As I have often said... in drag there are NO RULES!!!!
Its stage... its entertainment... its theatre... you can do whatever you want as long as the result or .. the finished product is what you desire.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Hi Misty! I turn 18 soon and I'll be starting to pursue my drag career! I wanted to ask if it was okay to use a Half Wig in front even tho it has that thick hairline!! I don't want people talking or saying my wigs look too wiggy! :( Question Worded Better
Friday, March 23, 2012
how many queens from RPDR have you met?
ummmm....Well I have met in person.... Rebecca Glasscock, Jade, BeBe, PorkChop, Nina, Ongina, Shannel, Jessica Wild, JuJuBee, Pandora Box, Mystique, Sahara Davenport, Morgan McMichaels, Yara Sofia, Alexis Mateo, India Ferrah, Manila Luzon, MiMi Imfurst, Dida Ritz, Jiggly Caliente, Latrice royale, Lashawn Beyond, and Alissa Summers ...
Hiya Misty! I would like to buy the entire set of your greeting cards but can't find them. Is there a site on internet that sells them? Thanks a million! Antonio
well I know they are stil out there.. :)
BUT with the INTERNET and text messaging not so many people send cards anymore ...
but the OWNER / CREATOR of CAMP101 Cards is
Misty- You seem to have tons of clothes, mountains of outfits, haystacks of wigs, oodles of jewelry, boxcars of shoes and truckloads of makeup! How do you manage all of this paraphernalia and how often do you wear the same outfit? Even the Queen recycles!
Some outfits I only wear a few times a year... Like Christmas... or Mardi Gras etc...
BUT I try not to repeat the same songs in a show for six months .. and most clothes go with the song.. etc... but YES I definitely repeat :)
do u own your own apartment or do u rent? If you rent do u ever want to buy your own place someday? and would you buy a house or are u an apartment kinda gal?
I RENT... but I would love to own my own place one day.. and I would love to own HIGH RIZE CONDO....
I recently found two girls i use to hang out with in high school.thing is my cousin told them off couple years ago and they though it was me. we havent talked for two years after that summer.should i be the bigger person and apologize or what should i do?
if so YES be the bigger person and apologize... and put it in their hands... if they want to forgive you/her they will......
my boyfriend and i both do drag.we recently got into a fight and broke it off.i bumped into him at an audition,i passed my audition and the manager liked me.and i know that he's already gossiped about me to the other queens.what do i do?
DO NOT stoop to his level... and prove your not whatever he says you are...
BUT BE CAREFUL if you start talking shit about him... your going to basically be proving all that he says about you ...
dear misty do you find it hard to have a biyfriend in drag
Men are scared of powerful women...
Dear Misty, I was woundering i just started practicing drag a year ago when a friend show'd me you videos. its help me in drag and home. i was wondering what it takes to be your drag daughter because i would love it if i was one of them. ^^ Yuki
WELL I have heard LOTS of people call me their DRAG MOTHER via the internet... but for me to really be a NURTURING Drag mother you must live in FTL
What is your stance on straight men in drag and is there room for them in competition?
OF COURSE.... Drag like Football should not know any sexual preference if a Gay is Brave enough to play football .. I dont see any harm in a STR8 man being Brave enough to do drag
Make up application: I've Seen videos where ppl apply Concealor after their foundation then their highlight; does it matter in which way you layer these products? Should one go before the other?
ummmm I personally would probably use the highlight last because if you put the concealer on the highlight it will change the color etc.. and it will be obvious.... the powder will blend the areas together nicely :)
Dear Miss I'z ::: Do you like playing strip poker? Are you any good at it or are you the one whose always sitting there naked as a jay bird?
LOL.... I dont know how to play poker... so I wouldnt agree to play a NAKED game for I would be the one NUDE
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Misty my son a newbie, and has a full on team. What advice do you have for him and us to help him perfect his craft.
well PRACTICE is the BEST THING I can suggest... drag is something that you cannot do or improve on by thinking about it.. you actually have to do it :)
but why does he have a team? is he not able to do things himself
How do you blend the foundation, highlighter, translucent powder and contouring palette that is used with the sponge applicator from the Ben Nye kit?
the sponge is only used for foundation... the powder is blended with brushes
I'm a 24 yrs old black male and I dress up from time to time and I love it I feel like this is what I wanna do for the rest of my life is live life as a tgirl and I wanna know do u think it is a good idea to wait until I'm 27-28 to start hrt
They younger you are when you start to take your hormones the better your body will react to them.
Dear misty frist of all I adore u like no lie .HElp I have feeling for my ex-Bestfriend that is str8 I'm Bi and had always had a crush on him But we don't talk no more cuss I decided not to talk to him cuss he tends always to keep a distance when he gets
WELL.... this is a BLURRY LINE... if he is REALLY STRAIGHT... it will never work and it will never happen... and if you do push the line and it does happen... and he freaks out he will probably never be friends with you again. be careful
Hey Misty! :D In a previous video you as well as many other drag queens erase/hide your eyebrows using elmer's glue or spirit gum, can the same technique be used and applied to a person's mustache If they don't want to shave, or is shaving a must? Thanks
hmmmmm? in theory... but will you be lip syncing? if so your mouth will be moving a LOT right? and therefore the GLUE might CRACK and expose your hair...
