ALSO HURTS.... BUT I don't like people acting a mess anyway.... One time I was with someone making fun of Black people, and it pissed me off and I was like "OMG MY MOM IS BLACK" they got very apologetic etc.. and later I was like OK she's not but what you said was wrong.... and you don't know who was around us that is mixed and that is also wrong...... When I was younger... My uncle made fun of GAYS (queer as two dollar bills) and I knew or thought that he hated me... not even knowing I was gay.. but he hated gay people..... so therefore... he hated me....


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Monday, February 7, 2011

I've been watching the new season of Drag Race and noticed that it seems when the queens want to insult each other they call each other "tranny" or "transexual". Or if it's suggested then the queen takes horrible offence to it. Why?

I think its like BITCH.... its a word that EVERYONE USES... GOOD and BAD but my experience is that when i call a DIVA Hey Trannie... its a COMPLIMENT....

HOWEVER what you noticed is when they girls got affended on the show is because.... 2 reasons.... 1 They are probably offended that you assume they are not naturally beautiful and that th ey had work done.... and 2nd... RDR is a show about BOYS doing drag and I think 2 girls are trannies or mostly FULL TIME and trying to HIDE IT.. and dont want to be thought of in that way for they are trying to be BUTCH ETC....

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Dear Misty, I'm a junior at Syracuse University. I thought I had friends until I found out they were talking about me behind my back. Should I confront them? I want new friends, but sororities don't accept juniors. I feel so lonely sometimes. Luv, Ambe

GIRL.... People are going to talk about you NO MATTER WHAT.... that is unless your invisible.... and by that I mean that NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOU...AND BY THAT... I mean if they are talking about you - you are doing something rite... for they are JEALOUS or BITTER ETC..... and for whatever reason they are threatened by you and want to put you down... but I agree.... you want friends that love you and support you....

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Dear Misty, I met a drag queen and I know they sometimes go out en femme. But, how do you ask a drag queen out on a Date, but ask them to go out w/you while in drag?

If you want a girl to be in drag while on your date.. the answer is SIMPLE and OBVIOUS.... check it out....


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What's your day job?

I am a personal assistant at

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Friday, February 4, 2011

How do i get myself tested for STI's? PS i live in Australia!

Assuming that an STI is your translation of a STD here - Sexually Transmitted Disease. I would just google FREE STD TESTS etc.... There are TONS in every city.... one of the clinic's here in FTL does a FREE FULL PANEL on men's night...

but I googled STD / Austrailia and this is what i found :)

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I'm in a realtionship with my BF & we broke up.When we broke up he tried to kill himself(failed attempt) we go back together and we tried to give it another shot, but im not happy and im afraid to break up with him for fear he really will kill himself

WOW.... you do appear to be in a tough predicament. However the reality is you need to follow your heart, and worry more about your happiness instead of worrying about his misery. Watch as I delicately dance around this topic.....


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Hey Misty! I just wanted to know if you auditioned for Rupauls Drag Race season 3? caue i think you should have been on the show! If they have a season 4 pleassssssse audition :)

yes babe... They even showed some of my audition in episode one the casting.... and yes I do plan to audition again :) THANK YOU XOXOXOX

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I'm not misogynistic and try very hard to be positive in my performances, but I tend to feel uncomfortable (or sense tension) when performing in female spaces. Do you think female impersonation is inherently sexist?

NO... not at all.... at least not for me.... I love performing for women.... Str8 woman are in AWE... and usually Lesbians are in lust......... I have not felt that way at all.....

The only thing I can think of is maybe the material you are performing is not audience appropriate and you loose them.....

Im sorry ... but I really dont know how to answer this.... for I cannot relate?

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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

HELP! i can't dance! and I feel Im stuck when Im up on stage, what can I do?

I think this is a COMMON Problem with new drag queens... we often look up to the girls that tear up the stage... but there are just as many FIERCE queens that cannot dance. Here is my VLOG reply :)


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My boyfriend always says whats wrong with you just being you? I going out in drag but he hates it. He did it i don't understand why i can't?

whats good for the goose is good for the gander right?

maybe he is jealous? or embarrassed?

I dont know you so either is possible.... IF he quit drag because he never became successful then he could be jealous... but if you are just starting out he could also be embarrassed... WE ALL GO THROUGH the UGLY DUCKLING FAZE... and the problem is we dont realize it until we have outgrown it LOL

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dear misty how do you deal with shade im an ameture drag queen who wants to become professional but am put off and unerved by the shade factor with other queens who are out on the scene i know they are protecting their jobs ect how do you deal with it?

There are two ways I can think of for you to deal with it...... 1st.... and the MOST OBVIOUS CHOICE is to IMPROVE... GET BETTER and PROVE THEM WRONG.......
2nd.... Realize something I said in another VLOG.... ONLY THE WORDS of people we care about HURT..... at school when the popular girl makes fun of you it hurts... but when the homeless guy on the street calls you a name because you didnt give him a dollar you laugh it off.... because you do not care....

Which naturally BEING YOU CARE what these rude people think... you need to IMPROVE and become the best you that you can be :)

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i have a question about hip pads when in drag i wear anywhere from a 20-24 depending on the costume so i made sum hip pads and made sure that i was measured for then right to me they just make me look fatter than i am do you think queens should wear hip

I can definitely RELATE... I used to HATE wearing HIP PADS... but they are VITAL to the FEMALE BODY.... and everyone likes a BIG ASS :) XOXOXO


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Hi Misty! I have oily skin and tend to sweat a lot, which is a bad combination for a stage performer. What do you recommend for a good full coverage foundation and a powder? I've tried MAC and Ben Nye, but they don't give me the full coverage I want.

I have already answered a question VERY SIMULAR to this....
Here is a LINK to a previous SWEAT Video

THE BEST ANTI SWEAT TREATMENT is for you to get BOTOX ... it will stop your sweat 100% (granted you will still sweat out of your hair and neck etc... but not from your forhead or above your eyez) I have also heard of spraying FDS on your face or any anti perspiration under your foundation to keep the sweat ... but I dont know of any Foundation for sweat I just guess a HEAVY Foundation and powder that will last almost as if its water proof... so I would suggest DERMABLEND :) xoxox


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