Dear Misty, I am having trouble with my family. they want me to follow in my mothers footsteps, and dont recognize the dream and passion i have for singing. should i give up my dream for something my family wants me to do?
I would never suggest you giving up a DREAM ... unless your dream is to sing and your HORRIBLE AT IT...
IF YOUR GOOD... keep it up.. :)
but the cool thing about singing is you can be a DENTIST and A SINGER ... meaning whatever your mother is you can probably still do it while pursuing the singing until you "MAKE IT BIG"
Me(29)and my partner(27) have been together for over 3.5 years we live together. He is not out to his family at all and i have never met his family My question is do you think I should push the issue or just let him deal with it in his own time? Thanks:-)
ummm 3.5 is a long time...and I can only assume after that long your life partners and serous about your relationship. But your still young ish...but what is he waiting for to come out... Till he Graduates college? and how far does his family live ... if they are close? and he is hiding you.. then... ? I dont know? but if they live FAR AWAY... that could be a BIG reason you havent met them yet. I know I would only introduce my BF to my family if I KNEW THAT I KNEW he was the one!! LIKE FOREVER
Hey gurl I was reading on a drag queen forum about a girl who got her ribs cracked...what is this done for? Also she mentioned she had done her breasts another time to... Do boys go out as a boy with boobs or do they flatten them somehow?
GIRL.. this is too big to address here... BUT you should live as a woman for a FULL YEAR before you go get your breasts done because once you do them you cant really live as a man anymore...
and I would NEVER Suggest this .. but I have heard of girls removing or breaking ribs to make thier chest area/waist smaller... and to be more feminine
Do you always use powder contouring and highlighting or have you tried the creme kind.?
I have contured with foundation / cream.... but I prefer powder
What should i be for Halloween?!?!?!? wanna make a costume
ummmm.....??? I think the best costumes are recreations of POP CULTURE.. .so what movie did you LOVE this year.. or show... etc......
WELL.... are you using Panstick foundation... if that doesnt work try DERMA BLEND.... and if that doesnt work.. I have heard of people putting Lipstick on their beard before foundation.. for the RED cancels out the dark hair shining through
dear misty i am coin my second performance and finally chose a name thanks for helping but how do i do a killer performance i mean i invited all my friends and family and i want to get noticed for my talent how do i do that? ps my name is Trinity Phair :D
WELL... first you must have TALENT..... :) BUT i guess get your shit together... GOOD HAIR... GOOD MAKEUP.... and KNOW YOUR WORDS.... if you know your words that will help your performance a GREAT DEAL... calm your nerves etc
dear MISTY why do YOU someTIMES type with CERTAIN words CAPITALIZED? I never quite underSTOOD why...
LOL... it annoys me too LOL ... I think it comes from my OLD SCHOOL days when I was in the 90's chatting.. and using the Shift key for :) etc.. and I just got in the habit of holding it down for MAJOR words :) or words that if i were talking I would emphasis XOXO
you can cover it with Fabric to match the Costume before you stone it .. or you can Spray Paint it before you stone it :)
ok misty, rewind. my friend has an ex boyfriend that beats him whenever he has any contact with him. howeer, my friend still loves him. my friend's ex boyfriend is addicted to drugs and alchohol and wants to be a transexual, depressed and bipolar, help.
GIRL you friend needs REAL HELP .. from a Therapist... if his BF beats him and he still loves him and goes back... he has issues that cannot be help via a VLOG through a friend...
Abused wives syndrome is SERIOUS and affects many people... I guess the only thing you can do is let him know that he DESERVES REAL LOVE and RESPECT
Hi Misty! I am a fairly new queen in my area. I am trans and I am having a difficult time finding a place for myself because a lot of people know and don't want a 'tranny' performing in their shows. How do I convince them that I'm not a dangerous animal?
WELL... Many people base their decisions on Past experiences... and SOME trannies are dangerous... maybe the girl before you STOLE... or was a hormonal WRECK causing fights every five seconds...slept with peoples boyfriends etc..
THE ONLY THING YOU CAN DO is PROVE by example that you are DIFFERENT...
and the only way someone will know your TRANS in the show is if you rely on that... what Im saying is PAINT like a DRAG and do your hair like a DRAG...
If you look like a REAL WOMAN shopping at walmart I wouldn't want you in my show either
I'm new into drag, and I want to perform and be on cast. But I am petrified of actually getting in front of everyone. I also don't have many outfits or wigs. Should I go ahead and get my foot into the door?
IF you do not have many outfits / costumes you DO NOT WANT TO BE ON CAST...
Build up your wardrobe first... UNLESS you can afford to buy Two new outfits every week.... (assuming your show asks for two numbers -- if they ask for 3 you'll need 3 new outfits a week) and that gets expensive... so start building up now..
Hey, Misty! What advice would you give a guy who's going to do his first drag show tomorrow? The LGBTQ group that I'm in is having a drag show. And, a bunch of my guy friends are going to be in it. :) Thank you!
GO and have a good time :) :) the more nervous you act the more you'll get picked on .. so just chill .. and Enjoy yourself
I am new to drag but know the importance of using quality product so use Kryolan and Ben Nye. However I tend to get hot and sweat which causes my makeup to start separating and wear off quickly. Do you have any advice on how to prevent that? Thanks xo
THE REAL thing that I have found that works is BOTOX... anywhere you sweat... get it and it will stop....
I also heard ANTIPERSPIRANT/Deodorant .. but here is my VLOG for the rest
What is your opinion about faux queens? I would really like to do drag but I am a girl. I already know how to pretty much do everything. (i.e. makeup, body, wigs, shoes, all the little tricks). I am just worried about rejection and beef from other queens.
LOVE THEM... as long as they BLUR the lines of gender... and confuse the audience so they dont know for sure ... if they or arent they ....
Do you have any advice for queens learning how to move on stage, be aware of their body and its angles and develop signature moves and flourishes? What are some things people can try doing with their hands when just getting started?
Practice... Practice.... Practice....
your signature move will not be something you DECIDE to do .. its just something that you end up doing... and usually you wont realize it.. until people are like I LOVE HOW YOU ALWAYS DO.... whatever....
as for IDEAS... watch LOTS OF SHOWS... What do they do... Pay attention to what you LIKE and WHAT YOU DONT LIKE.... remember both when your on stage :)
Hey Misty , how do you make a mixtape? what application can you use to make one?
OH GOSH... You can use anything... I have used Garage band on my Laptop... but I havent really learned how to use it LOL
I have also used something I cannot remember the name... but MY FAVORITE is ACID PRO.. I went to BEST BUY and SPENT 45 minutes READING the boxes of all the ones that they have.. and then before I made my final decision... told the person there what I was looking for and asked their thoughts.. and I dont remember why I picked ACID pro but I LOVE IT :)
hi misty im new to the drag lifestyle how do you find a drag mother ?
not sure which one I answer this in...
but there are TWO WAYS.... you can ask her.. or she can ask you :)
Dear Misty, because of a rare skin desease I can't show any cleavage or chest while doing drag. I can sew my costumes myself so it's not hard for me to get costumes that cover these parts. But do you think that it is a big problem for shows? Please answer
NO NOT AT ALL... you do not have to show your cleavage all the time... but have you thought about Its like a Necklace that comes down your chest and your costumes can peek a boo the cleavage :)
How do I stretch a 11 closed toe heel, into a 13? Lol where do I go to get size 13 heel! That are fiere
OH GOD... Im not sure you might rip it apart if you try to stretch it that much....
AND Payless carries up to a Size 13 heel.. but my NEW FAVORITE WEBSITE for shoes is and they cary larger sizes as well :)
Hey Misty, Im straight but so in love with the LGBT community. I have no gay friends or friends who are queens. You guys seem to be having all the fun and I want in on it!!! What should i do?
Go to a gay bar and start hanging out with the girls...
Drag is a STARVING ARTIST JOB... the most under appreciated and under paid job in the club industry.... (Many girls dont have cars so maybe offering rides would be a great way to make new friends... but just being there hanging is a good start)
Misty, I watched your video on advise for new queens, THANKS! One thing that is never talkd about it how to get started, like do you usually start performign for free during like an "Ameture Night" or what? Probably a dumb question but Than You SO much!
I worked for free for 5 years before I got paid to perform....
you have to prove yourself.....
Misty, I watched your video for new queens. THANKS! Onc question I never hear anyone talk about it getting started/getting a job. Like should I just go into a club super early one night in drag and ask to speak with the manager or what? Thank You!
as I said in my new girl VLOG nobody will hire you if they dont know you... so you have to make yourself known... SHOW UP and SHOW your FACE.. SHOW YOUR HAIR etc... come support the at the benifits etc... and if you got your shit together.. Im sure they will give you a chance... but usually its to work for tips only at first.
I watched your videos and tried to work on my wigs. and i have a problem, I rat the wigs to get height and then when I pull up all extra hair and i either 1) cant hide the ratting it looks amess 2) cant smooth out the wig around it? how can i fix this?
2 ways... First rat from behind... not the front... and second.... use a FRIZZY BRUSH... or a BRISTLE brush to comb it out in the front and it should smooth it all out :)
I'm a boy, 18, and I'm androgynous, i have long hair, a curvy body, and i've been told, a very pretty, girly face. I want to do drag, but everyone tells me i'd just be "thrown out" as a transsexual. Can I still BE a queen if I just turn up the volume?
HELL YES.... Some of the MOST FAMOUS Drag queens are TS.... and YEAH they TURN UP THE VOLUME... Paint for the stage etc...
ESPECIALLY if your in a GAY BAR... the gays can be SUPER judgmental and if you look like a REAL GIRL shopping at walmart with walmart makeup etc... they wont tip you....